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Presentation on theme: "PATHFINDER BIBLE EXPERIENCE 2014 Area Level Questions 2 ND SAMUEL."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to the 2014 Pathfinder Bible Experience Area Level Testing LET THE TESTING BEGIN

3 QUESTION #1 According to 2nd Samuel 13:6, What did Amnon want Tamar to bake for him?

4 QUESTION #1 Answer: Answer:A couple of cakes

5 QUESTION #2 According to 2nd Samuel 24:11, What was the name of David's seer?

6 QUESTION #2 Answer: Answer:Gad

7 QUESTION #3 According to 2nd Samuel 2:10, How old was Ishbosheth when he began to reign over Israel?

8 QUESTION #3 Answer: Answer:40 years old

9 QUESTION #4 According to 2nd Samuel 14:29-30, What did Absalom have his servants do to get Joab to answer him?

10 QUESTION #4 Answer: Answer:Set his barley fields on fire

11 QUESTION #5 According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Page 447, Because his life and ministry dominated the first half of the book in its original form, whose name was given to the book of 1st and 2nd Samuel?

12 QUESTION #5 Answer: Answer:Samuel

13 QUESTION #6 According to 2nd Samuel 5:25, David drove back the Philistines from Geba as far as what place?

14 QUESTION #6 Answer: Answer:Gezer

15 QUESTION #7 According to 2nd Samuel 24:15, True or False, 70,000 men from Dan to Beersheba died from the plague.

16 QUESTION #7 Answer: Answer:True

17 QUESTION #8 According to 2nd Samuel 9:1, For whose sake was David looking for anyone left of the house of Saul?

18 QUESTION #8 Answer: Answer:Jonathan's

19 QUESTION #9 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 16:5, King David arrived in Bahurim and a man from the family of Saul met him. What was his name and whose son was he?

20 QUESTION #9 Answer: Answer:Shimei, son of Gera

21 QUESTION #10 According to 2nd Samuel 4:4, What was the name of Jonathan's son who was lame in his feet?

22 QUESTION #10 Answer: Answer:Mephibosheth

23 QUESTION #11 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 22:5, When the waves of death surrounded David, what made him afraid? Be specific.

24 QUESTION #11 Answer: Answer:Flood of ungodliness

25 QUESTION #12 According to 2nd Samuel 6:13, When those bearing the ark of the Lord moved a certain distance David offered sacrifices. What distance did they move?

26 QUESTION #12 Answer: Answer:6 paces

27 QUESTION #13 Be specific. According to 2nd Samuel 13:18, Who wore robes of many colors? Be specific.

28 QUESTION #13 Answer: Answer:The king's virgin daughters

29 QUESTION #14 4 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 23:3, Fill in the blanks "He who___ over men must be ___, ___ in the ___ of God."

30 QUESTION #14 Answer: Answer:Rules, just, Ruling, fear

31 QUESTION #15 According to 2nd Samuel 4:8, To whom was the head of Ishbosheth delivered?

32 QUESTION #15 Answer: Answer:David

33 QUESTION #16 According to 2nd Samuel 23:20, Benaiah had killed what type of heroes of Moab?

34 QUESTION #16 Answer: Answer:Lion-like

35 QUESTION #17 According to 2nd Samuel 15:2, Whenever anyone who had a lawsuit and came to the king for a decision, Absalom saw them at the gate and would ask a specific question. What was it? Be specific.

36 QUESTION #17 Answer: Answer:What city are you from?

37 QUESTION #18 According to 2nd Samuel 1:1, How long had David stayed in Ziklag?

38 QUESTION #18 Answer: Answer:2 days

39 QUESTION #19 According to 2nd Samuel 19:27, Mephibosheth said the King (David) was like what being? Be specific.

40 QUESTION #19 Answer: Answer:Angel of God

41 QUESTION #20 According to 2nd Samuel 11:27, What displeased the Lord?

42 QUESTION #20 Answer: Answer:The thing that David had done

43 QUESTION #21 According to 2nd Samuel 7:16, How long would David's throne be established?

44 QUESTION #21 Answer: Answer:Forever

45 QUESTION #22 According to 2nd Samuel 24:8, How long did it take for Joab and his captains to go through all the land and number Israel and Judah?

