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8 th Meeting of Steering Committee Beijing, China 23 to 25 April 2008.

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1 8 th Meeting of Steering Committee Beijing, China 23 to 25 April 2008

2 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 2 Topics  Review of Record of Discussions – 7 th Steering Committee MeetingIP1  Programme ReviewDP2  ICAO GASP ImplementationDP3  Update Concerning ICAO Safety Management System (SMS)DP4  North Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team (NARAST) RecommendationsDP5

3 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 3 Topics (cont’d)  Efficiency of Regional Aviation Safety Teams (RAST)DP6  COSCAP-NA Work Programme 2008DP9  Update – Implementation of ICAO Language RequirementsDP7  Funding and Budget – Update on Programme Funding and BudgetDP8

4 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 4 Programme ReviewDP2 Output 1.1 – Safety Oversight Capabilities – High Priority  USOAP audits Conducted on China during March/April 2007 ROK and DPRK are scheduled for May 2008 Mongolia scheduled for 2010

5 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 5 Programme ReviewDP2 Output 1.1 – Safety Oversight Capabilities – High Priority  Preparation for USOAP Audits USOAP Seminar provided in Beijing 12-15 December 2006 by the ICAO USOAP Office Attended by over 140 participants from 13 States/Administrations

6 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 6 Programme ReviewDP2 Output 1.1 – Safety Oversight Capabilities – High Priority  DPRK Four missions were provided by COSCAP-NA expert. Aerodrome Expert was engaged for a one week mission through the use of IFFAS funds CAAC has kindly supported DPRK preparations –Accident Investigation and Aerodrome safety experts to DPRK –CAAC hosted DPRK ATM specialists in Beijing

7 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 7 Programme ReviewDP2 Output 1.1 – Safety Oversight Capabilities – High Priority  Mongolia COSCAP-NA staff have conducted numerous missions to support the strengthening of the safety oversight system

8 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 8 Programme ReviewDP2 Output 2.1 Harmonization of Regulations, Standards, Guidance – Low Priority  Harmonization on standards and guidance material is resource intensive  States are generally compliant with ICAO requirements  Major initiatives towards harmonization of regulations were assigned a LOW priority at the 1 st SC Meeting.

9 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 9 Programme ReviewDP2 Output 2.1 Harmonization of Regulations, Standards, Guidance – Low Priority  Harmonization supported through material developed by COSCAP-NA Dangerous Goods Safety Oversight Manual adapted for use by all Member States  DGCA Conference 2006 requested ICAO to establish a Working Group to harmonize requirements for Air Operator regulation and certification  Proposed amendments to Annex 6 introduce Foreign Air Operator authorization and surveillance SARPs.

10 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 10 Programme ReviewDP2 Output 2.1 Harmonization of Regulations, Standards, Guidance – Low Priority  Support of this initiative given a HIGH priority on a trial basis  Draft Foreign air operator certification and surveillance material developed  Foreign Air Operator Inspector and On-Job- Training provided to CAAC staff in September & December 2007, and March 2008

11 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 11 Programme ReviewDP2 Output 2.2 NARAST – High Priority  Seven meetings of NARAST have now been completed  Implementation of recommendations approved by the Steering Committee is ongoing  7 th NARAST Meeting held in Bangkok Thailand 15 to 16 November 2007  Results to be reviewed under Agenda Item 11 -- NARAST Recommendations – DP5  Summary of Implementation Status of NARAST action items

12 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 12 Programme ReviewDP2 Output 3.1 Safety Oversight Guidance Material, OJT in Audit & Inspections  On Job Training Policy developed and provided to Member States in Nov. 2004  On Job Training provided on request, as time permits  Since last SC Meeting OJT conducted: China -- Inspection of Foreign Operators Mongolia & ROK -- Dangerous Goods

13 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 13 Programme ReviewDP2 Output 4.1 – Training  Needs vary among member States (many basic needs met)  Training provided to all States or on State-specific basis, depending on need  As of April 2008 -- 92 programmes provided to 3145 participants  Since the last SC Meeting: 13 workshops / courses Attended by 474 participants Detailed information in Appendix A of DP2Appendix A

