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Data Science for USGS Minerals Big Data Meetup Dr. Brand Niemann Director and Senior Data Scientist/Data Journalist Semantic Community Data Science Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Science for USGS Minerals Big Data Meetup Dr. Brand Niemann Director and Senior Data Scientist/Data Journalist Semantic Community Data Science Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Science for USGS Minerals Big Data Meetup Dr. Brand Niemann Director and Senior Data Scientist/Data Journalist Semantic Community Data Science Data Science for USGS Minerals Big Data July 13, 2015 1

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3 DJ Patil: "responsibly unleash the power of data for the benefit of the American public.” DJ Patil, the government's first-ever chief data scientist, explains his mission using a simple phrase: "responsibly unleash the power of data for the benefit of the American public.” In part 2 of Federal News Radio’s special report, Deconstructing the CDO, Patil tells Federal News Radio how his office is helping agency CDOs bring a ruthless focus to data. “What people have to have, which is more important than anything, is not a title but a focus on being data driven,” he said. “What does data driven mean? It means that you instrument, you measure, you acquire the data, you process the data, you turn that data into action, insights, build data products, return it back, open it up and allow investment to continue to build on top of that investment. That is more important to me than any title.” Patil said his office is focusing on four priorities: Health care and precision medicine Open data efforts, including, and opening up data sets through efforts such as the Blue Button and Green Button efforts for personal health recordsData.govBlue ButtonGreen Button Social justice efforts, such as the White House’s recent police data initiative announcementpolice data initiative Workforce training, recruitment and growing of data talent across the government We still hope to have him attend our Meetup, but in the meantime, this is a good update. We have been helping the USDA CDO with our USDA Data Science MOOC which has drawn his praise. 3

4 Climate Change Data - Data Science Meetup of Meetups In support of the NSF Data Science / Big Data Community and the Research Data Alliance (RDA), Semantic Community has prepared four multiple data set data sets from the RDA Climate Change Data Challenge, U.S. National Transportation Atlas Database (NTRD),, and the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit, to jump start the Federal Big Data Working Group Meetup, and other data science meetup participants, for our September 28th Meetup of Data Science Meetups, to prepare for the NSF Meetup of Data Science Meetups, November 6-7, 2015. All of the information is a Data FAIRPort (Free, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) in a Data Science Commons or Hub as a community service. Suggestions and feedback are welcomed. 4

5 5 I am trying to understand these columns and their statistics. Is there a data dictionary? See example below when I filtered by agency: NASA

6 6 It gives: Available in Standard Formats: No; Broken Links: A few; Compatible with DCS: No; Machine Accessible: No; Schema Version: 1.1

7 I sent the message to the 60 largest Data Science Meetups and produced a visualization of the comparison between the NSF 15 and the 60 Largest. 7

8 Background Attended the MRP Science & Information Forum, May 5-7, where Sophia Liu, presented “Making the Story Behind USGS EM-EH Data Come Alive”. Our Data Science Publication for USGS Minerals Big Data Mini Session at the 2015 EarthCube All hands meeting, May 27-29, was well received and we made followup suggestions that we were asked to implement between now the 2016 EarthCube All Hands Meeting. Sophia Liu and I had a good session last Monday reviewing the agenda and the presentation materials for this meetup and I showed her how to easily create the Spotfire visualization of a key PDF graphic in the 2015 Minerals Commodity Report. We will do more of this at the Meetup on Monday. 8

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10 Agenda 6:30 p.m. Welcome and Introduction (New Tutorial and Mentoring) Slides EarthCube: Key Documents EarthCube Data Science Publications and Key Documents SlidesEarthCubeKey DocumentsEarthCube Data Science PublicationsKey Documents 6:45 p.m. Dr. Sophia B. Liu, a Mendenhall Postdoc Fellow at the USGS SlidesDr. Sophia B. LiuSlides 7:10 p.m. Brief Member Introductions 7:15 p.m. USGS Energy and Minerals, and Environmental Health Program (invited) Calling all data hackers 7:45 p.m.​ Data Science for USGS Minerals Big DataData Science for USGS Minerals Big Data 8:30 p.m. Open Discussion 8:45 p.m. Networking 9:00 p.m. Depart 10

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