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Co-funded by the European Union Semantic CMS Community Designing Interactive Knowledge- supported Ubiquitous Information Systems Results from the IKS AmI.

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Presentation on theme: "Co-funded by the European Union Semantic CMS Community Designing Interactive Knowledge- supported Ubiquitous Information Systems Results from the IKS AmI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Co-funded by the European Union Semantic CMS Community Designing Interactive Knowledge- supported Ubiquitous Information Systems Results from the IKS AmI Case Copyright IKS Consortium 1 Lecturer Organization Date of presentation

2 Page: Content ManagementThe Semantic Web Storing and Accessing Semantic Data Semantic Lifting Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Knowledge Interaction and Presentation Designing Interactive Ubiquitous IS Semantifying your CMS Reference Architecture for Semantic CMS Requirements Engineering for Semantic CMS Part I: Foundations Part III: Methodologies Part II: Semantic Content Management Copyright IKS Consortium

3 Page: Situational Design Method for Information Systems (SiDIS) Copyright IKS Consortium 3 Applied in IKS Identification of Problem and Needs Design of Solution based on Scenarios, Use cases, Requirements etc. Development of Solution Evaluation of Solution and Specification of Design Theory It’s Thursday morning. Anna get site-specific weather information when she is brushing her teeth in the bathroom.

4 Page: SiDIS Task 4: Evaluation of diagrammatic CMs  Will services represented in Pre-Artifacts be accepted by future users?  Pre-Artifacts are evaluated to generate preliminary implications regarding user acceptance  Usage of mock-ups at early stage of design process  Focus on information objects delivered by services that are represented in Pre-Artifacts  Outcome: Preliminary implications for design of IS regarding user acceptance  Involved stakeholders: Potential early adopters of IS, domain experts Copyright IKS Consortium 4

5 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 4 in IKS  111 potential early adopters participated in evaluation  Subjects came from 3 countries in Europe: Germany, Switzerland and Turkey  Pre-Artifacts were presented with the help of a mock-up, i.e. a midget bathroom with dolls, and a slide show that exemplified the information delivered by services Copyright IKS Consortium 5

6 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 4 in IKS  After presentation of situations covered by Pre-Artifacts, participants had to rate the relevant services within questionnaire Copyright IKS Consortium 6 RankSituationServiceIntention to UsePerceived Fit NoNameMeanSDMeanSD 1.64Personalized Music Service 6.28***0.876.07** * 1.13 2.11Weather Information Service 5.64***1.544.87** * 1.69 3.65Personalized News Collage Service 5.11***1.944.84** * 1.83 4.12Event Recommendation Service 4.65***1.694.121.65 5.116Adaptive News Service4.171.853.881.82 6.13Ticket Order Service3.821.733.47**1.77

7 Page: Situational Design Method for Information Systems (SiDIS) Copyright IKS Consortium 7 Applied in IKS Identification of Problem and Needs Design of Solution based on Scenarios, Use cases, Requirements etc. Development of Solution Evaluation of Solution and Specification of Design Theory It’s Thursday morning. Anna get site-specific weather information when she is brushing her teeth in the bathroom.

8 Page: SiDIS Task 5: Derivation of formal propositional CMs  How can diagrammatic representations of situations be processed by the future system?  Translation of Pre-Artifacts into propositional CMs  Manual, automatic or semi-automatic translation possible  Creation of specifications for later system designs (Wand et al., 1995) and machine-processable CMs that can be verified (Bera et al., 2010)  Outcome: Library of formalized design patterns  Involved stakeholders: Knowledge engineers Copyright IKS Consortium 8

9 Page: SiDIS Task 5: Use of Web Ontology Language (OWL)  Use of computational ontologies for conceptual modeling by means of a pattern-based approach (Clark et al., 2000, Gangemi, 2005)  Pros  Web Ontology Language (OWL) is implementable, which means OWL ontologies are machine-readable, and thus computational.  OWL constructs are independent, i.e. classes can exist independent of instances or properties and properties are independent of classes.  Verification: OWL allows inferences and automated reasoning support. Copyright IKS Consortium 9

