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Nuclear Chemistry
Nuclear Reactions vs. Normal Chemical Changes
Nuclear reactions involve the nucleus The nucleus opens, and protons and neutrons are rearranged The opening of the nucleus releases a tremendous amount of energy that holds the nucleus together – called binding energy “Normal” Chemical Reactions involve electrons, not protons and neutrons
A. Wilhem Rontgen - discovered x-rays in 1895
I. Nuclear Chemistry A. Wilhem Rontgen - discovered x-rays in 1895 B. Antoine Henri Becquerl - discovered radioactivity 1. photographic plates and rocks C. Marie and Pierre Curie - discovered other radioactive elements 1. Marie first person to win the Nobel peace prize twice
3. Marie and her children died of radiation poisoning
2. husband run over by wagon when he was crossing the street 3. Marie and her children died of radiation poisoning
Radioactivity One of the pieces of evidence for the fact that atoms are made of smaller particles came from the work of Marie Curie ( ). She discovered radioactivity, the spontaneous disintegration of some elements into smaller pieces.
A. Spontaneous break down of an unstable nucleus
II. Radioactivity A. Spontaneous break down of an unstable nucleus with the release of particles and rays B. Mass defect and nuclear stability 1. the sum of the particles(protons, neutrons and electrons) that make up an atom but does not add up to the mass of an atom 2. the difference between the sum of the masses and the atomic mass is know as the mass defect
Mass Defect Some of the mass can be converted into energy
Shown by a very famous equation! E=mc2 Energy Mass Speed of light
C. Nuclear binding energy
1. The energy released when a nucleus is formed from nucleons (protons and neutrons)
III Properties of Radioactive elements
1. They affect photographic film 2. They produce electric charges in the surrounding air 3. They produce fluorescence with certain compounds a. fluorescence - makes thing glow
4. Their radiation’s have special physiological effects
a. causes mutations in cells - changes in the DNA of cells causing rapid growth and a change in their function 5. They undergo radioactive decay a. Radioactive decay - they emit particles from the nucleus making simpler atoms i. half-life - the time it takes 1/2 a given amount to decay ii. Half-lives can be from a few seconds to millions of years
Half-Life HALF-LIFE is the time that it takes for 1/2 a sample to decompose. The rate of a nuclear transformation depends only on the “reactant” concentration.
Kinetics of Radioactive Decay
For each duration (half-life), one half of the substance decomposes. For example: Ra-234 has a half-life of 3.6 days If you start with 50 grams of Ra-234 After 3.6 days > 25 grams After 7.2 days > 12.5 grams After 10.8 days > 6.25 grams
Half-Life Decay of 20.0 mg of 15O. What remains after 3 half-lives? After 5 half-lives?
e.g. The half-life of Plutonium -239 is 24110 years.
Of an original mass of 100. g, how much remains after 96440 years first find the number of half-life's # Half-lifes = years 24110 Years = 4 now divide the gram sample in 1/2 four times 100 ===> 50 ===> 25 ===>12.5 ===> 4 1 2 3
The half-life of thorium -227 is 18.72 days. How many
days are required for 3/4 of a given amount to decay 18.72 days 18.72 days 1 ===> 1/2 ===> 1/4 This tells you that you have 1/4 of the original amount left - therefore - 3/4 of a given amount has decayed you must multiply days by 2 == days
e.g Exactly 1/16 of a given amount of protactinium-234
remains after hours. What is the half-life of protactinium - 234 First find the number of half-life's 1 ==> 1/2 ===> 1/4 ===> 1/8 ===> 1/16 You must pass threw 4 half life’s 26.76 hours 4 half-life’s = 6.69 hours/half-life
The half life of I-123 is 13 hr. How much of a 64 mg sample of I-123 is left after 78 hours?
