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Published byHector Copeland Modified over 9 years ago
АНТИЕПИЛЕПТИЧНИ ЛЕКАРСТВА (резюме) Доц. д-р Иван Ламбев
1. Карбоксамиди (ензимни индуктори на CYP450):
Carbamazepine (+ невропатична болка – на n. trigeminus, постхерпетична и др.), Oxcarbazepine 2. Хидантоини: Phenytoin (ензимен индуктор; показан и при дигиталисова интоксикация) 3. Барбитурати (Phenobarbital – ензимен индуктор с > t1/2) и техни аналози (Primidone – prodrug) 4. Сукцинимиди: Ethosuximide (casp. 250 mg – petit mal) 5. Валпроати (ензимни инхибитори): Sodium valproate (Depakin®) 6. Бензодиазепини: Clonazepam, Clorazepate, Diazepam (СПП 99%, t1/2 43 h, amp. 10 mg/2 ml i.m./i.v., Lorazepam, Nitrazepam 7. Аналози на ГАМК: Gabapentine, Tiagabine 8. Хетерогенни антиконвулсанти: Lamotrigine (глутаматен инхибитор), Levetiracetam, Pregabalin (парциални гърчове, периферна невропатична болка), Topiramate, Vigabatrin
МЕХАНИЗЪМ НА ДЕЙСТВИЕ GABA Na+ Ca2+ Barbiturates Benzodiazepines
Gabapentin Levetiracetam Tiagabine Topiramate Valproate Vigabatrin МЕХАНИЗЪМ НА ДЕЙСТВИЕ Na+ Ca2+ Carbamazepine Lamotrigine Oxcarbazepine Phenytoin Topiramate Valproate Ethosuximide Levetiracetam Pregabalin Valproate
Инхибирането на потенциал-зависимите Na+-канали
Инхибирането на потенциал-зависимите Na+-канали в ЦНС намалява глутаматната екзоцитоза.
▼CARBAMAZEPINE blocks voltage-dependent sodium ion channels, reducing membrane excitability. The t1/2 of drug falls from 35 to 20 h over the first few weeks of therapy due to the induction of hepatic enzymes that metabolize it as well as other drugs (including adrenal corticosteroids, hormonal contraceptives, theophylline and warfarin. Standard tablets are taken twice a day. Carbamazepine is a drug of first choice for focal and secondary generalized epilepsy but aggravates myoclonic and absence seizure. It is useful for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, postherepetic pains etc. Adverse reactions (ARs): reversible blurring of vision, diplopia, dizziness, ataxia, depression of AV conduction, skin rashes, liver and kidney dysfunction.
▼VALPROIC ACID (Sodium valproate) acts by inhibiting GABA
transaminase and increases the concentration of inhibitory neuro- transmitter GABA at its receptors. Valproic acid has t1/2 13 h and 90% bound to plasma albumin. It is a nonspecific inhibitor of meta- bolism, and inhibits its own metabolism, and that of lamotrigine, phenobarbital, phenytoin and carbamazepine. Valproic acid is effective for treatment of generalized and partial epilepsy, febrile convulsion and post-traumatic epilepsy. ARs can be troublesome: weight gain, teratogenicity, polycystic ovary syndrome, and loss of hair which grows back curly. Nausea can be a problem, rarely, liver failure (risk maximal at 2–12 weeks). Ketone metabolites may cause confusion in urine testing in diabetes mellitus.
▼PHENYTOIN (t1/2 6–24 h) is a potent inducer of hepatic metabo-
lizing enzymes affecting itself and other drugs (carbamazepine, war- farin, adrenal and gonadal steroids, thyroxine, tricyclic antidepressant, doxycycline, vitamin D, folate). Drugs that inhibit phenytoin metabolism include: valproic acid, cimetidine, co-trimoxazole, isoniazid, chloram- phenicol, some NSAIDs, disulfiram. Phenytoin is 90% bound to plasma albumin and small changes in binding will result in a higher concentra- tion of free active drug. It is used to prevent all types of partial seizure, generalized seizure and st. epilepticus. It is not used for absence attacks. ARs: impairment of cognitive function (which has led many physicians to prefer carbamazepine and valproate), sedation, hirsutism, skin rashes, gum hyperplasia (due to the inhibition of collagen metabolism), hyper- glycemia, anaemia, osteomalacia.
Saturation kinetics. Phenytoin is extensively hyd-
roxylated in the liver and this process becomes saturated at about the doses needed for therapeutic effect. Thus phenytoin at low doses exhibits first- order kinetics but saturation or zero-order kinetics develop as the therapeutic plasma concentration range (10–20 mg/L) is approached, i.e. the dose increments of equal size produce disproportional rise in steady-state plasma concentration.
Нелинеарна зависимост м/у ДД фенитоин и неговите Css-
плазмени концентрации при 5 пациента: ТПК mcmol/. Нужно е прецизиране на ДД (евент. мониториране).
▼BENZODIAZEPINES (in status epilepticus)
Diazepam given intravenously or rectally is highly effective for stopping continuous seizure activity, especially generalized tonic- clonic status epilepticus. The drug is occasionally given orally on a long-term basis, although it is not considered very effective in this application, probably because of the rapid development of tolerance. A rectal gel is available for refractory patients who need acute control of bouts of seizure activity. Lorazepam appears in some studies to be more effective and longer-acting than diazepam in the treatment of status epilepticus and is preferred by some experts. Clonazepam (t1/2 25 h) is a benzodiazepine used as a second line drug for treatment of primary generalized epilepsy and status epilepticus.
Cl- GABA GABAA- benzo- diazepine receptor complex
Clonazepam, Clorazepate, Diazepam, Lorazepam, Nitrazepam GABA GABAA- site BDZs site + GABAA- benzo- diazepine receptor complex + Cl- + Barbitu- rate sate Barbiturates By Bennett and Brown (2003)
▼BARBITURATES (enzyme inducers)
Antiepilepsy members include phenobarbital (phenobarbitone – ( t1/2 100 h), methylphenobarbital and primidone (which is largely metabolized to phenobarbital, i.e. it is a prodrug). They are still used for generalized seizures; sedation is usual. Primidone and its active metabolites Basic & Clinical Pharmacology – 10th Ed. (2007)
▼LAMOTRIGINE (t1/2 6–24 h) inhibits excitory neurotransmitter
glutamate. Lamotrigine is effective for treatment of partial and secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizure. It is generally well tolerated but may cause serious ARs of the skin, including Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis. ▼TOPIRAMATE (t1/2 21 h) is used as adjunctive treatment for partial seizure, with or without secondary generalization. ARs: sedation, weight loss, acute myopia, raised intraocular pressure. ▼ETHOSUXIMIDE (t1/2 55 h) blocks T-type calcium ion channels. It is active in absence seizures (petit mal). ARs: gastric upset, CNS effects and allergic reactions.
Stevens–Johnson syndrome
Grand mal: I избор – валпроати или Lamotrigine. Алтернатива – Carbamazepine, Topiramate или Phenytoin Petit mal: I избор – Ehosuximide или валпроати. Алтернатива – Clonazepam или Lamotrigine Парциални гърчове: I избор – Carbamazepine или валпроати. Алтернатива – Phenytoin, Lamotrigine, Vigabatrin, Topiramate Status epilepticus: I избор – Diazepam или Lorazepam (i.v.) Алтернатива – Phenobarbital (i.m./i/v.)
Treatment of status epilepticus in adults
Patient in opisthotonus (grand mal)
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