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EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 1 Online training repositories for rural SMEs Rural-eGov and Rural-Inclusion initiatives Dr. Nikos Manouselis Greek.

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Presentation on theme: "EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 1 Online training repositories for rural SMEs Rural-eGov and Rural-Inclusion initiatives Dr. Nikos Manouselis Greek."— Presentation transcript:

1 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 1 Online training repositories for rural SMEs Rural-eGov and Rural-Inclusion initiatives Dr. Nikos Manouselis Greek Research & Technology Network

2 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 2 what is a learning/training resource?

3 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 3

4 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 4 TaxisNet (Greece)

5 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 5

6 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 6 learning object "any entity, digital or non-digital, that may be used for learning, education or training""any entity, digital or non-digital, that may be used for learning, education or training" Learning Technology Standards Committee (2002), Draft Standard for Learning Object Metadata (LOM). IEEE Standard 1484.12.1

7 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 7 digital repository “system for the storage, location and retrieval of digital resources”“system for the storage, location and retrieval of digital resources” Holden C., “From Local Challenges to a Global Community: Learning Repositories Summit”, Academic ADL Co-Lab, 2003

8 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 8 digital training repository …the nature of resources or their description reflects an interest of use in an educational/training context…the nature of resources or their description reflects an interest of use in an educational/training context

9 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 9 any SME ones?

10 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 10 any SME ones?

11 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 11 any SME ones?

12 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 12 any SME ones?

13 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 13 any rural/agricultural ones?

14 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 14 any rural/agricultural ones?

15 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 15 any rural/agricultural ones?

16 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 16 any rural/agricultural ones?

17 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 17 …for rural SMEs?

18 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 18 the Rural-eGov Observatory

19 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 19 introduction Enterprises in rural areas are away from the decision and policy-making centresEnterprises in rural areas are away from the decision and policy-making centres –need for access to timely and certified public information and services Many public agencies offer eGovernment servicesMany public agencies offer eGovernment services –e.g. information resources, online forms, online interaction

20 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 20 e-government e-Government (eGov) aims to exploit the power of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in order to:e-Government (eGov) aims to exploit the power of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in order to: –transform the accessibility, quality and cost- effectiveness of public services –revitalise the relationship between customers (citizens) and public bodies

21 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 21 obstacle A large percentage of the EU population either “…does not reap the benefits of ICTs in full or is effectively cut off from them” [EC, 2005]A large percentage of the EU population either “…does not reap the benefits of ICTs in full or is effectively cut off from them” [EC, 2005] E.g., low degree of ICT adoption and use of online services from rural SMEsE.g., low degree of ICT adoption and use of online services from rural SMEs Need to make ICT products & services more accessible from regions that are lagging behindNeed to make ICT products & services more accessible from regions that are lagging behind

22 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 22 Rural-eGov aim Focus on public/governmental servicesFocus on public/governmental services – major part of the European economy Help rural SMEs in finding and using eGov services for business purposesHelp rural SMEs in finding and using eGov services for business purposes Take advantage of experience and best practices from other initiatives that focus on rural SMEsTake advantage of experience and best practices from other initiatives that focus on rural SMEs –e.g. Opportunity Wales (UK) & Go-Online Training Support (Greece)

23 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 23 need Lifelong learning activities of rural SMEs to be enhancedLifelong learning activities of rural SMEs to be enhanced –to raise awareness and communicate benefits from the business use of eGov A combination of support actions is required:A combination of support actions is required: –a training curriculum that can convince SMEs about potential benefits for their business –training schemes that are adapted to the particular needs/habits of rural SMEs –an online point of reference which SMEs can continuously access for information and content

24 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 24 the Rural-eGov approach Rural-eGov: Training SMEs of Rural Areas in Using e-Government ServicesRural-eGov: Training SMEs of Rural Areas in Using e-Government Services Main enablers:Main enablers: 1.Training curriculum that increases awareness, explains ways to introduce business uses of eGov, illustrates benefits for the SMEs 2.Training schemes that combine tutor-based training with self-paced digital training resources 3.Online observatory of eGov services and training resources