Nuclear Stability Certain numbers of neutrons and protons are extra stable n or p = 2, 8, 20, 50, 82 and 126 Like extra stable numbers of electrons in noble gases (e- = 2, 10, 18, 36, 54 and 86) Nuclei with even numbers of both protons and neutrons are more stable than those with odd numbers of neutron and protons All isotopes of the elements with atomic numbers higher than 83 are radioactive All isotopes of Tc and Pm are radioactive 23.2
Band of Stability and Radioactive Decay
When the number of protons in a stable nuclei is plotted against the number of neutrons Band of Stability and Radioactive Decay
Stability of Nuclei Out of > 300 stable isotopes: N Even Odd Z 157
52 3115P Even Odd 50 5 21H, 63Li, 105B, 147N, 18073Ta 199F
a. alpha particles, a, contain two protons and
Radioactive decay 1. types of particles a. alpha particles, a, contain two protons and two neutrons - can be stopped by a piece of paper - have low penetrating power - may cause burns to the flesh b. beta particles, b, high speed electrons, travel at close to the speed of light, c, which is equal to 3 x 108 m/sec or 186,000 miles a sec c. gamma rays, g, are high energy electromagnetic waves. Most penetrating
Types of Radiation Beta – an electron
Alpha – a positively charged (+2) helium isotope - we usually ignore the charge because it involves electrons, not protons and neutrons Beta – an electron Gamma – pure energy; called a ray rather than a particle
Other Nuclear Particles
Neutron Positron – a positive electron Proton – usually referred to as hydrogen-1 Any other elemental isotope
Penetrating Ability
X Atomic number (Z) = number of protons in nucleus
Mass number (A) = number of protons + number of neutrons = atomic number (Z) + number of neutrons Mass Number X A Z Element Symbol Atomic Number 1p 1 1H or proton 1n neutron 0e -1 0b or electron 0e +1 0b or positron 4He 2 4a or a particle A 1 1 4 Z 1 -1 +1 2 23.1
3. radioactive decay sequence
238U > a Th90 daughter parent when you have an alpha ejection - you lose 2 protons and 2 neutron The 92 of uranium is the number of protons and will go to 90 with an alpha ejection - the number of protons in you nucleus determines the element.
therefore - U turns into Th
The 238 of U is the total number of particles in the nucleus = number of protons and neutrons - with an alpha ejection - you lose 2 protons and 2 neutrons your mass goes down by 4 or become 234 226Ra > a Rn86
234Pa91 ----> 234U92 + beta particle
When you have a beta ejection - you have a neutron change to a protons thus causing your number of protons to go up by one. The total number of particles in the nucleus does not change 234Pa > 234U92 + beta particle 234Th >234Pa91 + b
On page 724 do problems 33,34,35,40,41,42,43
212Po decays by alpha emission
212Po decays by alpha emission. Write the balanced nuclear equation for the decay of 212Po. 4He 2 4a or alpha particle - 212Po He + AX 84 2 Z 212 = 4 + A A = 208 84 = 2 + Z Z = 82 212Po He + 208Pb 84 2 82 23.1
Nuclear Stability and Radioactive Decay
Beta decay 14C N + 0b + n 6 7 -1 Decrease # of neutrons by 1 40K Ca + 0b + n 19 20 -1 Increase # of protons by 1 1n p + 0b + n 1 -1 Positron decay 11C B + 0b + n 6 5 +1 Increase # of neutrons by 1 38K Ar + 0b + n 19 18 +1 Decrease # of protons by 1 1p n + 0b + n 1 +1 n and n have A = 0 and Z = 0 23.2
Nuclear Stability and Radioactive Decay
Electron capture decay 37Ar + 0e Cl + n 18 17 -1 Increase # of neutrons by 1 55Fe + 0e Mn + n 26 25 -1 Decrease # of protons by 1 1p + 0e n + n 1 -1 Alpha decay Decrease # of neutrons by 2 212Po He + 208Pb 84 2 82 Decrease # of protons by 2 Spontaneous fission 252Cf In + 21n 98 49 23.2
What radioactive isotope is produced in the following bombardment of boron?
10B He ? n
What radioactive isotope is produced in the following bombardment of boron?
10B He N n
Write Nuclear Equations!
Write the nuclear equation for the beta emitter Co-60. 60Co 0e + 60Ni
Positron emission -conversion of a proton to a neutron by
the emission of a positron 1. Positron - particle that has the same mass as an electron, but has a positive charge Gamma radiation - does not change the identity of the element but makes the atom more stable Transmutation - changing the identity of an element through the release of radioactive particles Isotopes - atoms of the same element that have different number of neutrons
Geiger-Müller Counter
Geiger Counter Used to detect radioactive substances
Artificial Nuclear Reactions
New elements or new isotopes of known elements are produced by bombarding an atom with a subatomic particle such as a proton or neutron -- or even a much heavier particle such as 4He and 11B. Reactions using neutrons are called g reactions because a g ray is usually emitted. Radioisotopes used in medicine are often made by g reactions.
