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HUMANITIES. ROMANTIC Was a movement of intellectual sorts – art, music, literary founded in Europe – 18 th century Understanding the meaning of the knowledge.

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2 ROMANTIC Was a movement of intellectual sorts – art, music, literary founded in Europe – 18 th century Understanding the meaning of the knowledge offered by nature Belief of the individual(personal) Rationalist ideas – logical principals (political and social) Intuition and emotion (The dictionary of ART, Jane Turner, P. 735) instinct over reason, - imagination over form, - heart over head( The new GROVE, dictionary of music and musicians, Stanley Sadie P141) PAINTING The romantic artist used dramatic colors and bold brushstrokes that embodied emotion – the majority of the artist found the concentration of their piece in nature, but some in tragedies, exotic places and revolutionary actions (Gale Cengage learning)


4 TRANSCENDENTALISM Is the movement similar/based off the idea of Romanticism however, it was a reaction to in rationalism idealistic philosophical and social movement “divinity pervades all nature and humanity “ Is the movement of American literature as well as political and philosophical The author of this time were known to think “out the box” “”The term Transcendentalism was derived from the philosopher Kant, who called "all knowledge transcendental which is concerned not with objects but with our mode of knowing objects.” ( MUSIC Each note has its own unique dynamics and articulation the notes are freely sampled from a range of 12 different tones/pitches (

5 FEMINISM Movement towards establishing equal rights between the genders political, economic and social “the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes” (oxford dictionary) Women’s right – to own property, have a vote, equal pay and control over repopulation A national organization for women began in 196- goal was equality MUSIC Was for women, by women and about women.

6 INDUSTRIALISM Urbanization The production of an economic goods Business manufacturing products, transportation and financial companies – large numbers of people to work machines Social separations came about from this period in time: middle class and the working class (gale cengage) “a social or economic system in which manufacturing industries are prevalent” (oxford dictionary)

7 ABOLITIONISM “a person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution, especially capital punishment or slavery” (oxford dictionary) Movement to end slavery worldwide Slavery: forced labor against one’s will – threat and violence/ punishment if a task is not completed ART Depicted in paintings or drawing are usually scenes from slave trade – showing the emotion and sadness of such an event, and portraying the cruelty of the era through the dark colors splashed on the canvas.


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