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Published byDiane Walker Modified over 9 years ago
Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development
Serbia and Montenegro in Europe
AP Vojvodina Province of The Republic of Serbia The Republic of Serbia, together with the Republic of Montenegro, is a constituent part of The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro The State Union institutions: President The Council of Ministers ( Foreign Affairs, Defence, Foreign Economic Relations, Internal Economic Relations, Human and Minority Rights ) The Assembly of Serbia and Montenegro The Court of Serbia and Montenegro
Vojvodina in Serbia and Montenegro
AP Vojvodina Area of 21,506 km 2 ( 24.34 % of the area of the Republic of Serbia) Population of 2,024,487 (Census of 2002) Favorable geo-political position (pan European main road E-10, international river Danube ) Belongs to middle European regions Multicultural, multinational, multiconfessional (27 nationalities) Most prosperous part of the Republic with great potential for developing many economic branches
AP Vojvodina Institutional status: –Autonomous province of Republic of Serbia Provincial Parliament Provincial Executive Council Local governments (districts, municipalities) Provincial Executive Council: –Highest executive agency with 16 secretariats Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development
Secretariat – legal scope –Structure of R&D sector –International cooperation in R&D –R&D potential and R&D technical infrastructure –Strategic R&D Programs –Technology transfer and cooperation with industry –System of R&D information
Secretariat - organization Provincial Secretary for Science and technology development Sections for Science Deputy Secretary for science(1) Associates (4): For science (2) For international and interregional cooperation (1) For scientific human resources (1) Technology Development Deputy Secretary for technology development (1) Counsellor to Secretary (1) Associates (3): For technological projects (2) For invitation programmes and research (1) Group for ICT support Head of the Group (one of associates) Associates (3): For scientific and technological information(1) For information system (2) General Office Associates (4): Associate for law (1) Associate for financing(1) typist (1) technical secretary (1)
Structure of R&D sector in AP Vojvodina University of Novi Sad –13 faculties –About 2100 researchers Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad Scientific Veterinary Institute Novi Sad “Matica Srpska”, Serbian Academy of Science and Arts - branch in Novi Sad, Strong research potentials in agriculture, engineering and ICT
International cooperation in R&D Supporting intrenational cooperation of R&D institutions Direct cooperation with institutions Contacts, Conferences, Meetings, Lectures
International cooperation in R&D Supporting international cooperation of R&D institutions –Organizational support –Co financing international conferences participation
International cooperation in R&D Direct cooperation with institutions –Parliament of European Regions –Bavarian National Center for Research in Agriculture –UNIDO –UNDP –GTZ –...
International cooperation in R&D Contacts, Conferences, Meetings, Lectures –International conference “Governmental and Public ICT infrastructure in the Danube-Tisza-Maros-Körös Euroregion” (Participants from Hungary, Austria, Romania and Serbia And Montenegro)International conference “Governmental and Public ICT infrastructure in the Danube-Tisza-Maros-Körös Euroregion” –Workshop “FP6 related Graduate theses at University of Novi Sad” –Work group of Province Jilin, PR China,Work group of Province Jilin, PR China, –Minister of Science of Israel –International Center for Science and High Technology from Trieste –Fraunhofer Institute from Germany –Region Emilia Romanja –Association of Central European Initiatives –Djordjija Petkoski, World Bank Institute, lecture “Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Competitiveness”Djordjija Petkoski, World Bank Institute, lecture “Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Competitiveness” –...
R&D potential and technical infrastructure Systematically monitoring R&D human resources (working and living conditions) Improving laboratory resources at R&D institutions Developing communication infrastructure for R&D community
Strategic R&D Programs Information-Control Network of Geospatial Systems in AP Vojvodina” ( agriculture, forestry, water economy, food industry, energy, survey and construction engineering, traffic control, environment protection, etc. ) E-Government for AP Vojvodina (ICT support to provincial government – PAN Project) E-School in Vojvodina (ICT infrastructure for elementary and second level schools in APV) National Programme in Energy Efficiency National Programme in Water Resources Management
Technology transfer and cooperation with industry Joint projects with local industry co financed by Ministry of Science and Technology Regional center for energy efficiency in cooperation with the Secretariat for Energy Cooperation with the Chamber of Economy of AP Vojvodina Innovation center, incubator, High-Tech Park at University of Novi Sad, INNTEREG III C, Neighborhood Programme Hungary – Romania- Serbia (2004 - 2006) FP6 Programme...
