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O.A. Stone Age (ISN) Stone Age: When was it? What was it?

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Presentation on theme: "O.A. Stone Age (ISN) Stone Age: When was it? What was it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 O.A. Stone Age (ISN) Stone Age: When was it? What was it?
Paleolithic Age: When was it? What was it? Neolithic Age: When was it? What was it? What was the key development that caused so much change in how people lived from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic Age?

2 O.A. Stone Age (ISN) Stone Age: When was it? What was it?
2 million y.a. – 3000 B.C.E Stone tools Paleolithic Age: When was it? What was it? 2 million y.a. – 8000 B.C.E Old Stone Age / Hunter-gatherers Neolithic Age: When was it? What was it? 8000 B.C.E. – 3000 B.C.E. New Stone Age / Raise animals, plant crops

3 AGRICULTURE!!! O.A. Stone Age (ISN 36)
4. What was the key development that caused so much change in how people lived from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic Age? AGRICULTURE!!!

4 Agriculture began around 8000 BCE when people realized that (?)
They could grow crops, rather than gather them They could produce a surplus and become artisans Government leaders were needed to protect towns from danger Trading with other towns was now possible

5 Domestication of animals meant that humans (?)
Had learned to appreciate that benefits of owning pets. Did not have to work hard anymore Could raise animals, rather than hunt them for food Went from being vegetarians to eating meats and vegetables

6 3.3 Stable Food Supply In Paleolithic times, the food supply was…hunted animals and gathered plants. In the Neolithic Age… We domesticated animals like sheep, goats, cattle, and mules. Important? Learning to farm gave us a stable food supply

7 3.4 Making Permanent Shelter
Paleolithic times…was temporary, in caves or tents 2 facts in Neolithic Age: Made of mud mixed with stones and branches Had several rooms. Food stored under floor. Cooking pit in floor. Important? Protect from weather and animals Life more comfortable New ways of cooking Allowed for larger communities

8 Learning to farm was important because it gave people (?)
A stable food supply Something to do with their spare time An unpredicatable food source

9 3.5 Establishing Communities
Paleolithic times…20-60 people who wandered in search of food 2 facts in Neolithic Age: Larger communities Allowed us to do different jobs Allowed us to work together to do a task faster Important? Invent new ways to make life safer and more comfortable Easier to defend ourselves

10 3.6 Developing New Jobs Paleolithic times…finding food for survival 2 facts in Neolithic Age: Farmers grow a surplus (more than they need) Weaving, basket making, toolmaking, trading Got better at jobs because we focused on one thing (specialized skills) Important? One job gave chance to find better ways of doing things Gave us more variety in our community (decorative, trade items)

11 Focusing on one job and getting better at it is called (?)
Agriculture Specialized skills Catal Hoyuk Domesticate

12 3.7 Beginning to Trade Paleolithic times…was rarely conducted 2 facts in Neolithic Age: Traded to get resources we didn’t have Traders traveled hundreds of miles Important? Allowed us to use more resources See how others live, spread knowledge, and ideas

13 Having permanent shelters was important because of all of the following EXCEPT (?)
Protection from extreme weather Made life more comfortable Made survival more difficult Allowed larger communities to form

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