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Global Tourism and Global Transformations: Politics, culture and place.

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1 Global Tourism and Global Transformations: Politics, culture and place

2 Globalization and Tourism The relationship between tourism and globalization is dialectical. Tourism both shapes, and is shaped by, globalization

3 What is globalization? ‘… spatio-temporal processes of change, which underpin a transformation in the organisation of human affairs by linking together and expanding human activity across regions and continents’ (Held, 1999: 15) or ‘… a process that links people and places, institutions and events around the world’ (Short, 2001: 10).

4 Tourism and globalization Tourism is shaped by globalization, but globalization is also influenced by Tourism, which is in many ways a driver of globalization. Change agent theory Economic, cultural, social, and political dimensions

5 globalization on Tourism Effect on infrastructure and service delivery networks Global transportation routes designed for tourist flows rather than business (no direct flight between Berlin and Washington) New kinds of spaces/destinations for consumption (Arctic and Antarctic, cave tourism, etc.) New kinds of infrastructure (city tour busses, diving service, resorts, etc.) Question: what kind of infrastructure is a RESORT? Effect on tourist expectations Cultural capital theory Socio-cultural effect Tourist and destination population increasingly culturally and economically more distanced or more similar Social polarisation

6 Role of tourism in globalization Global travel networks: Links people and places through transnational flows Flow of ideas Flow of money Flow of culture Art exhibits, opera events and sports competitions Is flow of culture a one-way street? Are we seeing a cultural homogenization? “heterogeneity of culture within a range of possibilities” (Wilk, 1995)

7 Role of tourism in globalization Produces global cities. Place wars: attraction of international institutions and spectacles, such as the World Cup, the Olympic games, Expo. Spatial restructuring: emergence of new districts (“fantasy city”) Includes population restructuring (New York, Shanghai) Produces new local service class that acts alike across the globe. Turns the globe into a playground for wealthy travellers. “Where to you want to go today?”

8 Economic globalization increased mobility of capital Footloose tourist organizations and events (conventions, festivals, and spectacles). Location not insulated: global competition where will the next dive site be developed? Where will be the next global city?

9 Behrman and Rondinelli (1992): ‘pressure on countries to develop specific cultural experiences in ways that attract Western tourists and that convince their own residents and entrepreneurs to remain and serve this travelling class. Economics of Global Tourism

10 Political effects of tourism Shift in urban governance from a manufacturing focus to a more service approach Concept of Global Tourism is taken up and used as a policy-generating idea in many countries. Tax dollars allocated for promoting the country. Private-public partnerships to support tourism industries. Tax concessions for travel operators. Urban development decisions, eg. Changes of local customs (New York, Paris) and even laws (Jamaica)

11 Tourism and linkages Linkages: overall shape of a global tourism network Four functional flows: economic, political, cultural and social Three forms the flows may take: ideas (information), money (material), and culture (humans)

12 Tourism as Change Agent The Caribbean and Gay Tourists Homosexuality currently illegal in some countries (e.g., Jamaica). The reality of contemporary tourism (and associated economic benefits) prompting Jamaica to rethink this laws. Good thing? Bad thing?

13 Tourism as Change Agent Rural tourism In The Seraj Valley Need for sustainable development in a fragile environment Revenues - ways to earn money from tourism: visa, concession fees, royalties, admission fees, local taxes, goods and services - accommodation, food, trekking, pony trekking, mountaineering, special interest tours, local guides tours, lodges and tea houses, handicrafts, bakery, cheese- making, entertainment, music, dances, festivals, events, guide books and information. Good thing? Bad thing?

14 Summary Flows are not equal both ways The local is changed by the global Populations Economic base Culture Global tourism is a change agent Not just far away!

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