14 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 14 Programme ReviewDP2 Output 4.1 – Future Training Courses/Seminars  Accident Investigation Workshop May 12 – 16 (Beijing) – BEA to kindly provide  Regional Aviation Safety Team Maintenance Seminar June 3 - 5 (Bangkok)  Constant Descent Final Approach Workshop (CAAC – China Eastern) May 26 – 30, 2008 (Shanghai)  North Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team (NARAST) September 8 – 12 (Bangkok)

15 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 15 Programme ReviewDP2 Output 4.1 – Future Training Courses/Seminars  Personnel Licensing Procedures Course  Runway Safety Seminar  Air Operator SMS Implementation Seminar  Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Course  Fatigue Management

16 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 16 Programme ReviewDP2 Output 5.1 – Aerodrome Certification Capability Output 5.2 – Aerodrome Oversight Capability  COSCAP-NA facilitated short term expert to support ROK USOAP Preparations  COSCAP-NA provided short term expert to DPRK  CAAC has kindly supported DPRK USOAP preparations

17 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 17 Programme ReviewDP2 Air Traffic Services  Following decision of SC#3, funding support kindly provided by Airbus and Boeing to support ATM safety management programmes  ROK engaged short term expert to assist with USOAP preparations  CAAC has kindly supported DPRK USOAP preparations.

18 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 18 Programme ReviewDP2 Results Reporting – Training / Seminars  Following decision of SC#7, results reporting has been strengthened  Survey sent to participant States following courses  States are requested to complete and return the survey to provide direct information regarding the benefits achieved by the training  Information on the benefits received is necessary to ensure that the COSCAP-NA programme is effective

19 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 19 Programme ReviewDP2 Results Reporting – Missions to States  Following decision of SC#7, detailed information of Missions to States to be provided  Commencing SC#8 a detailed report will be included in the Program report  In addition to training, COSCAP-NA was engaged in 32 missions to States  See Appendix C DP2Appendix C DP2  Future reports will be aligned with the Steering Committee period.

20 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 20 Programme ReviewDP2 Action of the Meeting – Members are invited to:  Comment on the nature of the work completed  Comment on the Results Reporting questionnaire  Confirm or revise programme priorities

21 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 21 ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) – DP3  Captain Cormier will presentpresent

22 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 22 ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) – Recommendations 4.1CTA to ensure that components of ICAO GASP are utilized for planning, designing, implementation and prioritizing the future work of the COSCAP-NA, in addition to activities or tasks assigned by the Steering Committee 4.2Grant approval for the CTA to effect necessary updates in the relevant control documents to accommodate the above decision, subject to SC approval 4.3Permit the Programme Management to undertake tasks or activities to the extent possible to conform to the GASP

23 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 23 ICAO SMS Requirements – DP4  Implementation of SMS continues to be a high priority of ICAO  Further SMS changes proposed Annex 1, 6, 11, 13 and 14  SMS Train the Trainer Courses continue to be provided (courses delivered in 46 States, 7 Regional offices and 4 in Paris, totaling 57 to date)  Model SMS regulations under development (publication anticipated in 2008)  Revision of ICAO Safety Management Manual (DOC 9859) to be available by mid-2008 (

24 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 24 ICAO SMS Requirements – DP4  Second ICAO Workshop on State Safety Programme and Safety Management Systems Implementation -- Paris, February 5 to 7, 2008  Provided a forum to obtain from States in the EUR Region perspectives and feedback  To generate strategies to overcome obstacles to SMS implementation

25 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 25 ICAO SMS Requirements – DP4  Results recorded in a Consensus Document listing obstacles, proposed solutions, ICAO contribution and agreed results  Similar workshop planned for Bangkok from 28 to 30 October 2008  Workshop will be valuable for States to have a mixed representation of flight operations, aircraft maintenance, air traffic management and aerodromes areas of expertise

