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Metrics. Why is it necessary to use metric units?

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Presentation on theme: "Metrics. Why is it necessary to use metric units?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Metrics

2 Why is it necessary to use metric units?

3 1.How tall is a 6 foot man? a.1 league b.1 fathom c.1 rod d.1 furlong 2.How much milk is in a gallon jug? a.4 pints b.2 quarts c.5 pecks d.32 gills 3.How much does a quarter pounder weigh before cooking? a.1750 grains b.128 drams c.8 ounces d.1 hundredweight 4.How much does your average 2 1/2gram penny weigh? a. 1 pennyweight b.39 grains c.20 scruples d. 47 apothecaries' dram 5.At what temperature does water freeze? a. 0o Fahrenheit b. 492o Rankine c. 32o Centigrade d. 100o Kelvin

4 1.How tall is a 6 foot man? a.1 league *b.1 fathom c.1 rod d.1 furlong 15840 feet6 feet16.5 feet5282 feet 2.How much milk is in a gallon jug? a.4 pints b.2 quarts c.5 pecks *d.32 gills 1/4 gallon1/2 gallon2 gallons1 gallon 3.How much does a quarter pounder weigh before cooking? *a.1750 grains b.128 drams c.8 ounces d.1 hundredweight 1/4 lb1/2 lb1/2 lb100lbs 4.How much does your average 2 1/2gram penny weigh? a. 1 pennyweight *b.39 grains c.20 scruples d. 47 apothecaries' dram 12 grams2.5 grams15 grams1.5 grams 5.At what temperature does water freeze? a.0o Fahrenheit *b. 492o Rankine c. 32o Centigrade d.100o Kelvin -18oC 0o C 32o C173oC

5 Did you score 100% If you did not, don't feel badly. There were a lot of measurements in those questions that you might not be familiar with because they are different types of measurements that are used all over the world.

6 Sometimes, even the same measurement means different things, take for example the measurement "ton". 1 U.S. short ton = 2,000 pounds 1 U.S. long ton = 2,240 pounds 1 nautical ton = 100 cubic feet 1 freight ton = 40 cubic feet 1 metric ton = 1,000 kilograms or 2,205 pounds 1 displacement ton = 35 cubic feet.

7 I'm sure you can imagine how confusing it could be, for scientists all over the world to measure things if they had to convert them all the time from different measurement scales. So, in 1960 S.I. units (from the French Systeme Internationale, or the International System) was adopted by the General Conference on Weights and Measures -- the sixth such conference since 1840. The International System was a modern form of the metric system. This following is a basic summary of measurements under the metric system:

8 What’s being measured LengthMassVolumeTemper- ature UnitsMeter (m) Grams (g) Liter (l) Degrees Celsius ( o C) Instru- ment Meter stick Scale (balance) Graduated cylinder Thermo- meter

9 Due to ad-hesion, water sticks to things unlike it. So often, water will cling to the sides of a glass graduated cylinder. When reading a graduated cylinder, read at the bottom of the meniscus.

10 Determine the following volumes: 1. 2. 3. 4.

11 Convert the following temperatures: 0 o C = ___ o F 0 o F = ___ o C 32 o C = ___ o F98.6 o F = ___ o C 212 o C = ___ o F 212 o F = ___ o C -30 o C = ___ o F -12 o F = ___ o C

12 Metrics use base 10 GigaGiga MegaMega KiloHectaDeca1 Meter Liter Gram decicentimilli micromicro nanonano 1x 10 9 1x 10 6 1000 1X10 3 100 1X10 2 1011/10 0.1 1/100 0.01 1X10 -2 1/1000 0.001 1X10 -3 1x10-61x10-6 1x10-91x10-9 Scientific Notation (10 0 = 1) 100 = 1 X 10 2 1000000 = 1 X 10 6 1000000000 = 1 X 10 9 0.01 = 1 X 10 -2 0.000001 = 1 X 10 -6 0.000000001 = 1 X 10 -9

13 Practice converting the following : 1) 23.5 M = _____cm. = _____Gm 2) 134.56 mm. = _____ M = _____ nm 3) 98.43 L = ____ ml. = _____ um 4) 345.34 Km = ____ dm. = _____ Mm 5) 34 g. = ____ Kg. = _____ um 6) 123.43 cg. = _____Hg. = _____ ug 7) 32.5 L. = _____ml. = _____ Gl 8) 456.3 g. = _____ cg. = _____ Mg 9) 3908.3 Kl. = ____ ml. = _____ L 10) 0.0045 Dg. = ____ cg. = _____ dg

14 For More Practice… iles/Bio%20101/Bio%20101%20Laboratory/Metric%20Sy stem/Metric_System.htm iles/Bio%20101/Bio%20101%20Laboratory/Metric%20Sy stem/Metric_System.htm Science Lab Equipment: 0Equipment.htm 0Equipment.htm

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