10 Page: SiDIS Task 5: Approach – Use of Web Ontology Language (OWL)  Cons  no clear rules how to map from domain information as represented by Pre-Artifacts to OWL constructs similar to the intended propositional CMs  How to generate propositional CM based on propositional Pre-Artifact Patterns? Copyright IKS Consortium 10

11 Page: SiDIS Task 5: Approach of Generating Propositional CM Copyright IKS Consortium 11  Creation of Pre-Artifact Model = “vocabulary”of Pre-Artifact patterns (basic entities and relations of AISM)  Import of Pre-Artifact Model by each pattern ontology

12 Page: SiDIS Task 5: Approach of Generating Propositional CM Copyright IKS Consortium 12 Specified object properties by ServiceInteraction, RoleInteraction and RoleUsesIO pattern  Each pattern imports Pre-Artifact Model  Specification of pattern-specific object properties through inheritance structures  Definition of sub properties of generic object properties imported from the model  super-properties and concepts of Pre-Artifact Model remain unchanged

13 Page: SiDIS Task 5: Approach of Generating Propositional CM Copyright IKS Consortium 13  Clear assignments of object properties to specific patterns  Support by modeling guidelines - canalization of modeling options  Incremental modeling of propositional CM by importing patterns step by step according to the requirements of the Pre-Artifact Super properties of Pre-Artifact Model filled automatically Sub properties by three patterns regarding individual of type InterfaceService: PersonalizedWeatherSer vice

14 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 5 in IKS Copyright IKS Consortium 14  Translation of 17 Pre-Artifacts into propositional CMs  OWL files  Modeling in 5 steps similar to procedure of defining Pre- Artifacts  Exemplary modeling of aforementioned Pre-Artifact  It's Thursday morning. I get site-specific weather information when I am brushing my teeth in the bathroom.

15 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 5 in IKS Copyright IKS Consortium 15  Generating empty OWL file  Required Pre-Artifact Patterns can be imported by their URL  Start of modeling according to 5 steps  Import of RoleInteraction Pattern

16 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 5 in IKS Copyright IKS Consortium 16  Instantiation of relevant concepts of pattern  Instances of Role: User, PersonalizedWeatherAssistant  Instance of R-Interaction to represent interaction between roles

17 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 5 in IKS Copyright IKS Consortium 17  Pattern offers specific object properties “initiatesR_ Interaction” and “finalizesR_Interaction” that inherit from super-properties […]

18 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 5 in IKS Copyright IKS Consortium 18  Super properties of Pre-Artifact Model are filled automatically  Further imports of Pre-Artifact Patterns Role Uses IO and Service Interaction  Final representation of interface service Personalized WeatherService:

19 Page: Situational Design Method for Information Systems (SiDIS) Copyright IKS Consortium 19 Applied in IKS Identification of Problem and Needs Design of Solution based on Scenarios, Use cases, Requirements etc. Development of Solution Evaluation of Solution and Specification of Design Theory It’s Thursday morning. Anna get site-specific weather information when she is brushing her teeth in the bathroom.

20 Page: SiDIS Task 6: Formalization of System Design Copyright IKS Consortium 20  How does the architecture of the future system look like?  Formalization of system design based on library of design patterns  analysis of layers of propositional CMs  Service System and Social System  Which services shall be provided by the intended system?  Which internal services need to deliver information objects?  Which information objects are required by each internal service  Which interface services take a role in an interaction with the user?  Which interface services are used by users to interact?  Which service interactions take place?