46 QUESTION #22 Answer: Answer:Nine months, twenty days

47 QUESTION #23 According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Page 450, What was later constructed by Solomon at the site of David's purchase described at the end of 2nd Samuel?

48 QUESTION #23 Answer: Answer:The Temple

49 QUESTION #24 According to 2nd Samuel 13:29, When the king's sons fled, what did they ride?

50 QUESTION #24 Answer: Answer:Mules

51 QUESTION #25 According to 2nd Samuel 6:4, From whose house was the ark of God being taken?

52 QUESTION #25 Answer: Answer:Abinadab

53 QUESTION #26 According to 2nd Samuel 9:8, How did Mephibosheth refer to himself?

54 QUESTION #26 Answer: Answer:A dead dog

55 QUESTION #27 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 21:8, Name the mothers of the seven descendants of Saul turned over to the Gibeonites for hanging.

56 QUESTION #27 Answer: Answer:Rizpah, Michal

57 QUESTION #28 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 17:10, Fill in the blanks, "For all Israel knows your father is a ___man and those who are with him are ___ men."

58 QUESTION #28 Answer: Answer:Mighty, valiant

59 QUESTION #29 According to 2nd Samuel 4:4, When news of Saul and Jonathan came to Mephibosheth, who took him up and fled?

60 QUESTION #29 Answer: Answer:His nurse

61 QUESTION #30 According to 2nd Samuel 21:16, What was the weight of Ishbi-Benob's spear?

62 QUESTION #30 Answer: Answer:300 shekels

63 QUESTION #31 According to 2nd Samuel 1:8, What was the nationality of the young man Saul called to on Mount Gilboa?

64 QUESTION #31 Answer: Answer:Amalekite

65 QUESTION #32 According to 2nd Samuel 12:9, What did Nathan say David had despised?

66 QUESTION #32 Answer: Answer:The commandment of the Lord The commandment of the Lord

67 QUESTION #33 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 20:23, Benaiah, son of Jehoida was put in charge over what two groups?

68 QUESTION #33 Answer: Answer:Cherethites, Pelethites

69 QUESTION #34 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 7:23, What words does David use to describe God's deeds for his land?

70 QUESTION #34 Answer: Answer:Great, awesome

71 QUESTION #35 4 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 12:13, Fill in the blanks, David's response to Nathan's accusation "___ have ___ ___ the ___."

72 QUESTION #35 Answer: Answer:I, sinned, against, Lord

73 QUESTION #36 According to 2nd Samuel 17:25, True or False, Absalom made Joab the captain of his army.

74 QUESTION #36 Answer: Answer:False, (Amasa was made captain of the army)

75 QUESTION #37 3 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 10:3, For what purpose did the princes of Ammon think David had sent his servants?

76 QUESTION #37 Answer: Answer:To search the city, spy it out, and overthrow it

77 QUESTION #38 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 18:18, What did Absalom set up for himself in the King's Valley and what is it called to this day?

78 QUESTION #38 Answer: Answer:A pillar, Absalom's Monument

79 QUESTION #39 According to 2nd Samuel 7:10, What did God tell David the children of Israel would not have to do any more?

80 QUESTION #39 Answer: Answer:Move

81 QUESTION #40. According to 2nd Samuel 2:4, Men of Judah came to the city of Hebron and did something to David, what was it? Be specific.

82 QUESTION #40 Answer: Answer:Anointed David over the house of Judah

83 QUESTION #41 According to 2nd Samuel 17:1, Ahithophel told Absalom he would arise and pursue David that night with how many chosen men?

84 QUESTION #41 Answer:12,000

85 QUESTION #42 2 pts. According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Page 447, The name Samuel is associated with the Books of 1st and 2nd Samuel because of ___ rather than ___.

86 QUESTION #42 Answer: Answer:Content, authorship

87 QUESTION #43 According to 2nd Samuel 11:3, What was the nationality of Uriah, the husband of Bathsheba?

88 QUESTION #43 Answer: Answer:Hittite

89 QUESTION #44 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 8:10, What did Toi send his son Joram to do to King David?