25 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 25 about the project Leonardo da Vinci (LdV) pilot project that run for 2 yearsLeonardo da Vinci (LdV) pilot project that run for 2 years started: November 2006started: November 2006 ended: October 2008ended: October 2008 11 participants11 participants 4 universities previously involved in training SMEs4 universities previously involved in training SMEs A professional training expertA professional training expert an eGov expertan eGov expert user organisations from 5 European regionsuser organisations from 5 European regions Wales UK, Bradenburg DE, Aegean islands GR, Koscierzyna PL, Moravske Toplice SIWales UK, Bradenburg DE, Aegean islands GR, Koscierzyna PL, Moravske Toplice SI more info at: http://rural-egov.eumore info at: http://rural-egov.eu

26 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 26 objectives (1/3) To study for the five regions of the project:To study for the five regions of the project: degree of awareness of eGov concepts & servicesdegree of awareness of eGov concepts & services current level of adoption/usecurrent level of adoption/use To review the status of deployed eGov services in the participating countriesTo review the status of deployed eGov services in the participating countries study how/if they meet the needs of rural SMEsstudy how/if they meet the needs of rural SMEs Based on the above:Based on the above: to identify training needs & requirements for SMEs in the participating regionsto identify training needs & requirements for SMEs in the participating regions

27 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 27 objectives (2/3) To develop a set of proposed training scenarios, combining:To develop a set of proposed training scenarios, combining: traditional forms of learningtraditional forms of learning ICT-based learningICT-based learning To develop digital training content that will support the proposed scenariosTo develop digital training content that will support the proposed scenarios reuse existing content from previous training initiativesreuse existing content from previous training initiatives develop content particularly introducing SMEs to eGovdevelop content particularly introducing SMEs to eGov

28 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 28 objectives (3/3) To design and develop a web-based observatory (Rural-eGov Observatory)To design and develop a web-based observatory (Rural-eGov Observatory) will collect and categorize already deployed eGov services that can support SMEs in rural areaswill collect and categorize already deployed eGov services that can support SMEs in rural areas to be used as both a training & a business toolto be used as both a training & a business tool To implement the training scenarios through a number of pilot sessions with the user groupsTo implement the training scenarios through a number of pilot sessions with the user groups To produce a set of recommendationsTo produce a set of recommendations for EU agencies, national governments, rural administration, other involved stakeholdersfor EU agencies, national governments, rural administration, other involved stakeholders

29 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 29 Rural-eGov observatory

30 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 30 users

31 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 31

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34 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 34 some numbers the Repository in Numbersthe Repository in Numbers –77 Digital Training Objects –74 eGov Services the Portal in Numbersthe Portal in Numbers –7 Registered Visitors –15 DTO Developers –7 eGRO Collectors …visit, register, use, evaluate!

35 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 35 Rural-Inclusion

36 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 36 the project Rural-Inclusion: e-Government Lowering Administrative Burdens for Rural BusinessesRural-Inclusion: e-Government Lowering Administrative Burdens for Rural Businesses

37 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 37 about funded by the CIP Policy Support Programme (PSP)funded by the CIP Policy Support Programme (PSP) 2008 call for proposals2008 call for proposals Pilot B Project, duration 36 monthsPilot B Project, duration 36 months starting (est.): 1/3/2009starting (est.): 1/3/2009 ending: 30/2/2012ending: 30/2/2012 overall budget: 4.800.000 eurosoverall budget: 4.800.000 euros community funding: 2.400.000 euros (50%)community funding: 2.400.000 euros (50%)

38 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 38

39 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 39 relevant issues to explore how do you develop training repositories for rural SMEs?how do you develop training repositories for rural SMEs? –how do you populate them with training resources? –how do you convince SMEs to use them? how do you integrate them in the Web portals of the regional agencies/authorities?how do you integrate them in the Web portals of the regional agencies/authorities?

40 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 40 conclusions

41 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 41 potential digital training resources for rural SMEs: usefuldigital training resources for rural SMEs: useful having them organised in training repositories: goodhaving them organised in training repositories: good exploring ways to introduce them into formal and informal education & training of rural communities:exploring ways to introduce them into formal and informal education & training of rural communities: –challenging and worthwhile

42 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 42 “buts” the technical issues are severalthe technical issues are several –interoperability –requires standards, technologies, protocols, … rural communities lackrural communities lack –connectivity/infrastructure –training –motivation –…

43 EVITA Kick Off Meeting, 9 December ‘08 43 for more info Nikos Manouselis

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