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Introduction Chapter Introduction

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1 Introduction Chapter Introduction This chapter will introduce you to Early People. You will learn about the first humans and about the modern scientists and historians who study them. Section 1: Studying the Distant Past Section 2: Hunter-Gatherer Societies Section 3: Populating the Earth

2 Exploring the Stone Age
myStory Mary Leakey: Exploring the Stone Age What were Mary Leakey’s early interests? How did her career activities relate to her early interests? Early Interests Career Activities Both Show the myStory video. Discuss Mary’s interest. Have students list Mary’s interests in the Venn diagram and then identify the shared interest that she pursued in her adult life in the overlapping center section.

3 Mary Leakey: Exploring the Stone Age
myStory Mary Leakey: Exploring the Stone Age In the myStory, what does the phrase “she got her wish” mean? What evidence suggests that Mary Leakey was a skilled artist? Show the myStory video. Discuss the phase “she got her wish” and invite students to give examples from daily life to explain it.

4 Mary Leakey: Exploring the Stone Age
myStory Mary Leakey: Exploring the Stone Age Why was it unusual for Mary Leakey to supervise an excavation site? What kind of person was Mary Leakey? Show the myStory video about Mary’s work in Africa. Ask students to think back to what they’ve learned about the work Mary does and the challenges that the work might include.

5 Mary Leakey: Exploring the Stone Age
myStory Mary Leakey: Exploring the Stone Age What did Mary Leakey find? Why was her discovery important? How did her discovery affect ideas about human development? Mary Leakey’s Discoveries What Mary Leakey Found Why It Matters Effect on the Study of Human Develop-ment Show the myStory Video about Mary’s work discovery. Have students use the graphic organizer to list Mary’s find and its importance. Model how to use the listed info to support a conclusion about the effect of her discovery on understanding of human development.

6 What are the consequences of technology?
myStory What are the consequences of technology? Your Questions and Skills Mary Leakey’s Questions and Skills Tell students to think about questions they have about the world. How do they try to answer them? Use the graphic organizer to list some of the questions and the skills students use to answer them. Then compare with Mary Leakey’s questions and skills. Consider how each has used the available technology to answer questions.

7 What do items left behind say about us?
Studying the Distant Past What do items left behind say about us? What I Found What It Says About Me Ask students to imagine they are cleaning out their backpack or desk. Have them use the graphic organizer to list items they would find. Then have them describe what each item reveals about their life, such as topics they have studied or movies they selected to view.

8 Academic Vocabulary evidence—n., something that can be used as proof
Studying the Distant Past Academic Vocabulary evidence—n., something that can be used as proof A blue tongue was evidence that Jill had eaten a blueberry snow cone. conclude—v., to decide as a result of thinking or reasoning Smiles and laughter helped me conclude that the party was a success. Tell students to use the list of Academic Vocabulary or high-use words to understand these terms when used in the section. If they are unfamiliar with the terms, students should read the definitions and practice by using them in sentences.

9 Key Ideas Scientists use fossils and artifacts to draw
Studying the Distant Past Key Ideas Scientists use fossils and artifacts to draw conclusions about early humans. Archaeological evidence indicates that human life began in Africa.

10 Key Terms anthropology—the study of how human beings behave
Studying the Distant Past Key Terms anthropology—the study of how human beings behave archaeologist—an anthropologist who studies human life by examining the things that people leave behind prehistory—the time before written records Students should use the Word Wise feature for Section 1 of the Early People chapter of their Student Journal to explore Key Terms.

11 Studying the Distant Past
Key Terms fossil—hardened remains or imprints of living things that existed long ago geologist—a scientist who studies the physical materials of Earth itself, such as soil and rocks artifact—an object made and used by humans Students should use the Word Wise feature for Section 1 of the Early People chapter of their Student Journal to explore Key Terms.