System of R&D information Service “Mrežna digitalna biblioteka doktorskih, magistarskih i diplomskih radova” - digital networked library of PhD Dissertations, MSc and graduate Theses. (Contract between Secretariat and University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Technical Science)“Mrežna digitalna biblioteka doktorskih, magistarskih i diplomskih radova” This project is a member of “Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations” (NDLTD) connecting over 180 libraries of universities, faculties and other educational institutions from all over the world
System of R&D information VORIS – Vojvodinian Research Information SystemVORIS –Web based service (R&D institutions, projects, researchers, compliant to European standards) Financial support to technical improvement of Academic Computer Network of University of Novi Sad
Some planned activities Global 1.Defining programs for regional priorities in science and technological development of AP Vojvodina 2.Improving international cooperation in R&D sector Searching for international partners in strategic programs Joining the relevant programs offered by foreign partners
Some planned activities Regional 1.Activity for establishing the body in advisory capacity, aimed to help adjustment to the developmental directions of EC 2.Establishing communication with the office of the Stability Pact of Southeast Europe in Belgrade 3.Establishing the Danube Office in Novi Sad, as information point for coordination of all fields of cooperation in Danube region 4.Establishing UNIDO Regional center 5.Establishing UNDP Regional Office 6........
Some planned activities Local 1.Improving cooperation with the Chamber of Economy of Vojvodina and regional Chambers of Economy 2.Permanent work in order to improve working and living conditions of junior researchers in AP Vojvodina 3.....
Economy growth of Vojvodina 1.Center for Development and Transfer of New TechnologiesCenter for Development and Transfer of New Technologies Usage of endogenous potentials Development of MSP sector Strengthening of the domestic development in the field of information- communication technologies Center which assemblies the most qualitative staff in the region in the field of new technologies. SME capable for work in one of the most perspective technological fields. Opening of new working places for high profiled staff. Export opportunities of the products from the field of software. 2.Center for standardization of production and quality control of food productsCenter for standardization of production and quality control of food products Usage of endogenous potentials Stabilization and widening of agro-complex Strengthening competitiveness of the domestic food industry at the world market Harmonized laws in the field of food production and food market
Economy growth of Vojvodina 3.E - VojvodinaE - Vojvodina Removal of the economy growth barriers Improvement of communication network in the region Creating the environment for e-business and e- administration Standardized system of e-service supporting the functions of e-government and e-business harmonized with EU countries models 4.Improvement of cross border exchangeImprovement of cross border exchange Removal of the economy growth barriers Improvement of communication network in the region Creation of infrastructural bases for use of modern methods for automatic control in the inter state traffic of persons and goods Infrastructural system of border crosses compatible with European standards
Economy growth of Vojvodina 5.Networked infrastructure of geospatial data in VojvodinaNetworked infrastructure of geospatial data in Vojvodina Removal of the economy growth barriers Improvement of communication network in the region Creating the environment for location based services implementation Infrastructural system compliant to European standards and connected to European system 6.Permanent education system in new technologiesPermanent education system in new technologies Improvement of human resources in the region Reform of high school vocational education Establishment of the system for permanent education in various new technologies Flexible system of permanent education in the field of technical-technological branches capable to adapt to technology changes
Center for Development and Transfer of New Technologies Priority: Usage of endogenous potentials Strategy: Development of MSP sector Sub strategy: Strengthening of the domestic development in the field of information-communication technologies (selection of technological fields and programmes, providing space, equipment and financial funds for research staff financing, defining production programmes for ICT oriented SMEs on the territory of APV) Connected Institutions: University of Novi Sad; Scientific and research institutes from APV; Regional Chamber of Commerce; Secretariat for economy; Secretariat for privatization, entrepreneurship, small and medium enterprises; banks from APV; foreign centers for the development and transfer of modern technologies Measures: (target group & restrictions) 1.Young, highly educated experts from the field of biotechnologies, ICT; modern technologies dealing with technical system management, SMEs and other enterprises which are implementing new technologies – enterprises and institutions, users of modern technologies. 