21 Page: SiDIS Task 6: Formalization of System Design Copyright IKS Consortium 21  Information Sphere  Which information objects have to be requested from external services?  Which information objects have to be created by the system itself?  How about format and storage of information objects (data infrastructure)?  Physical Object System  How will the interaction of user and system be realized?  How will information objects be presented?  How is the I/O behavior of the system?  Does the system need information about the available physical objects?  Outcome: Specification of system design  Involved stakeholders: Computer scientists

22 Page: SiDIS Task 6: Approach of setting up the System Architecture  Performing the following steps, based on the answers to the questions on the prior slides:  Realization of Service System as independent software modules, which perform the required functionalities  Realization of software modules for the User Interaction based on the requirements of the Social System  Information Objects stored as Knowledge Models for the representation to the user in the appropriate situations  Physical Object System realized by several sensing, interpretation and output modules  Encapsulation of functionalities required for the management of the UIS in additional software modules Copyright IKS Consortium 22

23 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 6 in IKS: Modules of Designed System in High-Level Logical Architecture Copyright IKS Consortium 23

24 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 6 in IKS: Conjoint Modules of IKS Semantic CMS and AmI Case System Copyright IKS Consortium 24 IKS Semantic CMS Architecture AmI Case System Logical Architecture The blue marked modules indicate modules that exist in both architectures

25 Page: Situational Design Method for Information Systems (SiDIS) Copyright IKS Consortium 25 Applied in IKS Identification of Problem and Needs Design of Solution based on Scenarios, Use cases, Requirements etc. Development of Solution Evaluation of Solution and Specification of Design Theory It’s Thursday morning. Anna get site-specific weather information when she is brushing her teeth in the bathroom.

26 Page: SiDIS Task 7: Implementation of Formalized System Design Copyright IKS Consortium 26  Coding!  Formalized system design is transformed into machine-processible code  modules in system design realized as software components  Use of propositional CMs as knowledge models for the physical situation management  Information Objects stored as knowledge models for the interaction with the user  UIS  code has to be linked with hardware components integrated in the physical environment  Outcome: Prototype of information system  Involved stakeholders: Computer scientists

27 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 7 in IKS: Management of Information Objects and Physical Situation 27  Context Ontology Network as knowledge representation of Information Objects  Propositional CMs and Current Situation representation as knowledge representation for the evaluation of the appropriate situation in the UIS  Determination of current and upcoming situation based on semantic rule sets

28 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 7 in IKS: IKS Stack Components  IKS VIE^2: Used on the User Interaction layer to enable the user to not only view content items in the bathroom, but also browse semantically referenced resources, i.e. information about actors or the director in case of movie event suggestions  Apache Stanbol Entity Hub, Apache Stanbol CMS Adapter, Apache Stanbol Reengineer and Apache Stanbol Rules: Used in the Knowledge Access, Content Retrieval & Knowledge Extraction Pipeline and Rules & Reasoning layers to retrieve contents from external content and knowledge sources, lift them on a semantic level and refactor them to be represented as AmI ODPs Copyright IKS Consortium 28

29 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 7 in IKS: IKS Stack Components Copyright IKS Consortium 29  Apache Stanbol Enhancer: Used in Content Retrieval & Knowledge Extraction Pipeline and Rules & Reasoning to enable the system to prepare the semantic enhanced contents required by VIE^2  Apache Stanbol Ontology Manager: Used on the Knowledge Repository layer to enable the persistent storage and browsing of knowledge representations by the system or the user by using the Store sub component; the OntoNet sub component is also implicitly used by other components for reasoning and refactoring issues

30 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 7 in IKS Copyright IKS Consortium 30  Implementation according to OSGi standard  7 IKS Stack/Apache Stanbol components could be re-used for the realization of the UIS  4 developer teams from Turkey, Italy and Germany 500 kg of furniture 15 sqm bathroom 5x3 meter walls 50 liter wall paint 18 sqm floor 3 microphones 2 sound systems 2 projectors & 3 sqm projection foil 1 touch screen 1 camera 1 MS Kinect 2 sensor boards with 4 touch- & 6 distance sensors 2 PCs, 1 Mac Mini app. 100 meter of cable …

31 Page: Situational Design Method for Information Systems (SiDIS) Copyright IKS Consortium 31 Applied in IKS Identification of Problem and Needs Design of Solution based on Scenarios, Use cases, Requirements etc. Development of Solution Evaluation of Solution and Specification of Design Theory It’s Thursday morning. Anna get site-specific weather information when she is brushing her teeth in the bathroom.

