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Statewide Directors Meeting January 18, 2012 California Department of Child Support Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Statewide Directors Meeting January 18, 2012 California Department of Child Support Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statewide Directors Meeting January 18, 2012 California Department of Child Support Services

2 Welcome and Opening Remarks Kathleen Hrepich 2

3 Administrative Services Update Mark Beckley 3 Budget Update Call Center Project Update

4 Mary Ann Miller 4 Executive Programs MGT Update Genetic Testing Contract

5 Statewide Disbursement Unit Gail Overhouse 5 KidStar Training Outreach SDU Transition

6 6 Outreach  Email, postcards, letters to CP’s, NCP’s and Employers have started  Special flyer on EPC changes sent in early January with the Barnes’ notices  Outreach results to date KidStar Training  T4T completed in December  LCSA staff training occurring in January  Userids for KidStar access will be distributed mid-January

7 SDU Transition  February 6 cutover “Go” approved  Cutover activities underway, including: - EPC cards being sent January 17 - 24 - IVR and SDU website changes  CSE system unavailable Friday, February 3 @ 8 pm through Monday, February 6 @ 6 am - Appropriate messages being developed for ECSS IVR and Customer Connect - List of other services (both available and not available) will be sent to the LCSAs 7

8 8  Deferred Functionality: - Image correspondence - Population of the CSE Logical Collection Detail screen  Additional Support after Transition: - Daily conference calls for LCSA staff with DCSS SDU Transition Team starting on day 1 of cutover - Additional DCSS & LCSA staff available to assist the SDU with suspense items - ECSS, Public Inquiry and State Help Desk staff getting trained on possible customer issues and how to provide assistance (SDU Transition cont’d)

9 Program Update Karen Echeverria 9 Plan of Cooperation Incarcerated Obligors Statewide Training

10 Systems Update Becky Stilling 10 CSE Performance Status of CSE Governance Improvements Results of Open Window Workflow Automation Information Security Office Changes

11 11

12 FFY 2011 Child Support Program Accomplishments and Awards Kathleen Hrepich and Regional Administrators 12

13 FFY 2011 was a year of many successes for California’s Child Support Services Program:  Program performance continues to rise  Data reliability audit was passed for FFY 2010  Many partnerships improved program efficiency and effectiveness  DMV Query Tool  The Work Number  Insurance Match Program – 50 new participating insurance programs in California this year  Usability workshops  Employer data improvements  Child Support Guidelines and Guideline Calculator  IV-A/IV-D Partnership  Major automation transitions were accomplished  Customer access to Child Support Services continues to improve through automation Child Support Program Accomplishments 13

14 Top Performing LCSAs (by Caseload Size) 14

15 Most Improved LCSAs in Overall Performance (by Caseload Size) 15

16 Most Improved LCSAs in Distributed Collections 16

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19 Break 19

20 Performance Measures Where We’ve Been – Where We’re Going 2012 Performance Management Plan Highlights 20 Mary Ann Miller

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27 2012 Performance Management Plan Highlights Focus on Collections and Efficiencies 27 Goal 4  Increase the amount and quality of EDD data  Develop strategies to intercept gambling winnings  Automate The Work Number match program  Develop Department of Industrial Relations Workers’ Compensation policy, procedures and training

28 28 (Goal 4 cont’d.)  Implement recreational license suspension program and explore future program improvements  Expand employer data management and verification process statewide  Review COAP and other approaches to support opportunities to compromise arrears  Complete revisions to review and adjustment regulations  Develop marketing program for non-IVD outreach  Develop business analytics and stratification strategies

29 29 (Goal 4 cont’d.)  Complete design and develop plan to implement an employer portal  Develop and deliver training on bankruptcy, credit reports and FIDM/MSFIDM  Promote low income adjustments to the child support guidelines recommended by the Guideline Study Workgroup  Expand the provision of cell phone numbers of obligors with arrears to LCSAs on a regular basis

30 30 Goal 5  Identify and plan implementation of e-e-Correspondence applications  Expand the use of shared services for call centers (Call Center Improvement Project)  Improve testing and training by establishing two new CSE environments  Implement a data warehouse  Implement CeRTNA (electronic lien delivery)  Implement OCSE State Services Portal (SSP)

31 Performance Improvement – Collection Strategies Vickie Contreras 31

32 Collection Highlights Mary Ann Miller 32 The Work Number—Oct-Dec 2012$243,394 SSA—FFY 2011 (23% over 2010)$68,661,475 Thrift Saving Plan (TSP)—  Total collected$3,538,621  Decision letters$1,129,850

33 33 San Bernardino’s Effective Collection Activities Connie Brunn

34 SAN BERNARDINO DCSS WIDE WORLD OF SUPPORT Spanning the County to bring our customers the constant satisfaction of quality child support services…competing to experience the thrill of providing children with the support they need… and the excitement of watching our department’s performance improve. This is San Bernardino County Department of Child Support Services’ Wide World of Support.

35 SBDCSS WIDE WORLD OF SUPPORT Ongoing Initiatives Early Court Intervention Dialing for Dollars Just Ask Augmented Initiatives Specialized Enforcement High Impact Cases Project 35

36 SBDCSS WIDE WORLD OF SUPPORT New Initiatives Modification Initiative Contempt Initiative Arrears Day at DCSS Managers Initiative Madera County Locate Partnership 36

37 37 Santa Barbara’s Increase in Collections Carrie Topliff

38 Highlights of a Successful Year FFY 2011 Department of Child Support Services County of Santa Barbara

39 Focus on Results 39 Call Center – Ventura County! Outbound Dialing – Los Angeles County! Moving Ahead Counting What Counts Teamwork Skilled Casework Help From Our Friends

40 2010 107.8 % 85.3 % 57.1 % 62.1 % PATERNITY CURRENT ORDERS CURRENT SUPPORT ARREARS 2011 107.6 % 88.9 % 59.3% 63.6 % 40

41 Counting What Counts 41

42 FIDM/MSFIDM Strategy Mary Ann Miller 42 Sending Levies in Initiating Cases Manual Processing Results

43 Sending Levies in Initiating Cases 43 Pros  CA DCSS is the only agency with FIDM information  Many states do not diligently work MSFIDM Cons  Responding states may react negatively  NCP’s account may be hit by two states Test via manual processing

44 Manual Process 44 1. Review OCSE quarterly file* containing participant, financial institution, account type and balance 2. Decide whether to send a levy and at what point the other state will be notified 3. Follow FIDM rules for sending OTW or EOTW *1 st Quarter 2012 OCSE file available February 2012

45 San Diego 45 Levies issued 204 Payments received42 Total collected$30,358 Largest payment$6,769

46 Sierra Nevada 46 Levies issued 155 Payments received20 Total collected$17,394 Largest payment$10,135

47 Collection Strategies LCSA Roundtable Discussion 47 Vickie Contreras

48 Closing Comments Kathleen Hrepich 48

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