12 What are some ways that different scientists study human prehistory?
Studying the Distant Past What are some ways that different scientists study human prehistory? Archaeologists find and study fossils of living things to understand the prehistoric past. Techniques that geologists use to determine the age of fossils include layering; radioactive dating; and DNA analysis.

13 What do fossils and artifacts tell us about human prehistory?
Studying the Distant Past What do fossils and artifacts tell us about human prehistory? Clues About Human Prehistory Fossils Artifacts Tell students to think about what they learned about fossils and artifacts. Then have them list the different kinds of information scientists get from each kind of discovery.

14 Important Archaeologists
Studying the Distant Past Important Archaeologists and Their Discoveries 1959 Mary and Louis Leakey: Olduvai Gorge 1974 Donald Johanson: Lucy 2001 Michael Brunet: “oldest” skull 2009 Tim White: Ardi Have students think about each archaeologist and discovery listed. Ask them try to remember what is important about each discovery.

15 Uncovering the Past Studying the Distant Past Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Ask students to recall what they have read about the process at an archaeological dig. Have them record the steps that archaeologists take to recover and study fossils and artifacts.

16 Studying the Distant Past
Competing Theories Discoveries such as “Lucy” and “Ardi” lead most scientists to believe that humankind began in East Africa. Some scientists disagree. For example, Michael Brunet believes human life started elsewhere in Africa. He found a skull in Central Africa that may support that theory. Explain that Brunet’s find is older than the three East Africa finds. However, it is more apelike so may not be human at all. Return to slide 14 Important Archaeologists/Their Discoveries. Ask students which discoveries support each of the theories posted here.

17 What do fossils tell us? What do all fossil finds have in common?
Studying the Distant Past What do fossils tell us? What do all fossil finds have in common? How do fossils form? What are three ways to date fossils? Use these questions to review content from Section 1.

18 What have scientists found?
Studying the Distant Past What have scientists found? What did scientists conclude from the skull that Mary Leakey found? Why was Donald Johanson so surprised to find a complete skeleton? How would you sequence the fossil finds of Johanson, Brunet, and White? Use these questions to review content from Section 1.

19 What are the consequences of technology?
Studying the Distant Past What are the consequences of technology? Studying the Past Many kinds of scientists work together to study early humans. Scientists have discovered several important clues to early human life. Many questions still exist about the beginnings of human life. Think back on everything you learned in the section. Use the graphic organizer to make notes about the study of the distant past. Be as specific as you can. Remember to consider the uses of technology in the study of early humans.

20 How do tools help you learn more easily?
Hunter-Gatherer Societies How do tools help you learn more easily? Paper and Pencil Calculator Computer Tools You Use to Learn Share the examples of common classroom tools. Challenge students to use the organizer to list other tools they use. Discuss how tools might make the lives of early human easier.

21 Academic Vocabulary element—n., basic part of a whole
Hunter-Gatherer Societies Academic Vocabulary element—n., basic part of a whole Costumes, music, and special effects can all be elements that make a film successful. complex—adj., having many related parts; not simple The problems in our community are complex and will require the work of many different people and groups to solve. Use the Academic Vocabulary or high-use words to review terms you may encounter in the section. If you are unfamiliar with the words, read the definitions and practice by using them in sentences.

22 Key Ideas The development of new skills allowed
Hunter-Gatherer Societies Key Ideas The development of new skills allowed hunter-gatherer societies to survive. Modern humans and Neanderthals both appeared late in the Stone Age.

23 Key Terms hunter-gatherers—people who lived by
Hunter-Gatherer Societies Key Terms hunter-gatherers—people who lived by hunting small animals and gathering plants technology—tools and skills that people use to meet their wants and needs Students should use the Word Wise feature in the Hunter-Gatherer Societies section of the Early People chapter in their Student Journal to explore Key Terms.

24 Key Terms culture—the many different elements that
Hunter-Gatherer Societies Key Terms culture—the many different elements that make up the way of life of a people nomads—people who move from place to place with the seasons Students should use the Word Wise feature in the Hunter-Gatherer Societies section of the Early People chapter in their Student Journal to explore Key Terms.