32 Page: SiDIS Task 8: Evaluation of solution Copyright IKS Consortium 32  Does the prototype fit to the natural incentives and motivation of potential end users?  IS is evaluated by traditional empirical studies  laboratory experiments  field experiments  Outcome:  feedback for earlier design phases  laboratory experiments: understanding of adoption (ease of use, utility, risk, task-technology fit, etc.), purchase intentions  field experiments: usage behavior, social influence, behavioral change  Involved stakeholders: Computer scientists, end users

33 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 8 in IKS Copyright IKS Consortium 33  55 subjects have evaluated 6 services in a lab experiment with constructs from Technology Acceptance research (e.g., Davis 1989)  Subjects had to play through the 3 Situations from SiDIS Task 4 Weather Information Service Event Recommendation Service Ticket Order Service Personalized News Collage Service Adaptive News Service Weather Information Service Event Recommendation Service Ticket Order Service Personalized News Collage Service Adaptive News Service Personalized Music Service Personalized News Collage Service Adaptive News Service Personalized Music Service Personalized News Collage Service Adaptive News Service Personalized News Collage Service Adaptive News Service Personalized News Collage Service Adaptive News Service

34 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 8 in IKS Copyright IKS Consortium 34  Mean values, standard deviation (in parentheses) and results of one-sample t- tests are shown below; Significance: * = p <.05 / ** = p <.01 / *** = p <.001  Results: Personalized Music Service is ranked highest

35 Page: Application of SiDIS Task 8 in IKS Copyright IKS Consortium 35 Results from Interviews:  The widgets on the touchscreen are distracting. The mirror as such should be the “main functionality” in the bathroom. Thus the content should be placed more in the periphery (23)  There was no design or concept behind the content presentation, e.g., the widgets on the touchscreen seemed to be positioned without any layout in mind; the IKS logo should be smaller and more semi-transparent to reduce distraction (10)  Weather information was too lean (e.g., no information about rain probability, moisture, forecast, morning, noon, afternoon, etc.) (9)  The positioning of the widgets on the touchscreen should be more flexible (9)  Size of the projection on the wall screen was too small (7)  More information about price and category of when ordering a ticket (6) Note: the number in parentheses reflects the number of subjects that gave this feedback

36 Page: Wrap-up Copyright IKS Consortium 36  Design Method for interactive knowledge-supported Ubiquitous Information Systems  Situational Design Method for Information System (SiDIS)  Consists of 4 phases covering 9 tasks according to Design Method pattern (Hevner et al., 2004; March & Smith, 1995; Pfeffers et al., 2006; Rossi & Sein, 2003; Kuechler & Vaishnavi, 2008)  Bases on 3 types of Conceptual Models (CMs):  Narrative CMs of situations  Diagrammatic CMs (Pre-Artifacts)  Propositional CMs  Closing gap between qualitative requirements (cf. narratives) and formal, machine-processable structures (cf. propositional CMs)

37 Page: Literature on SiDIS Copyright IKS Consortium 37  Maass, W. & Janzen, S.: Pattern-Based Approach for Designing with Diagrammatic and Propositional Conceptual Models, 6th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2011, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 2011.  Janzen, S., Kowatsch, T. & Maass, W.: A Methodology for Content- Centered Design of Ambient Environments, DESRIST 2010: Global Perspectives on Design Science Research, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2010.  Maass, W. & Varshney, W.: A Framework for Smart Healthcare Situations and Smart Drugs. SIG-Health Pre-AMCIS Workshop at the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2009). San Francisco, USA.

