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Авторы: Кудрявцев Александр Вербицкий Олег 9 А класс Учитель: Богословская Т.А. (Искусство без границ) Isaac Levitan John Constable.

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Presentation on theme: "Авторы: Кудрявцев Александр Вербицкий Олег 9 А класс Учитель: Богословская Т.А. (Искусство без границ) Isaac Levitan John Constable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Авторы: Кудрявцев Александр Вербицкий Олег 9 А класс Учитель: Богословская Т.А. (Искусство без границ) Isaac Levitan John Constable

2 Цель исследования: выяснить, в чём сходство и различие основополагающих жанров живописи; периодов расцвета живописи в России и Великобритании; историй создания ведущих картинных галерей.

3 Объект, предмет и методы исследования Объект исследования – Третьяковская галерея и галерея Тейт; Предмет исследования –стили живописи, творчество художников; Методы исследования: изучение источников, обобщение информации, сравнение.

4 Гипотеза: In both countries there were many great painters who created pictures in common styles and they worked in the same period.

5 The Golden Age of Russian and British Art John Constable “Cornfield” Orest Kiprensky Portrait of the poet Alexander Pushkin

6 Ход исследования 1.Изучили статьи из книг, журналов, Интернета о развитии живописи в Англии и России; 2.Познакомились с работами художников 18-19 веков в обеих странах на сайтах крупных галерей мира; 3.Сравнили основные жанры живописи; 4.Систематизировали материалы; 5.Продумали схемы; What we did: 1. studied a lot of English and Russian sources: books, magazines, Internet information; 2. looked for pictures to analyze them and to illustrate the work; 3. compared pictures by English and Russian painters; 4. systemized all the materials.

7 Conclusions 1-2 The periods of “Golden Age” are different in Russia and England;The periods Popular Genres of paintings are very much alike and differs only in some styles.Popular Genres

8 What we did: 1.studied a lot of English and Russian sources: books, magazines, Internet information about famous galleries; 2.studied English and Russian sources about the founders of great galleries; 3. looked for pictures and photos to illustrate the work; 4.compared and systemized all the materials.

9 Conclusions 3 - 7 The histories of Tretyakov and Tate Galleries are very much alike;The histories They have very common beginnings;beginnings; The founders of the galleries had much in common;The founders The galleries house the collections close in the meanings and styles;the collections to say nothing about their roles in the world art; Only the buildings are different but the positions of the galleries are the same.the buildings

10 Summary Thou the periods of “Golden Age” were different in these countries, the histories of their best galleries are very much alike. More than that there were very common styles of paintings in that time there. Alexei Savrasov The Rooks are back. 1871 Victor Vasnetsov “Alyonushka” “Alyonushka” John Constable The Valley Farm 1835

11 Использованная литература 1.“Большая энциклопедия Кирилла и Мефодия”, 2003 (8 дисков) 2. “Художественная энциклопедия зарубежного классического искусства”, 2002 3.Happy English 2 Т. Клементьева, изд.Титул 2001г. 4. Reader. Happy English 2. Т. КлементьеваИзд. Титул 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.://WWW.TRETYAKOVGALLERY.RU/RU/COLLECTION/_SHOW/AUTHOR.://WWW.TRETYAKOVGALLERY.RU/RU/COLLECTION/_SHOW/AUTHOR

