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2 Recommended Books (1) “Information Technology in Business
Principles, Practices and Opportunities”   Second Edition By James A. Senn (2) “Management Information System for the Information Age” 4th Edition By HAAG/CUMMINGS/ MCCUBBERY

3 Timeline of Technology Evolution
Human history has been shaped by three dynamic advances or waves of transformation. 8,000 B.C. 1st Wave: Agricultural Age 1750 1955 2011 2nd Wave: Industrial Age 3rd Wave: Information Age ?

4 Agricultural Age Agricultural Age begins around 8,000 B.C. and runs through the mid-1700s. This wave is characterized by trade and basic training-based education, daily life and traditions organized around the seasons simple technology with tools made from stone or metal, wood were made from natural materials. Agricultural Age 8,000 B.C. 1750 1955 2011 ?

5 Complex machines evolving from simple machines
Pulley Lever

6 Beginning of the industrial revolution
Steam Engine Flying Shuttle, Automation of Textile The automation of making textiles (fabrics, clothing, etc) marked the beginning of the industrial revolution. The first steam engine on top of a water filled mine shaft and used it to pump water out of the mine.

7 The Industrial Age The Industrial Age occurs between 1750 and 1950, continuing through to the mid-1950s. This age is characterized by People leaving the farms for work in the cities, mainly in factory and industry jobs, Great advances in the areas of communication and technology with the invention of the three Ts (Telegraph, Telephone, and Television) along with the first computers. 8,000 B.C. 1750 1955 2011 ? Industrial Age Agricultural

8 The Information Age The period in which the majority of workers are involved in the creation, distribution, and application of information. It is further characterized by Development of a literate workforce, Computerization resulting in major changes in business management and operations. ? 8,000 B.C. 1750 1955 2011 Agricultural Industrial Information Age

9 The Digital Revolution J Information Age/ Digital Age/ Information Superhighway/ Internet Revolution
“The change from analog mechanical and electronic technology to digital technology that has taken place since 1980s.”

10 Information Technology
A set of tools that enables us to work with information Facts presented in a meaningful fashion. Hardware Input devices Output devices Telecommunication devices Storage devices Software Application software e.g.MS-office S/W, media software, business software System software e.g. operating system software, utility software Personal Computers Wireless Networks Satellites Cellular technology videoconferencing Internet

11 Information Technology
Technical definition: “The capability to electronically input, process, store, output, transmit, and receive data and information, including text, graphics, sound, and video, as well as the ability to control machines of all kinds electronically.”

12 Information Technology
ITAA Definition: “The study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware."

13 Components of Information System PEOPLE
knowledge worker A knowledge worker works with and produces information about a product. When you graduate, you will start working as a knowledge worker. EXAMPLES: Professionals like teachers, lawyers, architects, physicians, nurses, engineers and scientists

14 Components of Information System PEOPLE
Who is not knowledge worker? The counter attendants at McDonald’s are not knowledge workers. They enter the details of your order into a computer terminal. These details are used by knowledge workers to manage inventory, order supplies and schedule workers.

15 Components of Information System PEOPLE
Telecommuting The use of communication technologies (such as the Internet), to work in a place other than a central location. Telecommuting is a wonderful concept for increasing quality of life and earning opportunities for otherwise unemployed people.

16 Information Technology
Embedded Information Technology “The information technology that is integrated with the other components of products and services, giving it new features and capabilities.”

17 Embedded Information Technology
At travel agent office Maintain profile of customers such as seating requirements, payment details etc. On the aircraft Autopilot system EMBEDDED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY At the airport Ease passenger check-in, baggage handling, on-board services etc. At the auto rental agency Maintain client’s preferred automobile features At Hotel Maintain traveler’s preferences, payment details etc.

18 “A collection of raw facts that describes a phenomenon”
What is Data? Definition: “A collection of raw facts that describes a phenomenon” Examples Current temperature Price of a movie rental Your age etc.

19 What Is Information? Definition:
“Data that has been processed, manipulated and organised in a way suitable for human interpretation” If you are trying to decide what to wear, the current temperature is information because it is logical help to your decision.

20 What Is Knowledge? Definition: “An awareness and understanding of a set of information and how that information can be put to the best use.” Information adds to the knowledge of the person receiving it.

21 Data Vs. Information Data is the raw material – the input of information The word information is derived from Latin informare which means "give form to".

For information to be useful, it must be… Relevant – -----within the context Simple understandable Complete –-- --including all needed Accurate – -----error free Current – not out-dated Secure free of contamination Economical –--cost does not exceed than the value of information Timely – available when needed Accessible - ---all those who need the information can get to it Reliable results are consistent

23 Benefits of IT

24 Benefits of IT Speed Consistency
Computers can perform complex calculations, recall stored information, transmit information from one location to another in a split of a second. Consistency A computer can perform a task the same way every time.

25 Benefits of IT Precision Reliability
Computers can detect minute differences that people can not see. In automobile manufacturing embedded computer system helps precise placement of a part. Reliability Reliability comes with speed, consistency and precision

26 MIS Management Information System

27 Management Information System (MIS)
General definition: “MIS or simply IS (information system) is a combination of hardware and software and telecommunication used to process information automatically.”

28 MIS---Examples Online bill payment system at a bank
A support website of a product Computer system used to process orders for a business

29 Management Information System (MIS)
Technical definition: “MIS deals with the planning for, development, management, and use of information technology tools to help people perform all tasks related to information processing and management.”

30 COMPONENTS OF MIS People Hardware Software Procedures
Telecommunication Database

31 Components of Information System
PEOPLE The components that most influence the success or failure of information system. People means end users, those who are using computers . Systems Analyst Programmer Technician Engineer Network Manager MIS (Manager of Information Systems) Data entry operator

32 Components of Information System
HARDWARE any of the physical equipment in a system. Examples include screens, printers, computers, telephone wires, etc. SOFTWARE a list of instructions that guides the hardware in the performance of its duties

33 (Components of Information System)
DATA Data are distinct pieces of factual information used as a basis for reasoning; a fact; a number, a statement, or a picture, discussion, or calculation INFORMATION The data that have a particular meaning within a specific context.

34 Components of Information System
PROCEDURES Refers to rules or guidelines people follow when using software, hardware and data. Documented in manuals written by computer analysts. Provided by software/hardware manufacturers of the product. A procedure can be quite complex and involved, such as performing a backup, shutting down a system, patching software.

35 Components of Information System
TELECOMMUNICATION Allows computers to connect and to share the information with other users(computers).

36 Components of Information System
DATABASE A database is a structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer system. Traditional databases are organized by fields, records, and files.


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