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Early Humans
The 3 A’s Archaeology: Study of past societies through what people left behind. Artifacts: Objects made my humans Anthropology: Study of human life and culture. What is culture? Artifacts = tools, weapons, art, and even buildings made by early humans. Culture = what people wear, how they organize society and what they value.
How do they date things? Radiocarbon dating!
1. Radiocarbon- After something dies, it loses C-14. If you measure how much is left, you can figure out the age.
How Humans Developed Hominid– Humanlike creature that walks upright.
Australopithecus- Type of hominid 1. Earlies hominids lived in Africa millions of years ago.
Human Development Homo Habilis – meaning “Handy Human”.
Used stone tools million years ago Homo erectus- meaning “upright man” The first hominid to leave Africa 1.8 million to 100,000 years ago. 1. More advanced than before
Human Development Homo Sapiens- meaning “Wise human”
Showed rapid brain growth! Mastered fire Descendants of homo Sapiens Neanderthals Made clothes from animal skins Buried their dead Homo Sapiens Sapiens 1. Burying your dead shows a belief in the afterlife
Homo Sapiens Sapiens “Wise, Wise human” Anatomy similar to us today
Theories “Out of Africa” theory Spread out of Africa and replaced earlier hominids “Multiregional Model” Development to homo sapiens sapiens occurred in different locations. Appeared in africa between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago. Spread out of Africa
Further Development Neanderthals die out!
Why? Spread of humans was a slooooow process. We all belong to the same subgroup of humans. Die out because of conflicts? Maybe? Spread out to search for food and new hunting grounds. In a generation they’d move like 2-3 miles but over thousands of years, it was enough to populate the world!
Ticket out the door If you were transported back to millions of years ago, what type of hominid would you want to be and why? You cannot pick Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
Early Humans Continued!
Warm up What is a civilization?
Describe what you believe to be all the key characteristics of a full functioning civilization!
Pictures Observe the pictures – write down what you see AND any comments you may have.
The Paleolithic Age Paleolithic Age – Early period of human history where stone tools were used. 1. Paleolithic is Greek for “old stone” and paleolithic age is sometimes called the old stone age.
Hunting and Gathering! Humans relied on this to get food. They knew what animals to hunt and what plants to eat. Gathered wild nuts, berries, fruits, wild grains and green plants. Hunted buffalo, horses, bison and reindeer. Fish if in coastal areas. Role of men Hunters. Had to travel far to hunt herds Woman Since they raised children, they could stay closer to camp. GATHERERS Taught the children what foods they could eat! Kept camp safe “Held down the fort” A lot of equality between men and women since they both did things to sustain life.
WAY OF LIFE Stone tools were huge! Flint was used, hand axes, spears, bow and arrow (eventually). Harpoons and fishhooks. All these things made hunting so much easier. Also used sharp-edged tools for gathering (cutting up plants, branches) and making shelters. Had to follow the pattern of animals and stuff, so they were NOMADS! Had to move from place to place to survive – only lived with like ppl.
Adapting to survive Found shelter in natural caves New shelters – wood polls with animal hide FIRE! – Gave them a source of heat and light during the ice age! Freezing cold! Had to adjust to the new climate Homo erectus first learned how to use fire. Ashes in caves proves this Not only gave warmth but kep animals away from campsite. People gathered around fire to trade stories, cook Nutrition improved (since they could cook thing) Ice Age Water levels lowered so people used land bridges Sometimes you have to change the environment, not yourself to survive!
Horses, bulls and stags Used stome lamps filled with animal fat to light the caves Painted with fingers and twigs Blew paint through hollow reeds Since there aren’t a lot of humans in paintings and just animals, some people think thi is for magical or religious rituals to bring success to hunting . Other belive paintings were made just to please the eye. Art is important!
Neolithic Revolution! Grab a text book and work through the guided reading on the Neolithic Revolution. Be prepared to discuss and answer questions about this topic!
Ticket out the door Extended question #23 on p. 71
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