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‘Share Blood - Save A Life’ Mission Dr Aniruddha Dharmadhikari

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1 ‘Share Blood - Save A Life’ Mission Dr Aniruddha Dharmadhikari
Yuva Shakti Raktadaan Abhiyaan Shree Sai Baba Heart Institute

2 What if? Imagine your father has just suffered a heart attack and requires blood transfusion to undergo open-heart surgery

3 What if? Imagine your little nephew or niece baby was born with a blood disorder and required periodic blood transfusions in order to have a chance at survival.

4 What if? Imagine your best friend has just met with an accident and requires at least 4-5 blood transfusions to compensate the blood loss

5 Donating blood! ‘YOU’ - The Saviour!
Naturally you'd want to do everything in your power to help. There is one way you can help. That is by Donating blood!

6 Historical Aspects People have always been fascinated by blood
Ancient Egyptians bathed in it. Aristocrats drank it. Authors & playrights used it as themes. Modern Humanity transfuses it.

7 Historical aspects Blood was taken from three young men & given to Pope Innocent VII to cure him. William Harvey described how blood is circulated throughout the body. First successful human blood transfusion. Blood transfunsions banned bcos few people survived

8 Why did success elude experimenters so long ?
Clotting was the principle obstacle to overcome Braxton Hicks 1869 – Sodium Phosphate as a nontoxic anticoagulant. Karl Landsteiner 1901 – ABO blood gr. System. World War II - establishment of blood banks by the American Red Cross in 1947.

9 Did You Know? Blood flows everywhere through the human body
We cannot live without it. The heart pumps blood to all our body cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen White blood cells fight infection Platelets stop bleeding Plasma carries nutrition to cells

10 Did You Know? 350ml of blood can save as many as three lives. Every second, someone in India needs blood. One out of every three of us will need blood in our life time. Only 3% of the eligible population donates blood in any given year. Even with all of today’s technology, there is no substitute for blood. Someone has to give blood in order for someone to receive blood.

11 Do you know that.. Hospitals predict that the need for blood will increase 5% each year. Approximately only 4% of the eligible population in India donates blood. 75% of donors donate only ONCE per year If they donated just two times per year there would never be any shortages.

12 Do you know that.. A 70 kg person has 5 litres of blood in his/her body (70 ml/kg). A person can donate blood every 90 days (3 months). Body recovers the Blood very quickly: Blood plasma volume– within hours Red Blood Cells – in about 3 weeks Platelets & White Blood Cells – within minutes

13 Do you know that.. 3 out of 10 patients who need blood do not get it because there is not enough supply Blood from a paid donor is 3 times more likely to have any 4 transmissible diseases such as malaria, syphilis, hepatitis B or C, or AIDS

14 Some Reasons to Donate Blood
Blood is always needed for: accident victims cancer patients blood disorder patients surgery patients Pre-mature, pre term babies and many others……. 1 out of 10 hospital patients needs a blood transfusion 4.5 million Indians lives are saved by blood transfusions each year

15 WHOLE BLOOD Effects: 1 unit of whole blood (350ml) –
↑ Hb by about 0.75 gm/dl. In pediatric patients, 8ml/kg of W.B. – ↑ Hb by about 1 gm/dl.

16 Our Primary Concern - Safety of Blood Donor & Blood Recipient (patient) because “Safe Blood” gives life, “Unsafe blood” gives infections To ensure “Blood Safety”, Strict “Donor Screening” at the Camp “Testing” of collected blood to WHO specified standards Strict “cross-matching” of blood samples to ensure safe transfusion to patient

17 Pre-Donation information
Blood is taken ONLY from Voluntary Donors Using sterile, disposable blood bags & instruments Donated Blood is tested and separated into components benefiting 3-4 patients It is safe to donate every 3 months It is quick and safe. It doesn’t hurt. It saves 3 to 4 lives.

18 Procedure for Voluntary Blood Donation
Pre-Donation: Donor Screening Donor Eligibility criteria Deferral Criteria (Donor Consent Form) Medical examination Blood Donation: Blood donation procedure Post donation Rest, advice & refreshment Donor Certificate, Donor ID card

19 1. Donor Screening Safe Donor selection involves –
Identification of low risk populations Donor education and recruitment Encouraging self deferral based on “Deferral Criteria” Medical Examination before donation Voluntary Non-remunerated Repeat Donor (VNRD) is safest

20 2. Donor Eligibility Criteria
Who can donate? Age: years Weight: > 45 kgs Hemoglobin level: >12 gms/dl Body temperature not more than 37◦C Pulse regular, rate between /min BP between systolic and diastolic Not taking medicines for HT, DM, IHD Wt > 45 Kg

