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Prehistory Overview (A look at some broad changes over time) Hey, where did my jaw go?

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Presentation on theme: "Prehistory Overview (A look at some broad changes over time) Hey, where did my jaw go?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prehistory Overview (A look at some broad changes over time) Hey, where did my jaw go?

2 Who were the ancestors of modern humans?  Australopithecus (think of Lucy vs.Hominid  Small brainLarge brain  Large TeethSmall teeth  Homo habilis = first human species to use tools  Homo erectus = first human species to walk upright  Homo sapiens= first human species to “think” or plan… our species!

3 Paleolithic Age (6,000,000 to 8,000 B.C.) During Ice AgeDuring Ice Age Food obtained by hunting/ gatheringFood obtained by hunting/ gathering Advancements:Advancements: Stone tools Fire Spoken language Two groups active in the Paleolithic Age: Neantherthals and Cro-MagnonsTwo groups active in the Paleolithic Age: Neantherthals and Cro-Magnons

4 A reconstructed Neanderthal skeleton (left) as compared to a modern human. What differences between the two do you notice? Image from: otos/050310/neanderthal.vlarge. otos/050310/neanderthal.vlarge

5 Mesolithic Age (8,000 to 6,000 B.C.)  Ice Age over  Advancements:  Fishing (boats, nets, fish hook)  Wild dogs (jackals) domesticated  Tools such as harpoons, bows, arrows I owe it all to the Mesolithic man!

6 The Neolithic Age (6,000 to 3,000 B.C.)  FARMING and HERDING are discovered in the fertile area of Mesopotamia!  The discovery of FARMING and HERDING is called the Neolithic Revolution

7 Results of the Neolithic Revolution  permanent villages (people no longer moving with food source)  population grows (more food; grain can be stored)  “ownership” of land (due to the fact that everyone is staying in one place)  specialization (different jobs) leads to trade  government (to oversee trade and property ownership)  writing (to keep track of trade items)

8 Done? Explore some of these websites!  A museum exhibit on Prehistory A museum exhibit on Prehistory A museum exhibit on Prehistory  Daily life in the Stone Age (including people's food) Daily life in the Stone Age (including people's food) Daily life in the Stone Age (including people's food)  Cro-Magnon cave paintings in France Cro-Magnon cave paintings in France Cro-Magnon cave paintings in France  Early human skulls Early human skulls Early human skulls

9  All these changes led Mesopotamia to develop into the first “civilization” with laws and government.

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