26 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 26 ICAO SMS Requirements – DP4 ICAO priorities related to SMS are as follows:  SMS Train-the-trainer courses  Model SMS regulations – publication in 2008  Revision of ICAO Safety Management Manual (DOC 9859) – draft available mid-2008 Presentation on SMS ImplementationPresentation on SMS Implementation:  Lessons learned by Canada during its implementation of SMS into the airline sector  Excerpts from Paris SMS Consensus document

27 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 27 ICAO SMS Requirements – DP4 Recommendations 4.1COSCAP-NA Steering Committee Meetings is a forum to provide the latest developments concerning SMS 4.2COSCAP-NA to provide workshops, seminars and courses to assist Member States to meet the requirements of ICAO SARPs related to SMS 4.3States should participate in the ICAO Workshop on State Safety Programme and Safety Management Systems Implementation in Bangkok 28 to 30 October 2008 (tentative)

28 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 28 NARAST Report – DP5  ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) encourages States to establish regional safety teams  North Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team (NARAST) established under similar arrangement to FAA CAST and EASA ESSI (JAA JSSI)

29 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 29 NARAST Report – DP5  Terms of Reference Approved at 1 st SC Meeting  To recommend Accident Prevention Strategies to the Steering Committee  Once approved, implementation through coordinated efforts of States, air operators and manufacturers

30 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 30 NARAST Report – DP5  DP5 reports on progress made on implementing of previous recommendations and presents additional recommendations  A total of 26 specific recommendations to support safety enhancements to reduce the risk of accidents

31 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 31 NARAST Report – DP5 6.1ICAO GLOBAL AVIATION SAFETY PLAN  CTA COSCAP-NA provided a presentation of ICAO GASP examining relationship to the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap  Recommendations: 6.1.1NARAST to identify GASP/Roadmap objectives/best practices that are applicable to NARAST safety enhancement. 6.1.2 COSCAP-NA to examine objectives/best practices of the GASP/Roadmap and identify areas where NARAST can assist member states’ implementation of GASP.

32 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 32 NARAST Report – DP5 6.2EASA and the European Safety Strategic Initiative  ESSI offers a new approach to regional safety and wishes to cooperate with Asia-Pacific RAST  Recommendations: 6.2.1NARAST to cooperate with ESSI to take new initiatives from Europe to enhance safety in North Asia. 6.2.2Member States indicated interest in attending ESSI meetings. The proposal was warmly welcomed by ESSI. It was suggested that at one or more representative(s) from COSCAP-NA member States to attend the ESSI meetings 6.2.3 COSCAP-NA to request invitation from ESSI

33 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 33 NARAST Report – DP5 6.7Presentation: ECCAIRS  Jarmo Korhonen (AIG Section ICAO) provided presentation on ECCAIRS  ECCAIRS is available at no cost and is fully compatible with the ICAO ADREP system  Recommendation: 6.7.1Member States requested to determine whether there is a need to have an ECCAIRS Workshop in the North Asia Region 6.7.2ICAO Regional Office was requested to coordinate the provision of the training

34 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 34 NARAST Report – DP5 33. SE-3 CFIT/AP 1.03 – Precision-Like Approach Implementation  33.7B COSCAP-NA to organize seminar/workshop on CDFA on request  33.7D (i) NARAST focus to be on safety aspects such as elimination of the dive and drive technique in non- precision approaches through implementation of APV approaches (RNP and RNP AR approach), as well as implementation of RNAV departures and arrivals Support from NARAST to be provided with these safety aspects where APANPRIRG PBN Task Force cannot provide this support.

35 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 35 NARAST Report – DP5 33. SE-3 CFIT/AP 1.03 – Precision-Like Approach Implementation  33.7D (ii) ICAO Regional Office kindly requested to provide inputs to the PBN Task Force on the Safety Enhancements related to NARAST efforts to eliminate non-precision approaches  33.7D (iii) ICAO Regional Office requested to provide a briefing to the NARAST meeting on the developments from the PBN Task Force.

