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Palm Beach County Schools June 27, 2011. Department of Federal and State Programs - Supplemental Educational Services - Suite C-206 Terry Pitchford, Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Palm Beach County Schools June 27, 2011. Department of Federal and State Programs - Supplemental Educational Services - Suite C-206 Terry Pitchford, Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Palm Beach County Schools June 27, 2011

2 Department of Federal and State Programs - Supplemental Educational Services - Suite C-206 Terry Pitchford, Manager (561) 629-8559 Jane Glabman, Resource Teacher (561) 357-7520 FAX (561) 357-7618 SES Invoices – Kathy Donnelly (561) 434-7464

3 Department of Federal and State Programs Dr. Marcia Baldanza, Director (561) 357-5949 Celia Elrod, Assistant Director (561) 434-8446

4 July 18-19, 2011 – Cayen SST training at FHESC, Ibis Building July 21, 2011 - Signed contracts due to District August 22, 2011 - List of SES School Contacts August 27-31, 2011 - Provider Fairs September 23, 2011 (Tentative) - Student rosters provided through the Cayen SST By October 15, 2011 - Tutoring begins

5 Provider packets – review contents Contract Incentives – – may not be used for recruitment – may be awarded for student performance or attendance and may not exceed $50 per student per year Provider Fairs – all attendees MUST have a current vendor badge (not a school ID)

6 Maximum per student allocation for FY12 is $1251 (preliminary allocation from FDOE) Fingerprinting and background checks – vendor badges Fingerprintingandbadges.asp




10 SESTutoring.asp




14 Qualification of students for SES – we have been required to prioritize for the past three years Aligned to Sunshine State Standards Must be reliable and in fidelity with the approved state application Is NOT homework assistance, snack time, mentoring, or pre-testing, post-testing

15 Must begin by October 15, 2011 Students must have a district-approved SLP prior to the start of tutoring

16 Use of the Supplemental Services Tracker (SST) system is mandatory for all providers Training and support will be provided by Cayen Systems All SLPs, progress reports, and invoices will be completed using the Cayen Systems’ SST


18 Assessment may begin upon receipt of the students placed with your agency Immediately following assessment, an SLP must be completed using the Cayen Systems’ SST and submitted electronically for review Pre & post test data must be entered into Cayen Systems’ SST (initial and goal percentage of mastery) Goals must be measurable (SMART)

19 S – specific, significant M – measurable, meaningful A – agreed upon, attainable, acceptable, action-oriented R – relevant, realistic, reasonable T – time-based, timely, tangible

20 After 20 hours of tutoring, Jasmine will increase from 60% to 75% mastery in the use of context cues to determine meaning of unfamiliar words in a third grade passage as measured by the SmartStudent pre and post test. After 25 hours of tutoring, Pascual will use the order of operations to simplify expressions which include exponents and parentheses with an increase from 25% to 50% accuracy as measured by the MathExpert pre and post assessment.

21 Following tutoring, Darius will be reading on grade level and his grades will improve! Simone will write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences. (Note: Please create Reading, not Writing goals.)

22 SLPs must be electronically submitted to the District for review and approval prior to obtaining parent signature SLPs must align with the program approved in the state application Tutoring may not begin without an approved SLP

23 District-approved SLPs with original parent and provider signatures are required prior to processing the first invoice Section I-B-4 (page 2) – “Changes in any student’s SLP may be made only … and approved by Board.” Any change in tutoring days, times, subjects or location requires submission of an amended SLP prior to the change

24 FDOE has provided language for providers’ marketing materials that will be used as a statewide requirement for all LEAs: – Your child may qualify for free tutoring if your child is eligible for free or reduced-priced meals AND attends an eligible SES school. If parental requests for free tutoring exceed the amount of funding available, the school district will serve the students with the greatest need. – Neither the Florida Department of Education nor the School District of Palm Beach County promote or endorse any particular supplemental educational services (SES) provider.

