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Jonas Clarke Middle School Parent Orientation May 1, 2013.

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1 Jonas Clarke Middle School Parent Orientation May 1, 2013

2 Welcome to Clarke  Clarke Middle School is a community of individuals committed to the academic, social and emotional growth of all students

3 Clarke Administrative Team Anna Monaco, Principal Assistant Principals, Jennifer Turner & Jonathan Wettstone

4 My Beliefs  Equity and achievement for ALL students is possible when we provide students WHAT they need WHEN they need it.  Creating an environment where every member of our school community feels physically, emotionally and socially safe is essential for academic improvement and healthy development.  In order to create an environment that fosters the continuous improvement for everyone, a foundation of trust must be established between students, parents, teachers and administrators.

5 Trust in Schools  Educational Leadership: Trust in Schools: A Core Resource for School Reform  Research shows that schools and communities that have little to no relational trust had very little success in making gains.

6 Relational Trust  We all depend on each other and such dependencies create a sense of mutual vulnerability for everyone involved.  Teachers with Students, teachers with other teachers, teachers with parents and all groups with the school principal.  When we show ourselves as vulnerable we increase trust.

7 My Role as Principal  Instructional Leader  Model and promote mutual respect  Genuinely solicit and actively listen to the concerns of all constituencies  Avoid arbitrary actions with proper process and transparency  Communicate my beliefs; facilitate the identification of shared beliefs and model behavior to advance this vision  Provide consistent and competent management of daily school operations

8 6 th Grade Guidance Counselor Ms. Ellen Vera

9 Three 6th Grade Teams  Projected 250 students  Atlantis  Quest  Voyager

10 The Team Structure On Team Classes  Math  Science  Ancient Civilizations  English Off Team Classes  Foreign Language  Physical Education  Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Music, Drama, Art, Technology Applications, Engineering & Design, Reading  Special Education  General Education Interventions

11 Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday MathReadingAncient Civilizations EnglishScience SpanishAncient Civilizations ScienceMathSpanish EnglishMath Spanish Intervention/En richment Ancient Civilizations Technology Applications Science Band Technology Applications Band PESpanishMathSpanish Reading Ancient Civilizations English ScienceEnglish SciencePEAncient Civilizations Math

12 Course Registration Process  Tomorrow your child will receive a letter outlining the variables used in team placement, a course selection sheet, a program of studies, and student information form  (Harrington – since your students are camping, they will receive this information on May 6 th )  Please return the completed course selection sheet and student information form between May 9 th and May 13 th and return to your child’s homeroom teacher

13 New This Year  6 th Grade Math Heterogeneously Grouped  Math Specialist

14 You will Choose…  Band, Chorus, Orchestra or leave it blank = Music and Drama  French, Mandarin, or Spanish



17 Additional Supports Identified through Child Study Process Math Intervention Reading Intervention Guided Study Learning Center


19 Extracurricular Opportunities  Sports  Soccer  Field Hockey  Cross Country  Basketball  Baseball  Softball  Outdoor Track  Intramurals

20 Extracurricular Opportunities  Drama Productions  Clubs  Art Club  Scratch  Yearbook  Green Team  Garden Club  Homework  Math Team  Clarkies

21 Foreign Language Travel  Students studying Spanish have the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica in their 8 th grade year  Students studying French have the opportunity to travel to Quebec in their 8 th grade year  We are in the process of establishing an exchange with a school outside of Shanghai, China for students who are studying Mandarin

22 Community Service Opportunities  Senior Center Visits  Leaf Raking  Food Pantry Collection  Trail/ Garden Clean ups  Decorating the Senior Center  Pennies for Peace  Smile Train  Chain Links Club

23 Rachel’s Challenge  Treat others the way you want to be treated.  Dream big and believe in yourself.  Appreciate everyone. Mock no one.  Practice the power of positive gossip.  Forgive and be forgiven.

24 Parent Communication  Our website:  Global Connect  Listserv – sign up online through JCSA  Teacher Web – team homework and announcements

25 Parent Communication  Parent Conferences  Monthly Newsletters  Through your child – encourage independence, communication and self-advocacy  Direct questions to your team leader or guidance counselor

26 JCSA  JCSA (Jonas Clarke School Association)  Clarke’s PTO  JCSA Presidents  Kara Brandes and Kathleen Lenihan  Amazing support for Clarke staff and students!

27 Technology at Clarke  No cell phone use in school  Laptops  ipads and ipods  Smart Technology  Blended Learning Opportunities  Online Resources  Open Classroom, Quia, Quizlet, etc.

28 Frequently Asked Questions  Before school and after school protocols?  Absence and tardy information?  Picking up a child during school hours?  See The Insider’s Guide to Clarke – on our website click the parent tab – samples of the 2012-2013 guide are available tonight


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