25 The Development of Tools How can tools make it easier
Hunter-Gatherer Societies The Development of Tools Humans began to make stone tools about 2.5 million years ago. This era is called the Paleolithic Age, or Old Stone Age. How can tools make it easier to solve a problem? Have students recall their list of tools they often use. Share the section information, then ask students why tools are so important to all humans.

26 Stone Age Tools Hunter-Gatherer Societies
Cutting tools for chopping trees, cutting meat, and scraping animal skins Sharp spear and arrow tips Tools from bone and antler Use the numbers and arrows to clarify that Stone Age toolmakers progressed from simple tools to more complex and varied tools..

27 Using Fire Hunter-Gatherer Societies Fire
Have students read the quote by archaeologist V. Gordon Childe in their textbooks. Then ask them list ways that early humans used fire. Ask students to explain Childe’s comment.

28 Early Stone Age Culture
Hunter-Gatherer Societies Early Stone Age Culture Stone Age hunter-gatherers lived in bands of 10 or 12 adults and their children. They were nomads who moved with the seasons to find food. Groups sometimes found shelter in caves. They also built temporary shelter from branches or animal skin. Finding food was the main activity for hunter- gatherers. Men and boys hunted. Women and girls gathered.

29 How Early Hunter-Gatherers Lived
Hunter-Gatherer Societies How Early Hunter-Gatherers Lived Why is the Paleolithic era named for stone? How might changing tools change hunting practices for early humans? Describe an early Stone Age community. Ask questions to review content from the first section subheading.

30 Neanderthals • first appeared about 200,000 years ago.
Hunter-Gatherer Societies Neanderthals • first appeared about 200,000 years ago. • had short, sturdy skeletons. • had only very simple communication skills. • made no art or music. • had simple burial practices.

31 Homo sapiens • first appeared about 100,000 years ago.
Hunter-Gatherer Societies Homo sapiens • first appeared about 100,000 years ago. • had taller, slimmer bodies. • had complex language skills. • made art and music. • had more complex burial practices.

32 Both Neanderthals and Homo sapiens
Hunter-Gatherer Societies Both Neanderthals and Homo sapiens • made hunting tools. • used fire. • had large brains. • lived in the same region about 30,000 to 40,000 years ago. Use this slide and the previous two to help students compare and contrast two groups of later Stone Age Peoples.

33 Hunter-Gatherer Societies
Later Stone Age People What are some similarities between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals? What are some differences? How do modern humans compare with Homo sapiens? What did language allow Homo sapiens to do? Ask questions to review content from the first section subheading.

34 What are the consequences of technology?
Hunter-Gatherer Societies What are the consequences of technology? Development of tools Because of tools, early humans could Use of fire Because of fire, Development of language Because of language, Development of culture Because of culture, Think back on everything you learned in the section. Use the graphic organizer to make notes about the consequences of technology for early humans. Be as specific as you can.

35 Why do people move? People move because Populating the Earth
Ask students to list reasons that people move from one place to another. Help them categorize their reasons as economic or cultural. Then ask why people in prehistoric times might have needed to move.

36 Academic Vocabulary network—n., a closely interconnected group of
Populating the Earth Academic Vocabulary network—n., a closely interconnected group of people or things I have a network of friends that helps me through difficult times. potential—n., possibility to grow or change in the future The coach said that Anna had great potential as a basketball player. Use the Academic Vocabulary or high-use words to review terms you may encounter in the section. If you are unfamiliar with the terms, read the definitions and practice by using them in sentences.

37 Key Ideas Over time, modern humans populated most
Populating the Earth Key Ideas Over time, modern humans populated most regions of the world. As they migrated, humans learned to adapt to various environments.

38 Key Ideas Art and other evidence reveal that human
Populating the Earth Key Ideas Art and other evidence reveal that human societies became more complex and developed religious beliefs.

