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Chapter 1 Section 1 Notes.

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1 Chapter 1 Section 1 Notes

2 1 The Peopling of the World, Prehistory–2500 B.C.
CHAPTER The Peopling of the World, Prehistory–2500 B.C. Chapter Overview Human beings first emerge in East Africa. As they evolve, they develop complex technology and spread over most of the world. In some areas, people develop agriculture and settled villages, some of which eventually grow into complex cities and develop the five traits of civilization.

3 1 The Peopling of the World, Prehistory–2500 B.C. Time Line
CHAPTER The Peopling of the World, Prehistory–2500 B.C. Time Line 4,000,000 B.C. First hominids appear in Africa. 1,600,000 B.C. 8000 B.C.. 2600 B.C. City of Ur flourishes in Sumer. Homo erectus appears. Neolithic Age begins; first agriculture takes place 4,000,000 B.C. 2500 B.C. 2,500,000 B.C.. 40,000 B.C.. 3000 B.C. Paleolithic Age begins Cro-Magnons appear Bronze Age begins in Mesopotamia.

4 Human Origins in Africa
1 Human Origins in Africa Section 1 Assessment 1. Look at the graphic to help organize your thoughts. List the advances, discoveries, and inventions of hominids. Australopithecines Homo erectus Neanderthals Cro-Magnons Upright walking, opposable thumb Toolmaking, mastery of fire, language Burial rights, care of their disabled, building of shelters Advanced hunting and language skills

5 I. Scientists Search for Human Remains

6 A. Prehistory- time before written records 3000 B.C. and before

7 B. History – time after written records

8 C. Archaeologists are scientists who learn about early people by excavating and studying the traces of early settlements

9 D. Artifacts are remains , tools, jewelry and other human-made objects
                                                          This artifact from around 200,000 B.C. is a hand ax made of flint. An all-purpose tool, the hand ax was probably a hunting weapon, chopper, scraper, and slicer. D. Artifacts are remains , tools, jewelry and other human-made objects

10 E. Anthropologists study culture of humans

11 F. Culture is, the unique way of life of people

12 G. Paleontologists study fossils.

13 II. Mary Leakey finds footprints
Mary Leakey 1913–1996 Born in London, England, Mary Leakey left a remarkable legacy in the fields of archaeology and anthropology. “She was one of the world’s great originals,” said a scientist who worked with the Leakey family on fossil hunts. Mary earned respect for her excavations and well-documented findings. At 22, she made her first visit to East Africa. In her autobiography she reflected on her experiences there:

14 A. Mid 1970’s leads expedition into Tanzania

15 1. Find prehistoric footprints of human like creatures called austalopithecines, also called hominids

16 B. Donald Johanson discovers Lucy in Ethiopia in 1974

17 1. Lucy was an almost complete adult female hominid living around 3
1. Lucy was an almost complete adult female hominid living around 3.5 million years ago

18 III. Progress during the Old Stone Age

19 A. Stone Age had two parts.

20 1. Old Stone Age or Paleolithic Age lasted from 2
1. Old Stone Age or Paleolithic Age lasted from 2.5 million years ago to 8000 B.C.

21 a. Ice Age glaciers advanced and retreated as many as 18 times.

22 2. New Stone Age or Neolithic Age began about 8000 B. C
2. New Stone Age or Neolithic Age began about 8000 B.C. and ended around 3000 B.C.

23 Polish stone tools b. Make Pottery c. Grow crops d.Domesticate animals

24 B. Homo Habilis: the first tool maker 2.5 million years ago

25 1. Means man of Skill

26 2. Discovered in Tanzania by the Leakeys

27 3. Made tools of lava.

28 Cut meat b.Crack bones open

29 C. Homo Erectus is more intelligent, 1.6 million years ago

30 Upright man 2. Developed technlogy

31 a. Ways of applying knowledge

32 3. Skillful hunters

33 4. Tools for digging, scraping, and cutting

34 5. Began to migrate

35 6. First to use fire

36 7. First to use spoken language

37 8. May have named objects, plants, and animals

38 IV. The Dawn of Modern Humans

39 A. Homo Sapiens modern man, “wise man”


41 1. Larger brains

42                                                                                                      DNA testing indicated that Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals were not ancestors of modern man

43 B. Neanderthals way of life

44 1. First found in Germany in a valley called Neander

45 2. Powerfully built

46 3. Lived between 200,000 and 30,000 years ago

47 4. Tried to explain world

48 5. Developed religious beliefs

49 a. Held funeral for a man in Shanidar Cave, located in Northern Iraq

50 6. Made shelters wood and animal skins

51 7. Made tools

52 C. Cro-Magnons Emerge

53 1. Arrive about 40,000 years ago

54 2. Remains show that they were identical to modern humans

55 3. Planned hunts

56 4. Advanced spoken language

57 Time Line of Planet Earth Imagine the 102 stories of the Empire State Building as a scale for a time line of the earth’s history. Each story represents about 40 million years. Modern human beings have existed for just a tiny percentage of the life of this planet.

58 1 = C 3 = D 2 = H 4 = G

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