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ALMA During Early Science
National Radio Astronomy Observatory - NAASC Charlottesville, Virginia
The Breadth of ALMA Science
Image the redshifted dust continuum emission from evolving galaxies at epochs of formation as early as z = 10. Probe the cold dust and molecular gas of nearby galaxies, allowing detailed studies of the interstellar medium in different galactic environments, the effect of the physical conditions on the local star formation history, and galactic structure. Reveal the details of how stars form from the gravitational collapse of dense cores in molecular clouds. The spatial resolution of ALMA will allow the accretion of cloud material onto an accretion disk to be imaged, and will trace the formation and evolution of disks and jets in young protostellar systems. For older protostars and pre-main sequence stars, ALMA will show how (proto)planets sweep gaps in circumstellar and debris disks. Uncover the chemical composition of the molecular gas surrounding young stars, including establishing the role of the freeze-out of gas-phase species onto grains, the re-release of these species back into the gas phase in the warm inner regions of circumstellar disks, and the formation of complex organic molecules Image the formation of molecules and dust grains in the circumstellar shells and envelopes of evolved stars, novae, and supernovae. Refine dynamical and chemical models of the atmospheres of planets in our own Solar System, and provide unobscured images of cometary nuclei, hundreds of asteroids, Centaurs, and Kuiper Belt Objects. If you go to the ALMA pages, you’ll find a description of... Bottom line - ALMA will be a very efficient telescope for doing origins science
Cycle 0 ALMA Sixteen 12m Antennae
Four Bands in the frequency range GHz A Compact Configuration, with a min/max baseline of ~18m/125m (largest observable scale ~ 21” at 100 GHz) An Extended Configuration, with a min/max baseline of ~36m/400m (max angular resolution ~ 0.23” at 675 GHz) Single pointing + mosaics (up to 50 pointings) a number of spectral/continuum correlator modes, with bandwidths from 58.6 MHz and 2 GHz per baseband Sources as far North as declination ~ 40o can be observed Observations of moving targets (except the Sun) supported
Cycle 0 ALMA Observing Frequencies
Band 3 6 7 9 ν (GHz) 84-116 λ (mm) Angular Resolution (“) 1.56 0.68 0.45 0.23 Maximum Observable Scale (“) 21 Primary Beam (“) 62 27 18 Continuum Sensitivity (mJy/beam) 0.14 0.20 0.37 3.2 “Extended” Angular Resolution (“) ~ 0.5” x (300 / ν GHz) x (0.400 km / max baseline) “Compact” Maximum Scale (“) ~ 7”x (300 / ν GHz) x (0.018 km / min baseline) 12m Primary Beam (“) ~ 20.3” x (300 / ν GHz) Sensitivity = 5σ in 1 hour (dual polarization mode)
ALMA Bands & Atmospheric Transmission
0.5mm pwv 1.3mm pwv Cycle 0 Bands Of course, the bands represent regions of high transparency in the mm/submm Resolution increases with increasing frequency Weather (& sensitivity) degrade with increasing frequency
Example Correlator Modes
ALMA Mode Effective Bandwidth (GHz) No. of channels Spectral Resolution (kHz) Polarization 7 1.875 3840 488 Dual 9 469 122 12 58.6 15 Arp 220 HCN HNC HCO+ C2H 2 windows E.g., for Mode 7: ~6600 km/s bandwidth per spectral window (x 2 windows ) ~2 km/s resolution Dual polarization cuts the needed integration time in half.
Comparison with existing arrays
ALMA Telescope altitude diameter No. Area νmax (feet) (m) Dishes (m2) (GHz) NMA 2,000 10 6 470 250 CARMA 7,300 3.5/6/10 8/9/6 800 IRAM PdB 8,000 15 1060 SMA 13,600 8 230 650 ALMA (ES) 16,400 12 16 1800 720 ALMA Full Science ALMA 54 6100 950 ACA 7 490 EVLA 7,050 25 27 13250 43
Comparison with existing arrays
ALMA SMA Collecting Area & Number of Baselines CARMA 8 (28) 23 (253) ALMA Early Science IRAM PdBI 64 (2016) 16 (120) 6 (15) Spectral Coverage 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 (from D. Wilner)
ALMA test Data (5-6 Ant) ALMA
ALMA will detect lots of lines Hot core of G : at 3mm - lots of molecular lines detected in 2 hours.
ALMA Data ALMA β Pictoris disk: Herschel on left and 870 micron dust emission from ALMA
ALMA Data ALMA NGC 253: Band 6: CO (2→1) and Band 9: Continuum
ALMA Data ALMA BRI 0952-0115: (z =4.43) Ionized Carbon
rest-frame158 μm) detected in 1 hour
Cycle 0 ALMA Call for Proposals issued 31 March 2011
Proposal Deadline = 15:00 UT on 30 June 2011 hours of observations in Cycle 0 North American time = 33.75% Proposal Types: Standard (≤100 hours) & Target of Opportunity Think of science that can be done in a few hours of observing time
Screenshot of the Proposal Preparation Tool
Phase I Tools ALMA Observing Tool (OT) SIMDATA Sensitivity Calculator Splatalogue Screenshot of the Proposal Preparation Tool
Phase I Tools ALMA Observing Tool (OT) SIMDATA Sensitivity Calculator
Screenshot of Sensitivity Calculator in the OT
Phase I Tools ALMA Observing Tool (OT) SIMDATA Sensitivity Calculator Splatalogue Screenshot of Sensitivity Calculator in the OT
Screenshot of Splatalogue
Phase I Tools ALMA Observing Tool (OT) SIMDATA Sensitivity Calculator Splatalogue Screenshot of Splatalogue
Proposal Checklist ALMA
Read relevant documentation (CfP Guide, Primer) Create an ALMA account by registering at the Science Portal Download the Observing Tool (OT) & related guides Prepare the Science & Technical Cases (PDF file) Prepare Science Goals (sources, frequency & correlator setup, integration times) within the OT Make use of the Helpdesk & the Knowledgebase
NRAO User Support ALMA NRAO User Support
The North American ALMA Science Center
located in Charlottesville, VA User support for proposal preparation & post- observation Support user visits to NAASC NRAO Page Charge Support Organize ALMA workshops
The North American ALMA Science Center
NAASC Postdocs Manuel Aravena, Rachel Friesen, Violette Impellizzeri, Brian Kent, Amy Kimball, Nuria Marcelino, Robin Pulliam
The Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA), an international astronomy facility, is a partnership of Europe, North America and East Asia in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. ALMA is funded in Europe by the European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO), in North America by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) in cooperation with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and the National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC) and in East Asia by the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) of Japan in cooperation with the Academia Sinica (AS) in Taiwan. ALMA construction and operations are led on behalf of Europe by ESO, on behalf of North America by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), which is managed by Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI) and on behalf of East Asia by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) provides the unified leadership and management of the construction, commissioning and operation of ALMA.
Key Cycle 0 dates ALMA Date Milestone 31 March 2011
Cycle 0 CfP & release of Observing Tool 29 April 2011 Cycle 0 Proposal Notice of Intent deadline 1 June 2011 Opening of archive for proposal submission 30 June 2011 Proposal deadline July - Sept 2011 Technical Assessments Science-Themed ALMA Review Panels (ARPs) ALMA Proposal Review Committee (APRC) mid-Sept 2011 Announce Results 30 September 2011 Anticipated start of ALMA Cycle 0 observing February 2012 Anticipated one month engineering shutdown 30 June 2012 Anticipated end of ALMA Cycle 0
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