90 QUESTION #44 Answer: Answer:Greet him, bless him

91 QUESTION #45 6 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 3:2-5, Name the 6 sons of David born in Hebron.

92 QUESTION #45 Answer: Answer:Amnon, Chileab, Absalom, Adonijah, Shephatiah, Ithream

93 10 Minute Intermission At the Conclusion of the Intermission Please Quietly Return to Your Seats for the Last Half for the Last Half

94 QUESTION #46 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 9:10, How many sons and servants did Ziba have?

95 QUESTION #46 Answer: Answer:15 sons, 20 servants

96 QUESTION #47 According to 2nd Samuel 12:18, On what day did David and Bathsheba's first child die?

97 QUESTION #47 Answer: Answer:The seventh day

98 QUESTION #48 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 5:20, David said that the Lord had broken through his enemies like a ___of ___. Be specific.

99 QUESTION #48 Answer: Answer:Breakthrough, water

100 QUESTION #49 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 11:8, What two things did David tell Uriah to do?

101 QUESTION #49 Answer: Answer:Go down to his house, wash his feet

102 QUESTION #50 According to 2nd Samuel 16:15, Who was with Absalom and the men of Israel as they came to Jerusalem?

103 QUESTION #50 Answer: Answer:Ahithophel

104 QUESTION #51 According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Page 449, What did Samuel establish to repudiate the evils of the day and Israel's tendencies of indifference and idolatry?

105 QUESTION #51 Answer: Answer:"Schools of the Prophets"

106 QUESTION #52 According to 2nd Samuel 8:14, Where did David put garrisons?

107 QUESTION #52 Answer: Answer:Edom

108 QUESTION #53 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 18:4, In what size groups did the people depart the city gate in front of David?

109 QUESTION #53 Answer: Answer:Hundreds, thousands

110 QUESTION #54 According to 2nd Samuel 3:20, What did David do when Abner and twenty men came to see David at Hebron?

111 QUESTION #54 Answer: Answer:Made a feast

112 QUESTION #55 According to 2nd Samuel 14:21, Whom did David send to bring back Absalom?

113 QUESTION #55 Answer: Answer:Joab

114 QUESTION #56 According to 2nd Samuel 8:3-4, How many foot soldiers did David take from Hadadezer when he defeated him?

115 QUESTION #56 Answer: Answer: 20,000 foot soldiers

116 QUESTION #57 According to 2nd Samuel 18:33, Where did the king go to weep over Absalom's death? Be specific.

117 QUESTION #57 Answer: Answer:The chamber over the gate

118 QUESTION #58 According to 2nd Samuel 14:26, True or False, Because of its weight, Absalom cut his hair twice a year.

119 QUESTION #58 Answer: Answer:False (Once each year)

120 QUESTION #59 According to 2nd Samuel 5:21, What did David and his men do with the images the enemy had left?

121 QUESTION #59 Answer: Answer:Carried them away

122 QUESTION #60 According to 2nd Samuel 21:2, The Gibeonites were the remnants of what group of people?

123 QUESTION #60 Answer: Answer:The Amorites

124 QUESTION #61 According to 2nd Samuel 10:6, The people of Ammon hired 1,000 men from the king of what nation?

125 QUESTION #61 Answer: Answer:Maacah

126 QUESTION #62 3 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 15:10, Fill in the blanks, Absalom sent spies throughout all Israel, saying "As soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet, then you shall say, '___ ___in___'"

127 QUESTION #62 Answer: Answer:Absalom, reigns, Hebron

128 QUESTION #63 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 2:16, What is the field called where twelve men of Benjamin and twelve of David’s servants fought? Be specific.

129 QUESTION #63 Answer: Answer:Field of Sharp Swords

130 QUESTION #64 According to 2nd Samuel 20:22, What was thrown out to Joab while he and his men were besieging the city?

131 QUESTION #64 Answer: Answer:The head of Sheba

132 QUESTION #65 According to 2nd Samuel 11:3, Who was the daughter of Eliam?

133 QUESTION #65 Answer: Answer:Bathsheba

134 QUESTION #66 According to 2nd Samuel 22:11, What does David say God rode upon and flew?

135 QUESTION #66 Answer: Answer:A cherub

136 QUESTION #67 According to 2nd Samuel 2:28, What did Joab do causing all people to stand still and not fight or pursue Israel anymore?

