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Ancient Man. I. CHAPTER ONE A. Prehistory 1. Human existence before written records 2. History: systematic written record of the human past. 3. Fossil.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Man. I. CHAPTER ONE A. Prehistory 1. Human existence before written records 2. History: systematic written record of the human past. 3. Fossil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Man

2 I. CHAPTER ONE A. Prehistory 1. Human existence before written records 2. History: systematic written record of the human past. 3. Fossil remains of homo sapiens a. Eastern Africa b. Movement and expansion

3 Expansion of Homo sapiens

4 a. Archaeology b. Anthropology c. Date fossils using radiocarbon and thermo luminescence dating. 4. Pre-History: A search for truth?


6 B. PALEOLITHIC AGE (2,500,000 to 10,000 B.C.) 1. The Old Stone Age(tools made of stone) 2. First humanlike creatures lived in Africa three to four million years ago 3. First modern humans, known as Homo sapiens sapiens appeared in Africa between 150,000 to 200,000 years ago. 4. Humans used stone tools, lived in caves, and were nomadic 5. Findings: Neanderthal Man and Lucy

7 6. Settlements a. Lascaux, France(cave paintings) b. Altamira, Spain c. Hadar, Eastern Africa(Lucy) d. Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania “Cradle of Mankind” e. Neander Valley, Germany (Neanderthal Man)


9 Neanderthal Man

10 Lascaux Cave Paintings

11 Paleolithic Art




15 C.NEOLITHIC AGE (10,000 to 4000 B. C.) 1. “New Stone Age” 2. Move towards civilization a. Agricultural Revolution 1. Domestication of animals 2. Crops developed 3. Food gatherers to food producers b. Sedentary Life

16 Neolithic Dwellings

17 D. The Emergence of Civilizations 1. Main Characteristics of a Civilization a. growth of cities with governments b. use of writing c. development and use of a calendar d. advanced technical skills (artistic activity) e. division of labor with creation of a social structure



20 a. Mesopotamia (Tigris and Euphrates) b. Egypt(Nile) c. India(Indus) d. China(Yellow) 2. 2. First Civilizations(River City Civ’s)


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