Artificial Nuclear Reactions
Example of a g reaction is production of radioactive 31P for use in studies of P uptake in the body. 3115P n ---> 3215P + g
Transuranium Elements
Elements beyond 92 (transuranium) made starting with an g reaction 23892U n ---> U + g 23992U > Np b 23993Np ---> Pu b
Biological Effects of Radiation
Radiation absorbed dose (rad) 1 rad = 1 x 10-5 J/g of material Roentgen equivalent for man (rem) 1 rem = 1 rad x Q Quality Factor g-ray = 1 b = 1 a = 20 23.8
Effects of Radiation
Nuclear Fission Fission is the splitting of atoms
These are usually very large, so that they are not as stable Fission chain has three general steps: 1. Initiation. Reaction of a single atom starts the chain (e.g., 235U + neutron) 2. Propagation. 236U fission releases neutrons that initiate other fissions 3. Termination.
Nuclear Fission
Nuclear Fission 235U + 1n 90Sr + 143Xe + 31n + Energy
92 54 38 Energy = 3.3 x 10-11J per 235U = 2.0 x 1013 J per mole 235U = 235 grams = 0.5 lbs Combustion of 1 ton of coal = 5 x 107 J 23.5
Representation of a fission process.
Nuclear Fission Nuclear chain reaction is a self-sustaining sequence of nuclear fission reactions. The minimum mass of fissionable material required to generate a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction is the critical mass. Non-critical Critical 23.5
Nuclear Fission & POWER
Currently about 103 nuclear power plants in the U.S. and about 435 worldwide. 17% of the world’s energy comes from nuclear.
Diagram of a nuclear power plant
Annual Waste Production
Nuclear Fission 35,000 tons SO2 4.5 x 106 tons CO2 1,000 MW coal-fired power plant 3.5 x 106 ft3 ash Annual Waste Production 1,000 MW nuclear power plant 70 ft3 vitrified waste 23.5
Fusion Nuclear Fusion small nuclei combine 2H + 3H 4He + 1n + 1 1 2 0
Occurs in the sun and other stars Energy
Nuclear Fusion Fusion Excessive heat can not be contained Attempts at “cold” fusion have FAILED. “Hot” fusion is difficult to contain
Radioisotopes in Medicine
1 out of every 3 hospital patients will undergo a nuclear medicine procedure 24Na, t½ = 14.8 hr, b emitter, blood-flow tracer 131I, t½ = 14.8 hr, b emitter, thyroid gland activity 123I, t½ = 13.3 hr, g-ray emitter, brain imaging 18F, t½ = 1.8 hr, b+ emitter, positron emission tomography 99mTc, t½ = 6 hr, g-ray emitter, imaging agent Brain images with 123I-labeled compound 23.7
protection from radiation
A. Shielding sunscreen, lead apron B. distance - inverse square law
Nagasaki Japan August 9, 1945
Nuclear review You have a review test
A radioactive atom will lose the greatest amount of mass when it emits 1. a neutron' 3.a beta particle , 2. a proton alpha particle A sample of iodine-131 contains 10. grams. Approximately how much iodine-131 will remain after 24 days (half life -8 days)? g g g g 3. What is the moderator in a nuclear reactor? 1. carbon dioxide 3. cadmium 2. boron graphite
4. In the reaction 90Th234 -> 91Pa234 + X, X represents
1.a neutron 3. an alpha particle 2.a positron 4. a beta particle 5. One of the biggest advantages of a fusion reactor is it 1. produces no radioactive wastes 2. is small in size 3. will never explode 4. has no reaction control problem 6. Which particle has the least mass? 1. alpha particle 2. proton 3. neutron 4. electron
7. A neutron has approximately the same mass as
1. an alpha particle 3. an electron 2. a beta particle 4. a proton 8. When 88Ra226 emits an alpha particle, the resulting atom is Rn 2 2 2 Rn 2 2 4 Ra 2 2 2 Ra 2 2 4 To make nuclear fission nuclear reactor more efficient, which device is used to slow the speed of neutrons? 1. internal shield 2. external shield 3.control rod 4.moderator 10. If radioactive substance has a half-life of 9 days, what fraction of its original mass would remain after 27 days? 1. 1/ / / /4
If iodine-131 undergoes beta decay, which symbol represents
11. Which reaction illustrates fusion? H2 + 1 H2 ===> 2He4 2. on1 + 13A127 ==> 11Na He4 3. 13A He4 ===> 15P He4 + 0 n1 4. 7 N He4 ===> 1 H1 + 8O17 Control rods in nuclear reactors are commonly made of boron and cadmium because these two elements have the ability to 1) absorb neutrons 2) emit neutrons 3) decrease the speed of neutrons 4) increase the speed of neutrons If iodine-131 undergoes beta decay, which symbol represents the resulting nucleus? 1. 52Te Xe I Sb1 27
