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Help Desk A walk through the world of Help Desk. Realizing you need help When you realize you need help with your computer, phone, or printer, and your.

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Presentation on theme: "Help Desk A walk through the world of Help Desk. Realizing you need help When you realize you need help with your computer, phone, or printer, and your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Help Desk A walk through the world of Help Desk

2 Realizing you need help When you realize you need help with your computer, phone, or printer, and your supervisor can not help, please go to

3 Something very similar to this will appear: Choose: I am a Faculty or Staff member seeking Helpdesk Services

4 Now you have several options for contacting Helpdesk. The preferred method is submitting a ticket. The rest of this PowerPoint will walk you through this step. Choose: Submit a Helpdesk ticket online.

5 Something very similar to this will appear:

6 Lets look at the knowledge base first. In the upper left hand corner you will find a blue link named Knowledgebase. Click on that word.

7 There you will find several categories of articles. These articles may have the answer you are looking for. Browse through to see if what you are looking for is there. You can also use the search box to search for your issue. Just type in a few keywords like wireless network or eSafe.

8 The Troubleshooter You can also use the troubleshooter to guide you through some common problems. *Currently eSafe is the only Troubleshooter that is completed. However, more will be added! Check back often!

9 If no help is found using the Knowledge base or the Troubleshooter, then you will need to submit a helpdesk ticket.

10 Submitting a ticket is easy! First you must log in. Use your ACM username and password. If you have problems with this please call HELP or ext. 4357 from campus. Or 301-784-4357 from anywhere.

11 Once logged in you will see a page similar to this: Your name here You will see your name here You will also see some new categories to choose from.

12 Submitting a ticket Choose, Submit a Ticket, and you will be brought to a screen similar to this one: Your name here

13 Lets step through the departments one by one

14 General/Other –choose this department if you are unsure of what category the problem falls under.

15 (IT) Computer Labs – choose this department if you are having an issue in any of our computer labs. These are classrooms that have several computers for student use in them. We have several labs on the Cumberland campus, they are located in every building except the physical plant, the gym and the college center. Bedford and Somerset campuses have labs in every building.

16 (IT) ERP –choose this department for problems related to the ERP Portal, Colleague (Finance, Student, Advancement, HR/Payroll), WebAdvisor, Reporting (crystal reports, colleague ODS and data-marts), ERP application development, ERP security, and document management. This queue also handles all legacy system problems and development solutions.

17 (IT) Hardware Requests –choose this department for all* of your hardware needs. This includes mice, monitors, computers, printers, phones; anything that is not software. *except for the Computer Labs hardware, use the Computer Labs department choice.

18 (IT) Software Requests –choose this department for any of your software needs. This includes any requests for new software or licensing questions.

19 (IT) Website –choose this department if you have a question about our college homepage ( You can also make requests to place content, get assistance if you are experiencing web/server errors, or make adjustments to your existing page(s)

20 (ITMMS) Blackboard –choose this department if you need assistance with blackboard.

21 (ITMMS) Classroom Technology –choose this department for help with projectors, document cameras, clickers, SMART podiums/boards and the Distance Learning Labs.

22 (ITMMS) Photo/Video/Media Production –choose this department if you have any questions about or need help with producing media– photos, audio, or video.

23 Lets do a test ticket! Make sure you are logged into and choose Submit a Ticket. Lets use the General/Other department for our ticket. Choose General/Other and click on the next button at the bottom of the screen.

24 *Academic for Computer Lab issues. Administrative for Faculty/Staff issues Start filling in the information: Choose your Campus, in this case, Cumberland The priority is New Choose your building Enter your room number Enter your phone number Choose your Department Type* Enter your Department Name Enter a subject for this ticket Enter in as much detail as possible the reason for the ticket. Enter the name of the person having issues

25 Continued from previous page As you enter your Message Details Knowledgebase suggestions will appear below. If you see the solution to your problem, click on it. You can solve your own problem and log out without having to submit a ticket. However, if you don’t see your answer then choose the submit button on the bottom of the page. You can also attach a file or a screen shot by using the Upload File(s) box.

26 Once you choose submit, you will see a page similar to this: Take note of the ticket number, you will need this to communicate more effectively with Help Desk

27 In your Allegany College E-Mail you will receive a message similar to this one: If you have any more information to add, you can reply to this ticket and it will attach itself to the ticket in helpdesk/staff. You can always reply to this email or any emails from ACM Helpdesk. What ever you reply will be added to the helpdesk ticket that you created. Whoever is working on your ticket will be able to see your replies. *When replying to the email, please be patient, it sometimes takes the server a while to post to your ticket for the technician to see it.

28 For most faculty and staff this will end your technical journey through helpdesk. You will continue to communicate with a technician via phone, email (ACM Helpdesk replies) or a technician will come to your work area and resolve the problem. After resolving the problem the technician will resolve the ticket and you will receive a final email asking you to complete a survey.

29 Here is the email asking you to complete the survey. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. We do actually look at the results of the survey! To take the survey just click on the blue link in the email. (Do Not Reply to the E-mail). The link will take you to where you will need to sign in with your ACM username and password. Then follow the prompts on the screen to complete.

30 Before the ticket is resolved would you like to know where it goes? Continue on to find out!

31 What the technician sees The technician has their own site to log on to. Here they see the tickets as they come in. This is our practice ticket. The status is open The priority is New The subject is what you typed in the subject box The Ticket ID is the same ticket ID number you received Replies is the number of replies to the ticket. This one reply is my reply to the ACM Helpdesk Email. The Last Replier to this ticket. The Last Activity shows how long it has been since the ticket has been touched The Due column shows how long until the ticket is due This is who will be working on the ticket. This is the date the ticket was submitted

32 When the technician clicks on the subject (previous page) then the rest of the ticket shows up. This is what you typed in the Message Details box

33 Here is the ticket with the owner and priority set and the reply that I made to the email from ACM Helpdesk

34 This is the ticket resolved. In two hours an email will be received telling me (the author) the ticket has been resolved and asking me (the author) to take the survey.

35 The End This concludes our walk through help desk. I hope this presentation has been informative. If you have any questions please send me an email at or call HELP (ext. 4357)

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