36 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 36 NARAST Report – DP5 33. SE-3 CFIT/AP 1.03 – Precision-Like Approach Implementation  33.7D (iv) At this time, member states that have yet to implement the AC COSCAP-NA 008 were kindly requested to put it on hold as a revised version would be issued shortly.

37 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 37 NARAST Report – DP5 34. SE-10 CFIT / AP 1.08 - Airline Proactive Safety Programs (FOQA & ASAP)  34.4COSCAP-NA to review the Outputs / elements related to SE-10 and provide information to NARAST Members for the next meeting.

38 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 38 NARAST Report – DP5 13.2 SE-120 Map Shift Detection/Prevention, GPS Installation and TAWS Safety Enhancement  13.2.4 COSCAP-NA AC 019 (Draft) was issued on 10th Oct. 2007. Member States are requested to provide comments within 60 days. Then the AC will be finalized and issued.  13.2.5 An AB will also be issued to introduce the AC and to address the oversight aspects for CAAs.

39 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 39 NARAST Report – DP5 9-4 SE-49, 50, 51, 52 Runway Incursion Standard Operating Procedures - Runway Incursion Prevention  9.4.3 Ground Operations Safety Seminar with support from FSF was conducted in March, 2008 in both Beijing and Bangkok  9.4.3A (i) Member States are requested to establish a Runway Safety Programme if they have yet to do so.  (ii) To support this effort FAA kindly offered to provide a Runway Incursion Prevention Workshop in the Asia Pacific Region (target date March 2008).

40 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 40 NARAST Report – DP5 12/6th-1 SE-165 Midair - ACAS Policies and Procedures  12/6th-1.1 COSCAP-NA Draft AC 018 was issued on 26 October 2007. Member States were kindly requested to review the draft AC by 16 January 2008 and provide comments to COSCAP-NA.  12/6th-1.2 COSCAP-NA to send a notice to Member States with regard to procurement of Safety Bulletins issued by Eurocontrol.

41 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 41 NARAST Report – DP5 12/6th-3 SE-121 Cargo - Cargo Loading Training and SOPs  12/6th-3.2 Korean Airlines to provide a presentation at the 8th NARAST Meeting on the best practices adopted by the operator on Cargo Safety (Loading Operations and Training)

42 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 42 NARAST Report – DP5 Maintenance SEs  12/6th-16.1 The three RASTs to convene a special Maintenance RAST in concurrent with a Maintenance Safety Seminar tentatively in February 2008.  12/6th-16.3 FAA kindly offered to provide the agenda of the FAA Maintenance Seminar and offered to assist in providing speakers.

43 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 43 NARAST Report – DP5 9.Safety Management System (SMS) Recommendations: 9.1 COSCAP-NA to continue to provide support to Member States with regard to implementation of SMS 9.2A 3-day ICAO Workshop on States’ Safety Programme and SMS Implementation will be convened at the ICAO RO in September 2008. COSCAP-NA Member States are strongly encouraged to attend 9.3 COSCAP-NA, in coordination with COSCAP-SA and COSCAP-SEA to organize an Air Operator SMS Implementation Seminar (Best Practice Exchange) tentatively scheduled for 2008

44 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 44 NARAST Report – DP5 Date and Venue of the 8 th NARAST meeting  Tentative date during the week of week of 8 September 2008  Bangkok suggested as the venue for the NARAST meeting in consideration of the travel required by the external participants

45 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 45 NARAST Report – DP5 Action of the SC8 Meeting  The Meeting is invited to review the Recommendations from the 7 th NARAST Meeting and accord its approval to the proposed recommendations as appropriate  See also following presentation DP6 – Efficiency of Regional Aviation Safety Teams (RAST)

46 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 46 Efficiency of Regional Aviation Safety Teams (RAST) – DP6  Safety Teams of all three COSCAP programmes in the Asia Pacific region coordinate activities closely to avoid duplication of effort  COSCAP programmes rely extensively on technical support from organizations such as ICAO, FAA, EASA, Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, IATA and AAPA  Air operators and service providers are active participants in all RASTs  Meeting dates are coordinated between the COSCAP programmes to minimize the cost to donors and participants