14. Which element is formed when 82Pb214 emits a beta particle?
Po Hg Bi Bi214 Radioactive changes differ from ordinary chemical changes In that radioactive changes 1.are explosive 3.involve changes in the nucleus 2.absorb energy 4.release energy 16. In the reaction 4Be9 + X ----> 6 C n1 the X represents alpha particle electron 2.a beta particle 4.a proton
18. Which nuclear equation represents beta decay?
1. 13A He4 --> 15P30 + on1 U > 90 Th He4 3. 6 C > 7 N e0 4. 18Ar eo --> 17Cl37 19. An atom of Ra226 decays to Rn222 by emitting 1.a proton 3. an alpha particle electron 4. a beta particle 20. Heavy water may be used in a nuclear reactor as a 1.moderator 3. shielding 2.fuel 4. control rod When an atom emits a beta particle, the total number of nucleons 1. decreases 2. increases 3. remains the same
22. The radioactive particle or ray with the greatest penetrating
power is the 1.alpha particle 3.gamma ray 2.beta particle 4.proton 23. The major portion of an atom's mass consists of 1) electrons and protons 3) neutrons and positrons 2) electrons and neutrons 4) neutrons and protons During a chain reaction the number of nuclei reacting per second 1. increases decreases 3. remains the same
25. A radioactive source emits radiation which is deflected as shown in the diagram. .
This radiation could be 1. _1eo 2. 2 He4 3. 1 H1 4. 0 n1
When 90Th234 emits a beta particle ( -1 e0), the element
formed is 1. Ra 2. Th 3. Pa 4. U 27. A 40.0 milligram sample of phosphorus -33 decays to 10.0 milligrams in 50.0 days. What is the half-life of phosphorus-33? days days days days 28. During a fission reaction, which type of particle is captured by a nucleus? 1.deuterium 3.neutron 2.electron proton 29.When two light nuclei combine into a heavier nucleus, the process is called 1.fission 3.beta decay 2.fusion 4.nuclear disintegration
30, An electron has a charge identical to that of
1. a neutron 3. an alpha particle 2.a proton 4. a beta particle 31. In the reaction 92U238 --> 90Th234 + X, X represents 1.a beta particle 3. a positron 2.a neutron 4. an alpha particle
Tokamak magnetic plasma confinement
Nuclear Fusion Fusion Reaction Energy Released 2H + 2H H + 1H 1 6.3 x J 2H + 3H He + 1n 1 2 2.8 x J 3.6 x J 6Li + 2H He 3 1 2 Tokamak magnetic plasma confinement 23.6
Balancing Nuclear Equations
Conserve mass number (A). The sum of protons plus neutrons in the products must equal the sum of protons plus neutrons in the reactants. 1n U 235 92 + Cs 138 55 Rb 96 37 + 2 = x1 Conserve atomic number (Z) or nuclear charge. The sum of nuclear charges in the products must equal the sum of nuclear charges in the reactants. 1n U 235 92 + Cs 138 55 Rb 96 37 + 2 = x0 23.1
Radiocarbon Dating 14N + 1n 14C + 1H 14C 14N + 0b + n t½ = 5730 years
6 14C N + 0b + n 6 7 -1 t½ = 5730 years Uranium-238 Dating 238U Pb + 8 4a + 6 0b 92 -1 82 2 t½ = 4.51 x 109 years 23.3
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