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Chapter 1 Prehistory. Hominid (human-like creatures) Homo sapiens (“thinking, or skillful, Man”) –Originated in Africa –Migrated about 40,000 years.

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1 Chapter 1 Prehistory


3 Hominid (human-like creatures) Homo sapiens (“thinking, or skillful, Man”) –Originated in Africa –Migrated about 40,000 years ago into Middle East, Europe –By 25,000-30,000 years ago was on every continent except Antarctica, maybe the Americas

4 Prehistory Definition of Terms –History – systematic record of human activity –Prehistory – period before invention of writing –Historiography – written form of history –Culture – “way of life” of distinct group of humans –Civilization – complex, developed, distinctive culture –Archaeology – study of prehistoric or historic cultures through examination of artifacts –Anthropology – study of humans as species rather than studying specific activities

5 The Evolving Past Paleoanthropology is advancing our knowledge almost daily Tool-making – major indicator of human development –Tools date back at least 70,000 years ago –Tools are also a form of art The Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age) –Dates roughly from first tools to about 8000 BCE –The family was the basic social unit, organized into groups of 40 people or fewer

6 Human Development during the Paleolithic Neanderthal Man –Flourished in western Germany 30,000 years ago –Came to an end with last Ice Age –Disappeared at same time that Homo sapiens appeared Humans changed appearance –Became upright, walked more erect –Skull shape changed to encompass larger brain –Less hairy bodies, arms were shorter –Eyesight improved, smell deteriorated Living in semi-permanent shelters for longer periods of time Mastering their environment –Clothing –Fire

7 The Neolithic Age: Agriculture Gradual change from hunting/herding to sowing, harvesting as primary food production Changes in lifestyle –Expanding population in permanent shelters –Privately owned property – land –Systematized regulation, laws –Specialized labor –Enlarged roles for women Irrigation Civilizations –Mesopotamia and Egypt –India and China –Peru


9 Metal and Its Uses First metal used was soft copper –Combined with lead, tin to form bronze Harder, more resistant to weather Difficult to make, heavy, expensive –Bronze Age First appeared in western Asia, lasted 7000-1500 BCE Ended with smelting of iron

10 Iron Age Key metal in history Cheaper, lasts longer, does not lose its edge as fast as other metals Iron was one of most common ores Crucial breakthrough was to purify it Equipment, tools, weapons, utensils By 1200 BCE, knowledge of iron smelting was known throughout Middle East and Egypt

11 Discussion Questions Was it coincidence that Neanderthal Man vanished at roughly the same time that Homo sapiens appeared? Would the two groups have had contact? If so, what do you think might have happened? It has been suggested that agriculture has been one of mankind’s most important inventions, second only to our learning to use fire. Do you agree or disagree? What other human inventions are of this magnitude? What would have happened to our species if we had not invented agriculture? Was it inevitable?

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