39 Key Terms populate—become inhabitants of
Populating the Earth Key Terms populate—become inhabitants of migration—process in which people leave their homeland to live somewhere else environment—surroundings Students should use the Word Wise feature for Section 3 of the Early People Student Journal to explore Key Terms.

40 Key Terms adapt—change one’s way of life
Populating the Earth Key Terms adapt—change one’s way of life clan—group of families with a common ancestor animism—belief that the natural world is filled with spirits Students should use the Word Wise feature for Section 3 of the Early People chapter of their Student Journal to explore Key Terms.

41 Homo sapiens Migration Theories
Populating the Earth Homo sapiens Migration Theories Two Migration Theories Out of Africa Separate Origins Homo sapiens originated in Africa. They then migrated to other parts of the world. Large-brained humans developed separately in many places. Different types mixed together and eventually became Homo sapiens. Use the table to help students crystallize the opposing theories before they read further.

42 List evidence scientists use to support each main migration theory.
Populating the Earth List evidence scientists use to support each main migration theory. How did the skull found in 2007 support the out of Africa theory? Out of Africa Theory Separate Origins Theory Use what you have learned in the section to complete the graphic organizer.

43 Populating the Earth Early Migrations Refer students to this map in their textbooks. Then have them trace one route of human migration from its origin to its final destination. Discuss the (very slow) pace at which migration occurred. Use the 21st Century Online Tutor lesson to help students practice reading special purpose maps. Why did it take so long for population to spread from Africa to Australia?

44 Challenges of Migration
Populating the Earth Challenges of Migration Homo sapiens had to adapt to new environments as they migrated: What were some main ways they adapted? Each place had different climate, plants, and animals: Why was it necessary to understand differences? Ask students to predict problems people might have if they did not know about plants and animals in a new place. Ask what problems people might have if they were unprepared for a different climate in a new place.

45 Characteristics of the Ice Age
Populating the Earth Characteristics of the Ice Age The Ice Age Comes • Temperatures dropped. • Thick sheets of ice covered the land. • Rainfall decreased and ocean levels dropped. • Land bridges were exposed. Review the climate changes of the Ice Age. Ask volunteers to supply the text of the last bullet point.

46 Ice Age Changes People in the Ice Age • needed new shelters and
Populating the Earth Ice Age Changes People in the Ice Age • needed new shelters and clothing to stay warm. • had to keep fires burning all the time. Use this slide and the previous slide to emphasize the effect of Ice Age climate changes. Direct students to the Simulation to further explore the choices Ice Age hunters faced. As volunteers to supply the last two bullet points.

47 at Lascaux and Altamira tell us about life in the Ice Age?
Populating the Earth What does the cave art at Lascaux and Altamira tell us about life in the Ice Age? What Prehistoric Art Tells Us Have students use the graphic organizer to list details about the cave findings, such as their age and what the paintings depict. Lead students in concluding ways that art is evidence of complex culture.

48 Populating the Earth Burial Practices Scientists believe that Ice Age people buried their dead. Burial practices show evidence of rituals, such as burying bodies with jewelry or decoration. Burial rituals suggest that early humans had developed beliefs in deeper meanings of the natural and social world. These beliefs could be the beginnings of religion.

49 What burial practices did Ice Age people perform?
Populating the Earth Religion in the Ice Age What burial practices did Ice Age people perform? What do prehistoric burial sites suggest about human cultures of that time? Display the previous slide again if students need help to answer the questions.

50 What are the consequences of technology?
Populating the Earth What are the consequences of technology? About 100,000 years ago About 70,000 years ago About 30,000 years ago About 16,000–25,000 years ago About 10,000 years ago Think back on everything you learned in Section 3. Use the graphic organizer to make notes about ways that early humans changed over time. Circle any changes that relate to technology. In what important ways did human culture change during the Paleolithic Era?

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