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Regional Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute ( RAMETI),Aurangabad Completed Training Programmes for the Year 2014 - 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute ( RAMETI),Aurangabad Completed Training Programmes for the Year 2014 - 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute ( RAMETI),Aurangabad Completed Training Programmes for the Year 2014 - 2015

2 SNSN Training ProgrammeFor Whom Period(Days)Proposed Participants No.of Participants Attended Source of Funds Course Director ACommon Programmes & Region Specific 1Foundation Course for Newly appointed Krishi Sevak- Latur Division Krishi Sevak 02-31 May,13 304034 JDA Latur Shri. J.S Kamble 2Soil Conservation and Watershed Development Training Programme AA/KS01-30 June,13 304024 R.K.V.YShri. J.S Kamble 3Market Intelligence & Market Survey AA/AS /AO 03-07 June,13 54025 Extensi on Shri. J.S Kamble Regional Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute (RAMETI), Aurangabad Training 2013-2014 Completed

3 SNSN Training ProgrammeFor Whom Period(Days)Proposed Participant No.of Participant s Attended Source of Funds Course Director ACommon Programmes & Region Specific 4 P.R.A. TechniquesAA/AS/ AO 11-15 June,13 54019 Extensi on Dr. P.S Joshi 5P.G.D.A.E.M. Contact Class AA/AS/ AO 17-21 June,13 56944 MANA GE Dr. P.S Joshi 6Orientation of BTM & SMS under Ext Reforms BTM/S MS 25-27 June,13 34036 Extensi on Dr. P.S Joshi Total78269182 Regional Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute (RAMETI), Aurangabad Training 2013-2014 Completed

4 SNSN Training ProgrammeFor Whom Period(Days)Proposed Participant s No.of Participan ts Attended Source of Funds Course Director 7Training MethodologyAA/AS/ AO 02-06 July,13 54028Extens ion Dr. P.S Joshi 8Foundation Course for Newly appointed Krishi Sevak- Aurangabad Division Krishi Sevak 02-31 July,13 304032JDA Auran gabad Shri. A.M. Itkar 9Process Documentation AA/AS/ AO 15-19 July,13 54025Extens ion Shri. J.S Kamble Total4012085 Regional Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute (RAMETI), Aurangabad Training 2013-2014 Completed

5 SNTraining ProgrammeFor WhomPeriodDaysProposed Participants No.of Participant s Attended Source of Funds Course Director 10ICT TrainingAA/AS/A O 29-07-13 to 01-08-13 44028Extensi on Shri. J.S Kamble 11Foundation Course for Newly appointed Krishi Sevak- Aurangabad Division Krishi Sevak 05-08-13 to 03-09-13 304025JDA Aurang abad Dr. P.S Joshi 12Orientation of BFAC & DFAC under ATMA Members 06-08 Aug,13 34023ATMAShri. J.S Kamble 13Capacity building of BTT under Extension Reform Members 12-13 Aug,13 2180194ATMAShri. J.S Kamble Regional Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute (RAMETI), Aurangabad Training 2013-2014 Completed

6 SNTraining ProgrammeFor Whom Period(Days)Proposed Participants No.of Participant s Attended Source of Funds Course Director 14Water shed Development moment (Division work shop ) AA to SDAO 20 Aug,13 14021Extensi on Dr. P.S Joshi 15Orientation of Department Schemes AA/AS/ AO 20-23 Aug,13 54030Extensi on Dr. P.S Joshi 16Agril Entrepreneurship Development AA/AS/ AO 27-31 Aug,13 54025Extensi on Shri. A.M. Itkar Total50 420346 Regional Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute (RAMETI), Aurangabad Training 2013-2014 Completed

7 SNTraining ProgrammeFor Whom Period(Days)Proposed Participant No.of Participan ts Attended Source of Funds Course Director 17Soil Conservation and Watershed Development Training Programme AA/KS 2-30 Sep, 13 904036R.K.V.Y Shri. J.S Kamble Dr. P.S Joshi Shri. A.M. Itkar 18ICT TrainingAA/AS/ AO 10-11 Sep,13 24017Extens ion Shri. J.S Kamble 19Integrated Nutrient Management AA/AS/ AO 11-13 Sep, 13 34030Extens ion Dr. P.S Joshi 20ICT TrainingAA/AS/ AO 12-13 Sep, 13 24005Extens ion Shri. J.S Kamble Regional Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute (RAMETI), Aurangabad Training 2013-2014 Completed

8 SNTraining ProgrammeFor Whom Period(Days)Proposed Participant s No.of Participan ts Attended Source of Funds Course Director 21Crop Insurance & Crop Cutting Experiment AA/AS/ AO 18-20 Sep,13 34030Extens ion Shri. A.M. Itkar 22ICT TrainingAA/AS/ AO 19-20 Sep, 13 24019Extens ion Shri. J.S Kamble 23ICT TrainingAA/AS/ AO 21-22 Sep, 13 24012Extens ion Shri. J.S Kamble 24Model Nursery Management AA/AS/ AO 23-27 Sep, 13 54028Extens ion Dr. P.S Joshi Total109320177 Regional Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute (RAMETI), Aurangabad Training 2013-2014 Completed

9 SNTraining ProgrammeFor Whom Period(Days)Proposed Participants No.of Participant s Attended Source of Funds Course Director 25Instigated Pest Management AA/AS/ AO 3-5 Oct, 13 34029Extensi on Dr. P.S Joshi 26Micro IrrigationAA/AS/ AO 07-11 Oct, 13 54025Extensi on Shri. J.S Kamble 27Skill Based Farm School BTM/S MS 17-19 Oct, 13 34030ATMA Dr. P.S Joshi 28Extension Management in Shed Net Green House AA/AS/ AO 21-24 Oct, 13 44026Extensi on Shri. A.M. Itkar 29Orchard Management In Sweet Orange AA/AS/ AO 28-31 Oct, 13 44024Extensi on Shri. A.M. Itkar Total19200134 Regional Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute (RAMETI), Aurangabad Training 2013-2014 Completed

10 SNTraining ProgrammeFor Whom Period(Days)Proposed Participa nts No.of Participan ts Attended Source of Funds Course Director 30Climate ChangeAA/AS/ AO 07-08 Nov, 13 24014Extens ion Dr. P.S Joshi 31Agro TourismAA/AS/ AO 12-13 Nov, 13 24017Extens ion Dr. P.S Joshi 32Skill Based Farm School (Work Shop) Core team 18-19 Nov, 13 24043ATMA Dr. P.S Joshi 33Participatory Training Management (Anand Gujrat) AA/AS/ AO 20-22 Nov, 13 34016ATMA Shri. A.M. Itkar 34P.G.D.A.E.M. Contact Class AA/AS/ AO 25-29 Nov, 13 56925Mana ge Dr. P.S Joshi Total14229115 Regional Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute (RAMETI), Aurangabad Training 2013-2014 Completed

11 SNTraining ProgrammeFor Whom Period(Days)Proposed Participa nts No.of Participan ts Attended Source of Funds Course Director 35Office ManagementAA/AS/ AO 03-07 Dec, 13 54029 Shri. A.M. Itkar 36Foundation Course for Newly appointed Krushi Sevak- Krishi Sevak 16-Dec 14 to 14 Jan 15 304036JDA Latur/ A,bad Shri. A.M. Itkar 37Individual Farmers Accidental Insurance Scheme. AA/AS/ AO 26-27 Dec,14 240 12 Extensi on Shri. A.M. Itkar Total179869503 Grand Total34716761116 Regional Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute (RAMETI), Aurangabad Training 2013-2014 Completed

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