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Paleolithic and Neolithic Peoples

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Presentation on theme: "Paleolithic and Neolithic Peoples"— Presentation transcript:

1 Paleolithic and Neolithic Peoples
Early Civilization Paleolithic and Neolithic Peoples

2 Paleolithic Age “Old Stone Age” Earliest Period of Human History
First Stone Tools- 10,000 B.C. First people lived in East Africa

3 A Satellite View

4 Lifestyle of Paleolithic Age
People live in small hunting bands (20-30) Men hunt and fish Women and kids gather berries, fruit, nuts, grain, shellfish, etc… Nomads= people who move from place to place- follow food source

5 More Paleolithic Fun Facts!
Used Simple Tools of stone, bone, wood Simple language used to cooperate on hunts and to move Clothes and Fire invented to survive Ice Age Animal and Earth Spirits worshipped- begin burying dead with tools, weapons, etc…

6 How Do We Know This?? Cave Paintings
Fossils and other discovered remains

7 Agricultural Revolution
Nomads notice seeds scattered on ground produce crops the next year Can now remain in one place and survive Permanent villages develop Animals once hunted become domesticated

8 Neolithic Age “New Stone Age”
People are food producers for the first time Population rises Greater interaction, cooperation between communities


10 Assignment Create a political cartoon showing the impacts of the Agricultural Revolution- is this the biggest turning point in human history?

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