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LAS VEGAS AQUIFER STORAGE AND RECOVERY PROGRAM Texas Innovative Water 2010 Seminar San Antonio Texas Tom Morris.

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Presentation on theme: "LAS VEGAS AQUIFER STORAGE AND RECOVERY PROGRAM Texas Innovative Water 2010 Seminar San Antonio Texas Tom Morris."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAS VEGAS AQUIFER STORAGE AND RECOVERY PROGRAM Texas Innovative Water 2010 Seminar San Antonio Texas Tom Morris

2 Las Vegas Nevada Physiographic Setting

3 HYDRO-GEO SETTING –Geology Limits –GW Water Quality –Production Yield OTHER CONCERNS –Water Level Declines –Planned Growth –Existing Dist System APPROACH –Basins VS Wells –Old VS New Wells –Recovery Location Feasibility Evaluation

4 HYDRO-GEO SETTING –Geology Limits –GW Water Quality –Production Yield OTHER CONCERNS –Water Level Declines –Planned Growth –Existing Dist System APPROACH –Basins VS Wells –Old VS New Wells –Recovery Location Feasibility Evaluation

5 HYDRO-GEO SETTING –Geology Limits –GW Water Quality –Production Yield OTHER CONCERNS –Water Level Declines –Planned Growth –Existing Dist System APPROACH –Basins VS Wells –Old VS New Wells –Recovery Location Feasibility Evaluation

6 HYDRO-GEO SETTING –Geology Limits –GW Water Quality –Production Yield OTHER CONCERNS –Water Level Declines –Planned Growth –Existing Dist System APPROACH –Basins VS Wells –Old VS New Wells –Recovery Location Feasibility Evaluation

7 Demonstration Operations RECHARGE PREP Flush Well Drop Laterals Flip Flow Meter Prop Check Open EXISTING WELL CONVERSION Demo with 2 Wells Convert 33 wells to ASR Apparent Well Clogging

8 WELL USE TYPE –Unused Well Conversion –New Dedicated Injection –New ASR Wells ASR WELL DESIGN –Various Drill Methods –Engineered Fluid Control –Injection Development WELLHEAD EQUIPPING –Bi-Directional Flow Meter –Check Valve By-Pass –Automated On-Off Control –Motor Ratchet Demonstration Operations

9 Expanded Operations WELL USE TYPE –Unused Well Conversion –New Dedicated Injection –New ASR Wells ASR WELL DESIGN –Various Drill Methods –Engineered Fluid Control –Injection Development WELLHEAD EQUIPPING –Bi-Directional Flow Meter –Check Valve By-Pass –Automated On-Off Control –Motor Ratchet

10 Expanded Operations WELL USE TYPE –Unused Well Conversion –New Dedicated Injection –New ASR Wells ASR WELL DESIGN –Various Drill Methods –Engineered Fluid Control –Injection Development WELLHEAD EQUIPPING –Motor Ratchet –Bi-Directional Flow Meter –Check Valve By-Pass –Automated On-Off Control

11 Expanded Operations WELL USE TYPE –Unused Well Conversion –New Dedicated Injection –New ASR Wells ASR WELL DESIGN –Various Drill Methods –Engineered Fluid Control –Injection Development WELLHEAD EQUIPPING –Motor Ratchet –Bi-Directional Flow Meter –Check Valve By-Pass –Automated On-Off Control Pump Check Valve Recharge Start/Stop Auto Valve Isolation Gate Valves

12 HYDRO-GEO EFFICIENCY –Geology Zones –Water Level Impact –Recharge Migration WELL OPTIMIZATION –Maximize Recharge Rates –Piping Efficiency –Scheduled O & M SYSTEM RELIEF –Peak Demand Supply –Commercial P&T Managed Operations

13 HYDRO-GEO EFFICIENCY –Geology Zones –Water Level Impact –Recharge Migration WELL OPTIMIZATION –Maximize Recharge Rates –Piping Efficiency –Scheduled O & M SYSTEM RELIEF –Peak Demand Supply –Commercial P&T Managed Operations

14 HYDRO-GEO EFFICIENCY –Geology Zones –Water Level Impact –Recharge Migration WELL OPTIMIZATION –Maximize Recharge Rates –Piping Efficiency –Scheduled O & M SYSTEM RELIEF –Peak Demand Supply –Commercial P&T Managed Operations

15 Lessens Learned Alluvial Course Gravels Pediment Sands and Gravels Playa Lake Bed Sands and Silts PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS 80 Years of Basin Overdraft Lowered Water Table 100 to 300 Feet

16 Lessens Learned Perched Water System Development Surface to 35-Feet HYDRO-SYSTEM CHANGES Development and Irrigation Created Un-Natural Shallow Aquifer

17 Lessens Learned RECHARGE AQUIFER RECOVERY 16 Years of Recharge 320,000 AF Banked Perched Water System Development Surface to 35-Feet

18 Lessens Learned OTHER RECHARGE PROGRAM RELATED ISSUES Disinfection By-Products Water Quality Plume Pump Wear and Sanding Dissolved Air

19 Questions? Visions of Hope

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