2.Harmonization with priorities of the region in the field of ICT; possibilities of marketing of the proposed solutions out of the region, and especially out of the country Expected quantitative results: The effect of the center for the development and transfer of new technologies should be: 2-5 qualitative solutions from the field of new technologies per year ; 5-10 SMEs, experts in application of new technologies and, especially, in the development of modern software solutions within the period of 5 years; About 200 new working places for high profiled staff in the period of 5 years Expected qualitative results: Center which assemblies the most qualitative staff in the region in the field of new technologies. SME capable for work in one of the most perspective technological fields. Opening of new working places for high profiled staff. Export opportunities of the products from the field of software. Success indicators:Correlation between the Center programmes and successful enterprises from the field of, biotechnologies ICT and modern technologies in the region << backskip >>
Center for standardization of production and quality control of food products Priority: Usage of endogenous potentials Strategy: Stabilization and widening of agro-complex Sub strategy: Strengthening competitiveness of the domestic food industry at the world market ( implementation of the food quality system through technical production possibilities and control, legislation and system of inspection control according to international market demands, providing for financial funds for financing of the implementation of the European standards in the fields of food production and quality control) Connected Institutions: University of Novi Sad; Scientific and research institutes from APV; Regional Chamber of Commerce; Secretariat for economy; Secretariat for privatization, entrepreneurship, small and medium enterprises; bancs from APV; UNDP Measures: (target group & restrictions) 1. Food production enterprises, system of inspection control, enterprises for trade of food products. 2. Harmonization with priorities of the region in the field of food production; laws from respect field; connection with systems for food quality control from abroad. Expected quantitative results: Harmonization of laws within 3 years; Establishment of inspection service harmonized with the demands of the international market within 3 years; mplementation of technical conditions of the production and control in 5 enterprises per year; About 50 new working places for high educated people within 3 years (inspections, factories) Expected qualitative results: Harmonized laws in the field of food production and food market Success indicators:Correlation between the Center programmes and successful enterprises in food production in the region << back
E- Vojvodina Priority: Removal of the economy growth barriers Strategy: Improvement of communication network in the region Sub strategy: Creating the environment for e-business and e- administration ( communication infrastructure, creation of the center providing core services for e-business and e-government for province and local government, economy and public sector) Connected Institutions: University of Novi Sad; Scientific and research institutes from APV; Executive Council of APV Regional Chamber of Comers; Secretariat for economy; Secretariat for local government and intermunicipality cooperation; institutions of local governments, national provider of telecomunation services; banks from APV; foreign donators Measures: (target group & restrictions) 1. Public institutions, local and provincial government bodies, schools, SMEs dealing with development of software; e-business service providers; e-business and e-government users (enterprises, citizens); consortiums for system development in the field of regional and local e- government which developed systems of municipal e-government (E-MunlS). 2. Users access to local communication infrastructure; users capacity for use of Internet technologies in business; laws in the related fields; users (institutions and citizens) capacity for usage of e-service. Expected quantitative results: Agency for the development of information society established within 3 months; Built communication network connecting municipal and provincial bodies within 1 year: Implemented software nucleus for standardized Web based e-services creation within 2 years; Implemented Web based services for citizens (tax pays, personal documents, list for elections etc.) within 3 years in all municipalities in Vojvodina; About 50 new working places for highly educated staff in ICT in general and in development and usage of e-based systems in business and administration in particular within 3 years (local government, provincial executive bodies). Expected qualitative results: Standardized system of e-service supporting the functions of e-government and e- business harmonized with EU countries models Success indicators:Correlation between the project activities and number of service users << back