25 Materials must advertise your legal agency name, not your DBA. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms on your advertising materials You may not advertise that you will provide more hours of service following the exhaustion of the student’s PPA as that is considered to be an incentive Do not include statements such as “student is guaranteed to increase one grade in Reading”

26 All marketing materials must be approved by District staff prior to distribution Please allow ample time for approval (the contract requires a minimum of two weeks) Marketing materials may not include information regarding incentives



29 Please carefully review the contract as many changes have been made You are required to submit 3 copies of the contract with original signatures (in blue ink); copy it before writing on it On page 8, you must enter the minimum number of students per site that you agree to serve

30 District must report Provider to FDOE if the Provider withdraws from offering services after submitting a Letter of Intent, signing a contract, and receiving the minimum number entered on page 8 of contract Upon two such withdrawals, Provider will be ineligible to provide services in the state the following school year

31 Two major changes to the contract follow: Section III–9: Providers are prohibited from transporting students (page 6)

32 Section III–33: No officer, agent or employee of Provider or Board shall be deemed an officer, agent or employee of the other party. Any employee of the Board who holds a position within the ownership structure of the Provider Company and is listed on… Sunbiz must either divest themselves of their interest in the Provider organization or resign their position with the Board (page 10.)

33 Section III-4: Record of Attendance “…initialed ONLY by the student’s Parent or the student if the Parent is not in attendance…” the form may NOT be pre-populated by provider FDOE recommends that each provider maintain a detailed “sign-in/sign-out” log for each tutorial session to document the time of arrival and departure for each student. This log should include student signatures for each tutorial session and may be requested as audit documentation.

34 COMPLETE INFORMATION IS REQUIRED FOR PROCESSING The School District of Palm Beach County The Department of Federal and State Programs SES Attendance & Payment Record 2011-2012 Month of September 2011 Student's Name: ____________________________________ Student's ID #: ____________________ Student's School: _______________________________________ School Number:______________ SES Provider: _____________________________________________________________________ Tutoring Location: ______________________________________________________________________ Hourly rate for services specified in the State approved application (Note if it has changed) $ _________________ Tutor's Name: Each Day: Record attendance rounded to the nearest 15 minutes in the calendar box on the dates the student was tutored (example: 3:00 - 4:30). STUDENT OR PARENT must initial daily attendance in boxes. Student hours and days MUST match your State application. September 2011 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 123 4 5 * Holiday 678910 1112131415 LTM/*PDD 1617 18192021222324 2526272829 *HOLIDAY 30 *Tutoring with District approval only Total hours of attendance (total minutes ÷by 60) _____ x hourly rate $____________= Total Due $ _________ Total hours of reading instruction: ________________ Total hours of math instruction: ________________ Student has completed tutoring Total hours of science instruction: ________________ Final Date:_____________________ Total Hours ________________ I certify, under penalty of perjury, that the above information is true and correct. Signature of SES Provider or Designee: Print Name: __________________________________________________Date: ___________________ * Tutoring on highlighted dates must be pre-approved by District

35 Section III-4: Online/Distance Providers must submit log-in timesheets to verify attendance

36 Section III–19: Only the Parents have the right to enroll or apply for enrollment for their children to participate in SES. Provider is prohibited from completing and submitting enrollment forms on behalf of Parents. Board is not required to enroll students submitting pre-populated or questionable forms.

37 FDOE Compliances: Providers are prohibited from distributing or filling out enrollment forms or recruiting students Providers are prohibited from altering the form, distributing to parents, or enrolling students

38 Third parties (ex. community or church leaders, youth organizations, after care centers, etc.) may not act on behalf of the provider to duplicate, distribute, complete or submit forms for parents – Source – FDOE Conference Call for SES Providers – August 18, 2010

39 Section III–20 requires compliance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Section 1022.22, Florida Statutes Personally identifiable records or reports of students are confidential and exempt from public records Providers may not include student names in email communication with district as district emails are public records

40 All student records shall be kept in a secure location preventing access by unauthorized individuals Providers may only access student records while student is being served by the provider; once services have ended, no further contact with student or parent is permitted (example: post card marketing, etc.)

41 Teachers, tutors, or assistants who are also Board employees are required to be compliant with Board Policy 3.02 (Code of Ethics) Section III-24 (page 9) – Code of Ethics –Failure by Provider’s teachers, tutors, and assistants to agree and adhere to the EIC Code of Professional Conduct and Business Ethics…may be grounds for immediate termination

42 Monitoring – staff members will make unannounced monitoring visits at tutorial sites utilizing the supplied monitoring instrument Accident Reporting – PBCSD Form 0335 – Section III–10 (page 6) Child Abuse Reporting – Section III–11 (page 6) 1-800-962-ABUSE Supervision of students – Section III–13 (pages 6-7)


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