12 Glossary Canvas Strong, woven cloth traditionally used for artists’ supports. Commonly made of either linen or cotton thread, but also manufactured from man-made materials such as polyester Genres The genres, or types of painting, were codified in the seventeenth century by the French Royal Academy. In descending order of importance the genres were History, Portrait, Genre, Landscape, and Still life. This league table, known as the hierarchy of the genres, was based on the notion of man the measure of all things – landscape and still life were the lowest because they did not involve human subject matter. History was highest because it dealt with the noblest events of human history and with religionpaintingAcademy PortraitLandscapeStill life Genre Painting Paintings of subjects from everyday life, usually small in scale.Paintings History painting Term History in fact covered subject matter drawn from ancient Greek and Roman (classical) history; classical mythology, and the Bible. Towards end eighteenth century modern historical subjects were introduced, for example in Britain by West and Copley. Style ofclassicalWestCopley Landscape One of the principal types or genres of Western art.genres Oil Paint A dispersion of pigments in a drying oil that forms a tough, coloured film on exposure to air. Oil paint continues to dry, getting harder with age over many decades. Pigments and extenders will also affect the rate of drying, so different colours may dry at different speeds. Portrait A portrait is a representation of a particular person. Portraiture is a very old art form going back at least to ancient Egypt, where it flourished from about 5,000 years ago. Portrait was the only way to record the appearance of someone. But portraits have always been more than just a record. They have been used to show the power, importance, virtue, beauty, wealth, taste, learning or other qualities of the sitter.representationform Painting What we call art in all its forms – painting, sculpture, drawing and engraving – appeared in human groups all over the world in the period known as the Upper Paleolithic, which is roughly from 40,000 to 10,000 years ago. The paintings mostly represent animals but there are some human images. Since then painting has changed in essence very little. Supports evolved from rock faces, through the walls of buildings, to portable ones of paper, wood, and finally cloth, particularly canvas. The range of pigments expanded through a wide range of earths and minerals, to plant extracts and modern synthetic colours. Pigments have been mixed with water and gum to make a paint, but in the fifteenth century in Europe the innovation of using oil (linseed) produced a newly flexible and durable medium that played a major part in the explosion of creativity in Western painting at the Renaissance and after. At the same time subject matter expanded to embrace almost every aspect of life (Genres).sculpturedrawingengravingpaper canvasmediumRenaissanceGenres

13 The periods of “Golden Age” Russia It was the period of the 19 th century when Ivan Kramskoy, Ilya Repin, Isaac Levitan, Ivan Shishkin, Vasily Surikov, Mikhail Vrubel and others lived and created their masterpieces Mikhail Vrubel Great Britain It was the period between 1730’s and 1830’s. At that time many first class English masters contributed much to the history of world art. They were Thomas Gainsborough, John Constable and William Turner

14 Popular Genres of paintings RussiaGreat Britain portrait paintings landscape paintings Historical pictures Genre paintings

15 The History of the galleries The Tretyakov Gallery The Tate Gallery The galleries were named after their founders; They are based on private collections; They had collections of contemporary national paintings only; They have the greatest collections of British/Russian art in the world

16 The Beginnings of the Galleries Russia In 1881 Pavel Tretyakov opened his collection to the public On September 18, 1892, he presented his collection to the city of Moscow. Since that time the Gallery has his name Great Britain The gallery was opened on July, 21st 1897. with a collection of 65 modern British paintings It was given by Sir Henry Tate It was extended by another gift of Tate's in 1899

17 The Founders of the Galleries Pavel Tretyakov a well-to-do merchant dreamed to make a gallery for people started with the pictures of his contemporaries (The first works in Tretyakov's collection were the paintings of the "Peredvizhniki". ) donated his collection to the city of Moscow Henry Tate a very rich sugar manufacturer collected contemporary paintings offered his collection 0f 65 pictures to the nation, but a gallery had still to be built to house them. Pavel Tretyakov

18 The Collections of the galleries The State Tretyakov Gallery is the state national museum in Moscow has tens of thousands of paintings, drawings, sculptures and icons. is one of the best known pictures galleries in the world It has the greatest collection of Russian art from the 12th to the 20th century. The Tate Gallery is the state national museum in London, keeping over sixty thousand works of art: painting, sculpture, figures, engravings. It has the greatest collection of British art in the world to present a real picture of the development of art in Britain from the time of the Tudor monarchs in the 16th century to the present day.

19 About the Buildings The State Tretyakov Gallery is situated in a Russian-looking building in the centre of Moscow stands on the bank of the river Moskva opposite the southern walls of the Kremlin looks like an illustration to an old Russian fairy tales The Tate Gallery is a slightly out of the way area of central London. Henry Tate paid for the building by the River Thames and endowed it with his own collection of British art. It is a classical building with beautiful columns.

20 Portrait paintings Orest Kiprensky Portrait of E. Davydov 1809 John Constable Maria Bicknell, Mrs. John Constable 1816

21 Landscape paintings Arkhip Kuinji “The Birch Wood” Isaac Levitan The Rye

22 Genre paintings William Hogarth "Marriage-a-Ia-Mode" Sir David Wilkie The Blind Fiddler 1806

23 Historical pictures Vasily Surikov “The Morning of” Vasily Surikov “Boyarynya Morozova” 1887

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