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West Bengal IWMP Annual Action Plan 2014-15
Summary of IWMP Sl. No Particulars Year of Appraisal Total 1. 77 42 44
Batch-I ( ) Batch-II ( ) Batch-III ( ) Batch-IV ( ) Batch-V ( ) 1. No. of Projects 77 42 44 163 2. Project Area (Lakh ha.) 3.232 1.833 1.867 6.932 3. Project Cost (Rs. Crore) 448.02 246.63 226.35 921.00 4. Funds received (Rs. in Crore) Central+State 53.762 8.879 - 62.641 5. Total Expenditure 24.273 0.135 24.408 6. DPRs sanctioned 7. Projects Closed / cancellation NIL 8. Timelines for DPRs June, 2014 March, 2015 June, 2015
Actual requirement (7-8)
IWMP - Abstract of Fund Requirement by SLNA during 2014‐15 (Rupees in Crore) Sl. No. Items 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total Unspent Balance as on Actual requirement (7-8) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1 Batch― I (Sanctioned in ) - 2 Batch― II (Sanctioned in ) -3 Batch― III (Sanctioned in ) 17.378 12.413 26.067 43.445 99.303 29.490 69.814 4 Batch― IV (Sanctioned in ) 2.121 4.713 7.069 7.540 21.443 8.744 12.669 5 Batch― V (Sanctioned in ) 1.762 3.915 5.873 5.872 17.422 0.000 6 Batch― VI (To be Sanctioned in ) 4.554 6.832 6.613 17.999 21.261 25.595 45.841 63.470 38.233
IWMP - Monthly Proposed Expenditure
during Sl. No. Items Proposed Expenditure (Rs. in Lakh) 1 April 43.00 2 May 967.00 3 June 4 July 790.00 5 August 840.00 6 September 929.50 7 October 8 November 9 December 774.09 10 January 11 February 12 March Total
IWMP - Fund Requirement for year 2014-15
Batch-lII (Projects sanctioned in ) (Rupees in lakh) Sl. No. Budget Component Total funds received Total Expected Expenditure ( ) % Expenditure Fund Required for year Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1 DPR 448.02 323.06 72.11 124.96 2 EPA 88.21 211.29 3 Training & IEC 108.18 8.05 672.03 4 Admin. Cost 537.62 361.96 67.33 5 Watershed Work 50.00 7.44 6 Livelihood 179.20 618.00 7 Production Sys. & Microenterprises 825.00 8 Monitoring 89.60 0.44 0.50 9 Evaluation 134.40 2.83 2.11 10 Consolidation - 45.15
IWMP - Fund Requirement for year 2014-15
Batch-lV (Projects sanctioned in ) (Amount in lakh) Sl. No. Budget Component Total funds received Expenditure ( ) % Expenditure Fund Required for year Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1 DPR 4.544 3.07 246.63 March, 2015 2 EPA 1.636 0.28 986.52 3 Training & IEC 73.989 2.787 3.77 4 Admin. Cost 6.14 393.26 5 Watershed Work 124.66 6 Livelihood 0.00 7 Production Sys. & Microenterprises 8 Monitoring 49.326 9 Evaluation 10 Consolidation 13.512 1.52
IWMP - Fund Requirement for year 2014-15
Batch-V (Projects sanctioned in ) (Amount in lacs.) Sl. No. Budget Component Total funds received Expenditure ( ) % Expenditure Fund Required for year Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1 DPR 226.35 2 EPA 825.00 3 Training & IEC 4 Admin. Cost 5 Watershed Work 125.00 6 Livelihood 0.00 7 Production Sys. & Microenterprises 8 Monitoring 45.27 9 Evaluation 67.905 10 Consolidation
IWMP - Fund Requirement for year 2014-15
Batch-VI (Projects to be sanctioned in ) (Amount in lacs.) Sl. No. Budget Component Fund Required for year Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1 DPR 260.00 June, 2014 for batch-III, March, 2015 for Batch-IV, June 2015 for Batch V 2 EPA 525.00 Do 3 Training & IEC 325.00 4 Admin. Cost 390.00 5 Watershed Work 6 Livelihood 0.00 7 Production Sys. & Microenterprises 8 Monitoring 39.99 9 Evaluation 10 Consolidation Total (100%)
Capacity Building Capacity Building Plan for State (for all levels of stakeholders prepared or not). Capacity Building Plan for the State for all the levels have been prepared for batch-III & IV and soft copy of the same was submitted to DOLR on 2nd August, 2013 during quarterly review meeting on IWMP. Whether CB Plan approved by SLNA and date of approval by SLNA. Approval of SLNA received on Whether CB Plan uploaded on SLNA Website or not. Capacity building plan yet to be uploaded. The website is under preparation. Whether Modules of Training have been prepared or not (for all levels of stakeholders). Training modules have been prepared and submitted to DOLR on
Capacity Building Whether Modules of Training in local language have been approved by SLNA or and date of approval. Being finalized by the Agencies engaged for the purpose and the PIAs. The guidelines in local language is yet to be approved. Whether approved Modules are uploaded on SLNA Website or not. Website of SLNA under preparation. Whether calendar of Training for have been finalised or not?, if finalised, whether it is uploaded on SLNA's Website or not. Ongoing. Target finalization by April 15, Website of SLNA under preparation. What is the total budget required for Capacity Building during Rs crore
Proposed Capacity Building Plan for 2014-15