47 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 47 Efficiency of Regional Aviation Safety Teams (RAST) – DP6  The three RASTs will convene a joint Maintenance RAST Meeting in June 2008 in Bangkok to review Maintenance Safety Enhancements

48 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 48 Efficiency of Regional Aviation Safety Teams (RAST) – DP6  Joint sessions are currently planned for efficiency and to reduce burden placed on the donor organizations  Formal combination of the three RAST groups would greatly reduce the burden on both COSCAP and donor resources  The resulting RAST would benefit from the support of 24 States and Administrations from the three COSCAP programmes

49 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 49 Efficiency of Regional Aviation Safety Teams (RAST) – DP6  In addition to a two-day meeting, a day could be dedicated to providing a seminar on important safety issues  Variation in recommendations due to sub-regional differences could be accommodated  The concept of a formally combined RAST was presented to both the COSCAP-SEA and COSCAP-SA Steering Committee Meetings

50 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 50 Efficiency of Regional Aviation Safety Teams (RAST) Action of the SC8 Meeting  The Meeting is invited to review the proposal to improve the efficiency of RAST and to recommend changes and / or approval as appropriate

51 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 51 Work Programme 2008 -- DP9  Annual Work Plans: CTA must prepare pursuant to the Institutionalization Framework and Administrative Procedures Manual (IFAPM)  Steering Committee Meeting : CTA required to prepare Discussion Papers for review by the SC Meeting to support the establishment of programme priorities  NARAST Meeting : coordinated with COSCAP- SEA and COSCAP-SA a combined Maintenance RAST Meeting will be held in June 2008 along with a two-day Maintenance Seminar

52 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 52 Work Programme 2008 -- DP9  Technical Assistance : COSCAP-NA to provide approximately 5 missions to each State of in- country technical assistance. In addition, other support in USOAP-related areas will be provided if resources are available  Work plan may be altered depending on specific needs of a State  States are requested to notify the CTA regarding the activities which COSCAP-NA Experts are required to attend or assist as early as possible  Work plan for 2008 to be concluded in coordination with States following SC8

53 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 53 Work Programme 2008 -- DP9 Training Report  Included previously – DP2 Proposed Training  Attempts made to conduct training courses in more than one State subject to availability of resources and support from the funding agencies  Alternate locations will be selected taking into account the number of personnel to benefit  States may request training in areas which are not mentioned in the Work Plan

54 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 54 Work Programme 2008 -- DP9 Planned or Proposed  Accident Investigation Workshop May 19 – 23 (Beijing) – BEA  Regional Aviation Safety Team Maintenance Seminar June 3 - 5 (Bangkok)  Constant Descent Final Approach Workshop (CAAC – China Eastern) May 26 – 30, 2008 (Shanghai)  North Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team (NARAST) September 8 – 12 (Bangkok)

55 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 55 Work Programme 2008 -- DP9 Planned or Proposed  Personnel Licensing Procedures Course  Runway Safety Seminar  Air Operator SMS Implementation Seminar  Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Course  Fatigue Management  ECCAIRs Training

56 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 56 Work Programme 2008 -- DP9 Action of the Meeting  Review the Work Programme  Make decisions on the priorities for 2008

57 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 57 ICAO Language Requirements -- DP7  To update the Steering Committee Meeting on the latest developments concerning ICAO language requirements  36th Session of the ICAO Assembly reaffirmed the applicability date of 5 March 2008  Resolution A36-11 urges States that could not comply with the language proficiency requirements by 5 March 2008 to post their language proficiency implementation plans

58 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 58 ICAO Language Requirements -- DP7 The implementation plan requirements include the following components:  Regulatory framework to support the implementation of the requirements  Estimate of national level of implementation  Language proficiency training programmes  Language proficiency assessment plan for licensing purposes  Interim measures to mitigate risks associate with the level of compliance and the implementation plan