38 Page: Further Publications Copyright IKS Consortium 38  Walls, J.G., Widmeyer, G.R., Sawy, O.E.: Building an information system design theory for vigilant eis. Information Systems Research 3(1) (1992) 36-59  Markus, M.L., Keil, M.: If we build it, they will come: Designing information systems that people want to use. Sloan Management Review 35 (1994) 11-25  Markus, L.M., Majchrzak, A., Gasser, L.: A design theory for systems that support emergent knowledge processes. MIS Quarterly 26(3) (2002) 179-212  Pries-Heje, J., Baskerville, R.: The design theory nexus. MIS Quarterly 32(4) (January 2008) 731-755  Hevner, A.R., March, S.T., Park, J., Ram, S.: Design science in information systems research. MIS Quarterly 28(1) (2004) 75-105  March, S.T., Smith, G.F.: Design and natural science research on information technology. Decis. Support Syst. 15(4) (1995) 251-266  Pfeffers, K., Tuunanen, T., Gengler, C.E., Rossi, M., Hui, W., Virtanen, V.e.a.: The design science research process: A model for producing and presenting information systems research. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2006), Claremont, CA, USA (2006) 83106  Rossi, M., Sein, M.K.: Design research workshop: A proactive research approach. (2003)  Kuechler, W.L.J., Vaishnavi, V.K.: An expert system for dynamic re-coordination of distributed workows. Expert Syst. Appl. 34(1) (2008) 551-563  Ross, P., Keyson, D.V.: The case of sculpting atmospheres: towards design principles for expressive tangible interaction in control of ambient systems. Personal Ubiquitous Comput. 11(2) (2007) 69-79  Le Rouge, C.M., Niederman, F.: Information systems and health care xi: Public health knowledge management architecture design: A case study. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 18 (2006)  Schmidt, A., Terrenghi, L., Holleis, P.: Methods and guidelines for the design and development of domestic ubiquitous computing applications. Pervasive Mob. Comput. 3(6) (2007) 721-738

39 Page: Further Publications (cont.) Copyright IKS Consortium 39  Perrone, V., Bolchini, D., Paolini, P.: A stakeholders centered approach for conceptual modeling of communication-intensive applications. In: SIGDOC '05: Proceedings of the 23rd annual international conference on Design of communication, New York, NY, USA, ACM (2005) 25-33  Strömberg, H., Pirttila, V., Ikonen, V.: Interactive scenarios|building ubiquitous computing concepts in the spirit of participatory design. Personal Ubiquitous Comput. 8(3-4) (2004) 200-207  Mackay, W.E.: The interactive thread: exploring methods for multi-disciplinary design. In: DIS '04: Proceedings of the 5th conference on Designing interactive systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM (2004) 103-112  Maiden, N., Manning, S., Robertson, S., Greenwood, J.: Integrating creativity workshops into structured requirements processes. In: DIS '04: Proceedings of the 5th conference on Designing interactive systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM (2004) 113-122  Buur, J., Jensen, M.V., Djajadiningrat, T.: Hands-only scenarios and video action walls: novel methods for tangible user interaction design. In: DIS '04: Proceedings of the 5th conference on Designing interactive systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM (2004) 185-192  Chung, E.S., Hong, J.I., Lin, J., Prabaker, M.K., Landay, J.A., Liu, A.L.: Development and evaluation of emerging design patterns for ubiquitous computing. In: DIS '04: Proceedings of the 5th conference on Designing interactive systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM (2004) 233-242  Aaen, I.: Essence: Facilitating agile innovation. In: XP. (2008) 1-10  Alexander, C.: The timeless way of building. Oxford University Press, New York (1979)  Clark, P., Thompson, J., Porter, B.: Knowledge patterns. In: In Proc. of KR-2000, Morgan Kaufmann (2000) 591-600  Gangemi, A.: Ontology design patterns for semantic web content. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Semantic Web Conference, Springer (2005) 262-276  Y. Yoo, Computing in Everyday Life: A Call for Research on Experiential Computing, Mis Quart, 34(2) (2010) 213-231.  P. Chen, The Entity-Relationship Model--Toward a Unified View of Data, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 1(1) (1976) 9-36.  Davis, F.D. (1989). Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-339.

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