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Archival science as an information science Marjo Rita Valtonen University of Tampere, Finland ICA/SAE, European Conference, Härnösand/Mid Sweden University.

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Presentation on theme: "Archival science as an information science Marjo Rita Valtonen University of Tampere, Finland ICA/SAE, European Conference, Härnösand/Mid Sweden University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archival science as an information science Marjo Rita Valtonen University of Tampere, Finland ICA/SAE, European Conference, Härnösand/Mid Sweden University 27-28 August

2 Content of presentation Point of view RAM education programs Scope and content of IS paradigms, domain, methodologies IS theory big questions Scope and content of AS Common fields – common aims? similarities – differencies - problems Mutual benefits Tampere case implementation of integration

3 Point of view RAM education programs C. Couture main tendency: autonomous AS Tampere case integration, synergies of IS+AS

4 LIS Library science the summary of all theoretical guidelines necessary for the organization of a library object is to provide access to graphic records in libraries is concerned with the information processes that take place in library Documentation -> IS creation, transmission, collection, clasification, and use of recorded knowledge in any format facilitate the access to documents in any formats independent of the institution

5 IS – explicit, paradigmatic definiton IS is the study of gathering organizing storing of information retrieving dissemination

6 IS An interdisciplinary field concerned with the theoretical and practical concepts, as well as the technologies, and industry dealing with knowledge transfer and the sources, generation, organization, representation, processing, distribution, communication, and uses of information, as well as communications among users and their behavior as they seek to satisfy their information needs (Hawkins 2001)

7 IS IS covers a very wide variety of subjects. The purpose of IS is to facilitate access to desired information (Vakkari 1994) The centrality of IR and user studies (US) research Information seeking and information retrieval are core concepts in IS (Hjorland 1997, Ellis & Allen & Wilson 1999).

8 AS field diplomatics history auxiliary science discipline field of research science

9 Scope and content of AS theoretical discourse product ->process structure -> function archives -> archiving record-> recording context by-product -> construction of sosical memory (Cook 2001)

10 records = process-bound information information generated by work processes and structured and recorded by these processes in such a way that it can be retrieved from the context of those work processes (Theo Thomassen, ARCS no 4/2001)

11 Methodology The establishment, the maintenance and the analysis of links between records and records creators in order to establish, maintain and analyze the authenticity, reliability and trustworthiness of records (Theo Thomassen, ARCS no 4/2001)

12 IS + AS co-operation similarities object, methods, MD, description,…. differencies theory, aims,…. synergies user service problems - challengies

13 IS + AS common fields creation, genarationinformation skills organizationinformation service managementaccess processingdescription distribution, publishingmetadata selectionmemory of organization storage use, user needs information systems, document mgmt systems copyright data security

14 elements of IS field representation communication seeking, searching retrieval user needs information behaviour information policy bibliometrics citation analysis

15 elements of AS field captureauthenticity, integrity registrationaccountability appraisalcontextuality acquisitionfunctional requirements principal of provenancelegal requirements disposal, destructionarchival theory retention, preservation recordkeeping privacy – publicity - confidentiality security, protection

16 ISCommon fieldsAS representationcreation, genarationcapture communicationorganizationregistration seeking, searching?managementappraisal retrievalprocessingacquisition user needsdistribution,publishingprincipal of provenance information behaviourselection information policystoragedisposal, destruction useretention, preservation information systems, document mgmt systems recordkeeping

17 ISCommon fieldsAS bibliometricscopyrightauthenticity, integrity citation analysisaccessaccountability information skillsprivacy - publicity information servicecontextuality data securitysecurity, protection descriptionfunctional requirements legal requirements

18 Mutual benefits AS -> IS theoretical standpoint appraisal, long-term preservation contextuality IS -> AS representation retrieval, acces user needs

19 Tampere case IS + AS main point = integration aim: multiskilled information experts

20 REGIM Research Group on Information and Records Management group of Finnish researchers, research and post graduate students in information and records management. REGIM members carry out (mainly applied) research on information and records management and archival theory in public and private sectors. REGIM aims to organize informal research seminars and colloqia and invites students interested in the field to join the group’s activities.

21 Informaatiotieteiden tiedekunta Yhteiskuntatieteellinen koulutusala Tutkinnot kandidaatin tutk. yleisopinnot10 ov kieliopinnot 9 ov sivuaineopinnot 55-61 ov Pääaine, aineop. 40-45 ov yht. 120 ov maisterin tutk. kand. tutk. tai vast. pääaine, syventävät op.40 ov (sis. gradun 20ov) yht. 160 ov Jatkotutkinnot FL, FT,YTL, YTT

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