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Current & emerging markets for offshore TVET services Ensuring sustainable offshore delivery conference 25 July 2012 Melbourne, Australia Peter Holden.

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1 Current & emerging markets for offshore TVET services Ensuring sustainable offshore delivery conference 25 July 2012 Melbourne, Australia Peter Holden

2 Presentation outline 1. Preliminary comments 2. TAFE Directors Australia and the TAFE sector 3. Models of international cooperation 4. TAFE offshore engagement 5. Current & emerging markets 6. Some key markets

3 Preliminary comments TAFE institutes have been actively engaged offshore for over 20 years Success is built on personal relationships, not just on institutional reputation - prepare for a lead time of up to four years Our TVET system is highly regarded – beware the tarnishing of this reputation If we’re not smart enough, our offshore partners will soon be (are) our competitors

4 TDA - the peak body for TAFE Member association representing the CEOs and Directors of Australia’s TAFE institutes (government owned TVET providers); 61 member institutes Governed by a Board of Directors with representatives from each State & Territory Activities managed by a National Secretariat

5 3.5 million Australians involved in education and training (16% of population) Universities 39 (+2) Schools 9,600 Australia’s education and training sector TAFE Institutes Registered Training Organisations 5000 + Learning Institutions 61

6 TAFE Institutes in Australia

7 Mission and Role of TDA To provide national leadership in the TVET sector through: Advocacy Research Marketing & promotion National & international networks Business development

8 TDA international cooperation Formal agreements and associations with:  World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics  China Education Association for International Exchange  Community Colleges for International Development (USA)  BECAS Chile Technical Scholarships Program  Mongolian Agency of TVET  New Zealand Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics  Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration

9 International policy development Review of student visa assessment level framework Implementation of the Tuition Protection Service for overseas students White paper on Australia in the Asian Century TDA Position Paper on international education ◦

10 TDA International Engagement Some of our 2012 projects: BECAS Chile scholarship program China Leadership Program & Student Exchange platform China Green Skills conference & USA Green Skills network Indonesia capacity building and industry engagement International student survey East Asia network of TVET providers

11 Models of cooperation (1) High level consultancies TVET systems Competency based training Industry engagement Resource development Teacher training Partnerships with: Local providers Government agencies Industry

12 Focus areas for capacity building Governance & funding Industry engagement Competency based standards Qualifications framework Quality Standards for providers Delivery & assessment

13 Leveraging our expertise Workforce planning ◦ Olympic Games 2000, 2004, 2008 ◦ African, Asian & Commonwealth Games ◦ Shanghai 2010 World Expo College construction & management ◦ Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Oceania, Mongolia

14 Models of cooperation (2) Study tours  High level short term (3 to 5 days)  Institute & college tours (5 to 10 days)  Professional development (10 to 30 days) Student / Teacher Exchange  Short term (one Semester – 16 to 18 weeks)  Academic year

15 Models of cooperation (3) Course delivery in another country  Australian qualification and/or local qualification  Australian teachers and trainers  Training facilities hired, built or provided by partner  All resources provided by Australian provider

16 Models of cooperation (4) Joint course delivery in another country (twinning)  Australian qualification and/or local qualification  Australian and local teachers and trainers  Local training facilities hired or provided by local partner  All resources provided with some locally developed

17 Models of cooperation (5) Supported delivery in another country (auspicing)  Australian qualification and/or local qualification  Local teachers and trainers  Quality assurance by TAFE managers and teachers (usually twice a year)  Training facilities provided by local partner  Customised Australian resources and locally developed resources

18 TAFE offshore engagement Partnership agreements (TDA 2011 survey – 41 respondents) 247 active partnerships 40 countries China - 95 India - 28 Korea - 16 Singapore - 11 Indonesia - 9 PNG - 8 Malaysia - 8 Japan – 5 Sir Lanka – 5 UAE – 5 Vietnam - 5

19 Students studying offshore with an Australian institution NCVER Survey 2010VET private providersVET public providersTotal Providers10537142 Students8 45264 81973 271 Students based in China1 28248 97150 253 Students(b) based in countries other than China 7 17015 84823 018 Students(b) studying all award (c) courses 7 00552 47859 483 Students studying diploma & advanced diploma courses 3 60134 97338 574 Students(b) studying non- award (c) courses 1 44712 34113 788 Students(b) studying courses taught in English only 5 23138 94744 178 Students(b) studying courses also offered in Australia 7 53353 54061 073 Courses4835721 055 Countries (a)(d)663068

20 Current & emerging markets HOTWARMEMERGINGSLEEPERS ChinaBrazilColombiaItaly IndiaChileKazakhstanRussia IndonesiaJapanMENATurkey MalaysiaPhilippinesMyanmarUSA MongoliaPNGSub Sahara SingaporeSri Lanka South KoreaVietnam Taiwan

21 CHINA 1,100 tertiary TVET colleges 200 demonstration colleges Rise of 2 nd & 3 rd tier cities 260k international students 282 Confucius institutes in 88 countries

22 INDONESIA 33 State Polytechnics; over 600 private TVET providers Major ADB capacity building loan for TVET Indonesia Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement in place

23 INDONESIA TDA Survey of Indonesian government polytechnics (February 2012) What type of partnerships are you interested in?Response PercentResponse Count Delivering overseas qualifications on your campus 47.4%9 Exchange of students to receive training 84.2%16 Exchange of students for industry internships 89.5%17 Exchange of teachers to receive training 89.5%17 Exchange of teachers for industry internships 63.2%12 Hosting study tours 26.3%5 Sending study tours 36.8%7 Deliver non-accredited training in collaboration with overseas partner 26.3%5 Dual programs where the qualification is valid in Indonesia and another country 68.4%13 Programs that offer an introduction to a higher qualification overseas 52.6%10 Other 0.0%0 For other please give examples 0 answered question19

24 AFRICA “Second, the Chinese side will continue to increase assistance to Africa to bring the benefits of development to the African people. China will build more agricultural technology demonstration centres as necessary to help African countries increase production capacity. China will implement the 'African Talents Program' to train 30,000 personnel in various sectors, offer 18,000 government scholarships and build cultural and vocational training facilities," Hu said. 33% of world’s population by 2100 Strong interest in TVET in sub-Saharan countries China to invest $USD133m in Kenyan TVET system Australia to offer 1,000 scholarships next year President Hu Jintao 19 July 2012

25 Australian Aid & Development Projected AusAID budget allocations 2010-11 2015- 16 Growth to 2015-16 $ millions PNG46059030% Solomon Island and East Timor 33043030% South Pacific Microstates60120100% Other Pacific34051050% Indonesia460920100% Other East Asia52094080% South Asia17027060% Afghanistan and Pakistan19027040% Sub-Saharan Africa200 0% North Africa and Middle East 8012040% Latin America and Caribbean 400-100% More emphasis on: assisting people overcome poverty national interests capacity to make a difference.

26 Australian government initiative: support the development of an East Asia Network of TVET Providers TAFE Directors Australia will lead the development of the network with a residential workshop planned for 4/5 September 2012 in Perth

27 Thank you For more information, please contact: Peter Holden Director International Engagement TAFE Directors Australia +61 2 9217 3181 (direct office line) +61 (0)405 081 780 (mobile/cell phone)

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