59 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 59 ICAO Language Requirements -- DP7 Recommendation 4.1Member States to note the action arising from the Assembly Resolution, in particular the requirement to develop and post implementation plans 4.2Member States who did not meet the Language Proficiency Requirements by 5 March 2008 are strongly encouraged to remain focused on completing their Implementation Plans and to transmit their plans as soon as possible to ICAO 4.3Member States who did meet the Language Proficiency Requirements are requested to provide information and support on best practices to support other members 4.4Member States to continue to utilize COSCAP-NA Steering Committee Meeting as a forum for the exchange of information that can assist State’s efforts with the implementation of ICAO SARPs related to language proficiency

60 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 60 Funding and Budget -- DP8 Objective  To present an update of the funding received by COSCAP-NA  Member States to review the budget to amend as required and approve

61 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 61 Funding and Budget -- DP8 Contributions:  Funding by States  Funding by Donors  Funding in Kind by States  Funding in Kind by Donors

62 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 62 Funding and Budget -- DP8 Funding by States – Since Last SC Meeting P.R China99,980 DPRK63.980 Mongolia57,980 ROK 1 45,000 TOTAL266,940 Note 1: State-specific activities

63 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 63 Funding and Budget -- DP8 Funding by States -- Total P.R China499,903 DPRK183,930 Mongolia307,832 ROK499,953 TOTAL States1,491,618

64 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 64 Funding and Budget -- DP8 Funding in kind States P.R China214,691 DPRK6,820 Mongolia7,642 ROK11,716 TOTAL in kind States240,869

65 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 65 Funding and Budget -- DP8 Funding by Donors EC465,499 Airbus Industries 1 199,990 Boeing 1 240,000 Canada (Transport Canada)304,518 Bombardier8,442 Assoc. of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA)4,000 IFFAS 1 150,000 TOTAL Donor1,372,449 Note 1: Funds tied to specific agreements

66 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 66 Funding and Budget -- DP8 Funding in Kind Donors JAA 2,000 Airbus 15,000 Boeing 153,085 Canada 149,000 FAA 194,239 ENAC 70,843 Total in kind Donor 584,167

67 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 67 Funding and Budget -- DP8 Course Support by DonorsDonors 5 Dangerous Goods TrainingCHINA - Shenyang25 – 29 June 2007 [1] [1] Transport Canada 6 Dangerous Goods Training MONGOLIA- Ulaanbaatar 30 June – 7 July 2007 [2] [2] Transport Canada 7 Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Workshop CHINA-DALIAN18-20 Sepember,07 8 Performance Based Navigation Procedure Design Course CHINA-BEIJING3-14 December, 07 DGAC/ENAC Airbus 9 Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Workshop CHINA-SHANGHAI25-28 December, 07

68 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 68 Funding and Budget -- DP8 Course Support by DonorsDonors 1 Approach and Landing Accident Prevention Workshop CHINA-BEIJING15-16 January 2008 Boeing 2 Designated Check Pilot (DCP) Course MONGOLIA-Ulaanbaatar22-23 January 2008 Boeing 3 Aviation English Instructor Development Training Course CHINA-BEIJING25 February-7 March 2008 4 ICAO Dangerous Goods Inspector Workshop THAILAND-BANGKOK17-21 March 2008 Transport Canada 5 Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Workshop CHINA -Xiamen18 – 20 March 6 Ground Accident Prevention SeminarCHINA-BEIJING24-25 March 2008 Boeing 7 Ground Accident Prevention SeminarTHAILAND-BANGKOK27-29 March 2008 8 Cabin Safety Inspector CourseCHINA-BEIJING14-18 April 2008

69 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 69 Funding and Budget – DP8 Core programme requires approximately $300,000 Based on the funds available:  Funding CTA until June 2009  Funding for short term experts if required  Programme will continue to meet its obligations providing funding from Member States and donors is maintained

70 23 - 25 April 20088th Steering Committee COSCAP-NA, Beijing China 70 Funding and Budget – DP8 Recommendations 4.1Approval of the updated budget for 2008/2009 4.2Member State(s) who have yet to make their contribution for 2008 to kindly provide 4.3Member States to make their contribution for 2009 prior to the end of 2008

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