137 QUESTION #67 Answer: Answer:Blew a trumpet

138 QUESTION #68 According to 2nd Samuel 8:7, What did David take that had belonged to the servants of Hadadezer?

139 QUESTION #68 Answer: Answer:Shields of gold

140 QUESTION #69 According to 2nd Samuel 12:30, Where was the king of Rabbah's crown placed?

141 QUESTION #69 Answer: Answer:On David’s head

142 QUESTION #70 According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Page 449, What were the young men trained in the "Schools of the Prophets" called?

143 QUESTION #70 Answer: Answer:"Sons of the Prophets"

144 QUESTION #71 According to 2nd Samuel 10:6, How many men did the people of Ammon hire from Ish-Tob?

145 QUESTION #71 Answer:12,000

146 QUESTION #72 According to 2nd Samuel 3:26, When Joab sent his messengers after Abner, where did they find Abner?

147 QUESTION #72 Answer: Answer:Well of Sirah

148 QUESTION #73 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 22:49, David said God delivered him from whom?

149 QUESTION #73 Answer: Answer:David's enemies, the violent man

150 QUESTION #74 According to 2nd Samuel 20:4, To whom did David say "Assemble the men of Judah for me within three days"?

151 QUESTION #74 Answer: Answer:Amasa

152 QUESTION #75 According to 2nd Samuel 6:22, Whom did David say would hold him in honor?

153 QUESTION #75 Answer: Answer:The maidservants

154 QUESTION #76 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 4:10, What did David say he did in Ziklag to the one who brought news of Saul's death, thinking he would be rewarded?

155 QUESTION #76 Answer: Answer:Arrested him, executed him

156 QUESTION #77 According to 2nd Samuel 19:21, What was the reason Abishai gave for why Shimei should be put to death?

157 QUESTION #77 Answer: Answer:He cursed the Lord's anointed

158 QUESTION #78 According to 2nd Samuel 16:22, What was done for Absalom on the top of the house?

159 QUESTION #78 Answer: Answer:They pitched a tent

160 QUESTION #79 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 1:4, Who was specifically named as having died in battle?

161 QUESTION #79 Answer: Answer:Saul and Jonathan

162 QUESTION #80 According to 2nd Samuel 23:21, True or False, Benaiah killed an Ethiopian with his own spear.

163 QUESTION #80 Answer: Answer:False, (An Egyptian)

164 QUESTION #81 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 5:6, Whom did the Jebusites say would repel David?

165 QUESTION #81 Answer: Answer:The blind and the lame

166 QUESTION #82 According to 2nd Samuel 19:32, Barzillai was very old. How old was he at this time?

167 QUESTION #82 Answer: Answer:80 years old

168 QUESTION #83 According to 2nd Samuel 7:8, From what place had God taken David?

169 QUESTION #83 Answer: Answer:The sheepfold

170 QUESTION #84 Be specific. According to 2nd Samuel 6:6, Where were David and all the house of Israel when Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of God? Be specific.

171 QUESTION #84 Answer: Answer:Nachon's threshing floor

172 QUESTION #85 According to 2nd Samuel 9:3, What was Mephibosheth's physical condition? Be specific.

173 QUESTION #85 Answer: Answer:Lame in both feet

174 QUESTION #86 According to the SDA Bible Commentary, Page 450, What is the theme of 2nd Samuel?

175 QUESTION #86 Answer: Answer:The glorious reign of David

176 QUESTION #87 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 15:29, Who carried the ark of God back to Jerusalem and remained there?

177 QUESTION #87 Answer: Answer:Zadok and Abiathar

178 QUESTION #88 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 3:29, Whom did David say the death of Abner should rest on?

179 QUESTION #88 Answer: Answer:Head of Joab. On all his father's house.

180 QUESTION #89 2 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 10:19, When the kings who were servants to Hadadezer saw that they were defeated by Israel, what did they do?

181 QUESTION #89 Answer: Answer:They made peace with Israel and served them

182 QUESTION #90 5 pts. According to 2nd Samuel 19:5, Identify the lives Joab told David had been saved that day by his servants?

183 QUESTION #90 Answer: Answer:David's life, lives of David's sons and daughters, David's wives, David's concubines

184 This Concludes the Area Level Testing Please be patient as the Leaders retire to tally scores and determine placement

185 Conference Level Testing Location:Date:

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