Improvement of cross border exchange Priority: Removal of the economy growth barriers Strategy: Improvement of communication network in the region Sub strategy: Creation of infrastructural bases for use of modern methods for automatic control in the inter state traffic of persons and goods ( building ICT and automatic control infrastructure of border crosses, implementing automatic control techniques and devices in transport facilities and the roads network in cross border regions, personal control in border crosses) Connected Institutions: University of Novi Sad; Scientific and research institutes from APV; Ministry of Interiors; Executive council of APV; Ministry for traffic and Telecommunication of the Government of the Republic of Serbia; Secretariat for architecture, urbanism and construction; banks from APV; foreign donators Measures: (target group & restrictions) 1. Governmental institutions responsible for cross border traffic; organizations dealing with transport of people and goods 2. Technical end financial capacity to consume automatic control of vehicles and roads; Existence of data base of transport network and citizens Expected quantitative results: Defined technical standards for communication-control segment of border crossing within 3 years;Defined technical standards for communication- control segment of road system within 3 years; Built communication-control infrastructure at border crossings and road network within 10 years; Infrastructural system of border crosses compatible with European standards within 10 years Expected qualitative results: Infrastructural system of border crosses compatible with European standards Success indicators:Correlation between the project activities and border traffic effects related to security and economy << back
Networked infrastructure of geospatial data in Vojvodina Priority: Removal of the economy growth barriers Strategy: Improvement of communication network in the region Sub strategy: Creating the environment for location based services implementation ( designing and building infrastructure for acquisition, transformation and distribution of geospatial data) Connected Institutions: University of Novi Sad; Scientific and research institutes from APV; Executive Council of APV Regional Chamber of Comers; Secretariat for urbanism, architecture and construction; Secretariat for agriculture water and forestry; Secretariat for the environment protection; Secretariat for privatization entrepreneurship, small and medium enterprises; banks from APV; foreign donators, EUPOS Measures: (target group & restrictions) 1. Governmental institutions and SME from the field of space planning, geodetics and construction; public communal enterprises; organizations dealing with transport of goods and people; agricultural and forestry sectors; environmental protection sector 2.Technical and financial capacity for consuming location based services by local users; related legislation; local users skills (institutions, citizens) to consume geospatial services. Expected quantitative results: Regional centre for the development and usage of location based services established within 3 months; Built networked infrastructure providing basic geospatial services within 2 years; Implemented networked infrastructural system providing location based services in compliance with European system EUPOS covering the whole territory of Vojvodina within 3 years; Over 70 SMEs dealing in geodetic sector included as a system users within 5 years; Infrastructural system connected to European system EUPOS within 5 years Expected qualitative results: Infrastructural system compliant to European standards and connected to European system Success indicators:Correlation between the project activities and number of users << back
Permanent education system in new technologies Priority: Improvement of human resources in the region Strategy: Reform of high school vocational education Sub strategy: Establishment of the system for permanent education in various new technologies (definition of technological fields of interest, definition of training plans and programmes, providing technical and staff prerequisites) Connected Institutions: Secretariat for education and culture, University of Novi Sad; Scientific and research institutes from APV; Provincial secretariat for employment and gender equality; foreign donators Measures: (target group & restrictions) 1. Labor force available at labor market; Governmental institutions responsible for the employment issues; SMEs and other enterprises and potential employers 2. Existence of staff resources for creating and carrying out training programmes; Technical preconditions for the use modern educational technologies (distance learning) Expected quantitative results: System of institutions for permanent education/training in the field of new technologies (plans, programmes, educational tools and technologies); Organized process of permanent education and prequalification capacity of 5.000,00 users per year within 2 years Expected qualitative results: Flexible system of permanent education in the field of technical-technological branches capable to adapt to technology changes Success indicators:Correlation between the project activities and number of users (students) who find job after the educational process; amount of the salaries of the students after consuming training << back
Conclusion Vojvodina is the geopolitical entity within the Republic of Serbia, with solid tradition in administrative infrastructure Parliament and Executive Council can make decisions, carry out contracting and give financial guarantees Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development is ready to lead activities in R&D sector in Vojvodina
Conclusion At this moment: Provincial Secretariat has a clear vision about development directions of Vojvodina in R&D sector There are strategic programmes in R&D sector defined by the Secretariat Secretariat recognizes needs for international cooperation in R&D sector and is inviting all foreign institutions to cooperation
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