21 3. Deferral Criteria Who CANNOT donate?
Life long 1 year 6 Months Abnormal bleeding disorder Heart, Kidney, Liver Disorder Thyroid disorder Epilepsy, Mental disorders Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Asthma Cancer Insulin dependent diabetics Uncontrolled High BP Surgery Typhoid Dog bite Unexplained wt loss Continuous low grade fever Tattoo or body piercing Dental extraction Root canal treatment Malaria Vaccination

22 3. Deferral Criteria… (Donor Consent Form)
Female donors cannot donate blood…… During pregnancy After delivery for one year When lactating During menstrual period and for 7 days therafter Male donors cannot donate blood…… If cosumed alcohol in the previous 24 hours

23 4. Medical Examination at camp
Blood test for: Blood grouping Hemoglobin Blood pressure Pulse General physical examination

24 Post Donation Advice Drink lots of fluids for next 24 hours
Avoid smoking for one hour & alcohol till after a meal Don’t use elevator to go up immediately after donation as it will make blood rush to your feet & make you dizzy! Avoid highly strenuous exercises & games for a day If you feel dizzy, lie down & put your feet up. You will be alright in mins. Remove band-aid after 4 hours. If you have any questions, meet camp doctor or call us at /

25 6. Testing at Blood Bank Transfusion Transmissible Infections (TTIs)
Blood collected at the BDC is screened using highest quality screening tests for 6 TTIs HIV 1 HIV 2 Hepatitis B Hepatitis C VDRL (syphilis) Malaria

26 7. Blood Products/Components & their uses
Blood collected is screened for TTIs (infections) & IF SAFE, is separated into components & stored for issue A.) Whole blood For Exchange Transfusion in Babies Accident Victims Complicated Delivery cases Some specific surgeries

27 7. Blood Products/Components & their uses
B.) Blood Components Red Cells: for anemia Fresh Frozen Plasma: for clotting disorders, burns Platelets/Platelet rich plasma: for cancer, dengue Cryoprecipitate: for clotting disorders Cryo-Poor Plasma: for burns

28 What can YOU do? Make Blood Donation a HABIT
Donate regularly – every 3 months to commemorate special days like birthdays, anniversaries …. Motivate others to donate Refer your friends and relatives

29 Benefits to Donor of blood donation
Health benefits: Regular donation (2-3 times a year….) Lowers cholesterol Decreases incidence of heart attacks, strokes Donor is also eligible to receive one FREE unit of blood if needed for Self Spouse/ Child/ Parents, and Even friends

30 Benefits to Donor of blood donation
Research published in 2012 demonstrated that repeated blood donation is effective in reducing Blood pressure, Blood glucose, HbA1c, Low-density lipoprotein/high-density lipoprotein ratio, and Heart rate.

31 Benefits to Donor of blood donation
The first and foremost advantage of donating blood is the exalted feeling of saving someone's life

32 Reduce the chance of heart diseases
Increase in blood iron level increases the chance of heart disease. Increases blood iron level favors the process of cholesterol oxidation and thus leads to heart disease. Regular blood donation helps especially males in loosing iron on regular basis. It helps in reducing the chance of heart attack to one third.

33 Enhance the production of new Red Blood Cells
As the blood is withdrawn from the donors body there is decrease in blood cells. To replenish it, immediately new cells are produced by marrow and this way blood gets refreshed. Therefore donating blood helps in stimulating generation of new blood cells.

34 Helps in fighting Hemochromatosis
Hemochromatosis is a iron overload disorder wherein iron accumulates in the body tissue because or improper iron metabolism. This condition may lead to organ damage. People with little iron overload can easily donate blood and reduce their iron content.

35 Burns calories One can diet or remain fit by donating blood regularly.
One pint of blood (350 ml) when donated burns 650 calories in donor’s body. Blood donation also sheds extra calories and reduces blood cholesterol level.

36 Invigorated feeling in elderly people
It has been mentioned in various sites though not proved that elderly people in good health have reported feeling invigorated or reenergized by giving blood on a regular basis.

37 Basic tests are done A donor gets a mini health checkup done before donating blood Hematocrit i.e. Hb level test, Blood pressure is measured, Body weight is checked. After the blood is collected it is tested for 6 major diseases. Donor is immediately informed if any of these test found to be positive.

38 Reduce Cancer Risk Homogeneous blood donation is correlated with lower risks of cancers. According to the Miller-Keystone Blood Center, including liver, lung, colon, stomach and throat cancers. Risk levels dropped is related to the frequency of blood donation.

39 Disadvantages of blood donation
There are no major disadvantages of donating blood, except that sometimes one may experience a drop in blood pressure due to hypovolemia (a state of reduced blood volume), which may necessitate cancellation of donation. Sometimes, one may also experience mild nausea or dizziness for a short while.

40 Volunteer’s role Most people who have never donated have never been asked. Posters don’t recruit donors…people do

41 Our Motto No One Should Die Without Blood.
No One Should Die Without Blood Donation.

42 Every blood donor is a hero!

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