No. of persons to be trained during Level of stakeholder No. of Training No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training program Name of Training Institute Proposed Expenditure SLNA level 30 1050 Community organization Convergence, Annual action plan, Financial management, Conflict resolution, Accounting, Livelihood, Livelihood action plan, IWMP MIS, Monitoring, PNP, PLA. Agricultural Training Centres, SAMETI, SAU, IBRAD Rs Lakh
No. of persons to be trained during 2014-15 Level of stakeholder
No. of Training No. of Benefiiaries Subject of Training program Name of Training Institute Proposed Expenditure District level (DLRC) 400 12000 Need and perspective of IWMP, Organizations in IWMP, Role and functions, PPRs if IWMP, watershed works, Convergence in IWMP, IWMP MIS, monitoring, Management of data, Financial management Agricultural Training Centre, KVK, Ramky Foundation Balivara OFFER, Manab Jamin, Seva Kendra, Kenduadihi Bikas Society, WAPCOS, IBRAD Rs Lakh
No. of persons to be trained during 2014-15 Level of stakeholder
No. of Training No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training program Name of Training Institute Proposed Expenditure WDT level (CLRC) 6500 201000 Community mobilization, Management of groups, Participatory Action and Learning, Watershed and status of its natural resources, Watershed works, sustainable management of assets, Livelihood enhancement, Production systems and its augmentation, IWMP MIS, Monitoring etc. Agricultural Training Centre, KVK, Ramky Foundation, Balivara OFFER, Manab Jamin, Seva Kendra, Kenduadihi Bikas Society, WAPCOS, SAMETI Rs. 780 Lakh
No. of persons to be trained during 2014-15 Level of stakeholder
No. of Training No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training program Name of Training Institute Proposed Expenditure WC level (Village) 6500 195500 Organizations and its strengthening, Watershed and rural life, Natural resources of watershed, Watershed assets and its sustainable management, Social capital of watersheds, Watershed works, Production systems, Enhancement of rural livelihoods etc. Ramky Foundation, Balivara OFFER, Manab Jamin, Seva Kendra, Kenduadihi Bikas Society, WAPCOS, SAMETI Rs. 385 Lakh Total 13430 409550 Rs Lakh
Area allocated for 2014‐15(lakh ha) 1.83 No. of Projects 50 (Approx) No. of Districts 8 Timeline for completing the initial capacity Building September, 2014 Timeline for completion of DPRs June, 2015 Completion of EPW December, 2014 Constitution of WCs Training of WCs September, 2015
Name of the State : WEST BENGAL (All Financial figures are in Rupees Cr.)
Sl. No. Components Funds Released up to previous year ( ) Expenditure up to previous year ( ) Unspent Balance as on ( ) Annual target for 2014‐15 Actual Requirement of grant (10-5) 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr TOTAL ( ) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1 Administrative cost 6.856 3.665 3.191 2.578 3.760 6.481 8.478 21.297 18.106 2 Monitoring 0.896 0.004 0.892 0.291 0.449 0.757 0.959 2.456 1.564 3 Evaluation 2.084 0.028 2.056 0.338 0.455 0.767 0.979 2.539 0.483 4 Entry Point Activity (EPA) 23.841 15.825 8.016 2.179 5.615 8.582 9.110 25.486 17.463 5 Institution & Capacity building 14.180 1.110 13.070 1.672 2.765 4.651 5.845 14.933 1.863 6 Detailed Project Report (DPR) 4.480 3.276 1.204 0.691 1.865 2.891 3.131 8.578 7.374 7 NRM Work(Total) 6.720 0.500 6.220 10.986 8.882 17.924 28.655 66.447 60.227 8 Livelihood for the asset-less persons 1.792 0.000 1.082 0.773 1.622 2.704 6.181 4.389 9 Production System & Micro-enterprises 1.444 1.031 2.166 3.609 8.250 6.454 10 Consolidation Phase Total 62.641 24.408 38.233 21.261 25.595 45.841 63.463
Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase of IWMP
Name of the State : WEST BENGAL Sl. No. Items For Projects sanctioned in For Projects sanctioned in For Projects sanctioned in 1 Status of empanelment of Evaluating Agencies 8 Agencies empanelled 2 Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase (completed / on-going /not done) Evaluation process to commence from April, 2014 3 If evaluation not done then timeline for completion. lf completed then status of submission of Evaluation Evaluation to be completed by July, 2014 4 Report along with ATR to DoLR (Submitted /not Submitted) Not submitted 5 lf not submitted, then time line report submission along with ATR Report to be submitted by August, 2014
Status of engagement of Agencies for Concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation
Name of the State : WEST BENGAL Sl. No. Items 1 Date of Advertisement Not Done 2 Status of selection of Agencies 3 lf not done then timeline for completion May 2014 4 lf completed then status of submission of Report along with ATR to DoLR (Submitted/ not Submitted) N A 5 lf not submitted, then time line report submission along with ATR Dec 2014
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