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Helping Hurting Students www.unite4life.com360-670-9468.

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1 Helping Hurting Students www.unite4life.com360-670-9468

2 Depression happens… Suicide doesn’t have to During this school year: 1 out of 4 students will go through a season of depression 1 out of 7 students will seriously consider suicide 1 out of 12 students will attempt suicide * 2008 Washington State Healthy Youth Survey

3 What are you feeling right at that moment? Confused Trapped Worried Burdened Shocked Sad Anxious Overwhelmed Angry Scared

4 What is the first thing you say or do? Ask “Why?” Stay Calm Stay Calm Talk them out of it Stay Positive Stay Positive Say, “I’m here for you” Stay Close Stay Close

5 What about the promise you made? Would you say… A.“A promise is a promise, I’m not going to tell anyone.” B.“This is too important to keep a secret.” C.“I’m stuck in the middle and not sure which I would do.”

6 What about the promise you made? Get a Trusted Adult Involved “I care about you too much to keep this a secret. I have to tell somebody.” “I care about you too much to keep this a secret. I have to tell somebody.” “We should really talk to somebody about this. Who do you feel comfortable talking to?” “We should really talk to somebody about this. Who do you feel comfortable talking to?” Any more? Any more?

7 Three Types of Depression 1) Circumstantial Depression Will generally only last a couple of weeks unless: a)The circumstances keep happening over and over again. b)The circumstance is very traumatic.

8 Three Types of Depression 2) Clinical Depression Caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain that can occur at any time during adolescence. If you’ve been depressed for more than a few weeks and cannot figure out why, you should go see your doctor.

9 Three Types of Depression 3) AOD Related Depression Most of the drugs that teens use to try to feel better are depressants: Alcohol Marijuana Prescription Drugs (Opiates)

10 Three Types of Depression Does your friend has circumstantial depression?  The best thing you can do is support them through it for a few weeks. Is it an on-going or traumatic circumstance?  The best thing you can do is get someone who can help intervene in the situation. Does your friend have clinical depression?  The best thing you can do is get them to talk to their parents and go see their doctor. Is your friend drinking or getting high?  The best thing you can do is to get them to stop.

11 F A C T Warning Signs

12 F:F:A:C:T: Warning Signs

13 F: Warning Signs Hopelessness Negativity “I hate” attitude Irritability Anxiety Excessive fatigue Always down Feelings

14 F: FeelingsA:C:T: Hopelessness Negativity “I hate” attitude Irritability Anxiety Excessive fatigue Always down Warning Signs

15 A: Warning Signs Isolation Increased drug or alcohol use Giving their stuff away Excessive risk taking Self-harm Actions

16 F: FeelingsA: ActionsC:T: Hopelessness Negativity “I hate” attitude Irritability Anxiety Excessive fatigue Always down Isolation Increased drug or alcohol use Giving their stuff away Excessive risk taking Self-harm Warning Signs

17 C: Warning Signs Change s in… Behavior Personality Eating habits Sleeping habits Poor performance “I don’t care” attitude Changes

18 F: FeelingsA: ActionsC: ChangesT: Hopelessness Negativity “I hate” attitude Irritability Anxiety Excessive fatigue Always down Isolation Increased drug or alcohol use Giving their stuff away Excessive risk taking Self-harm Change s in… Behavior Personality Eating habits Sleeping habits Poor performance “I don’t care” attitude Warning Signs

19 T: Warning Signs Direct verbal threats Any fascination with or expression of death or dying Music, books, poetry, fashion, artwork, writing, etc… Threats

20 F: FeelingsA: ActionsC: ChangesT: Threats Hopelessness Negativity “I hate” attitude Irritability Anxiety Excessive fatigue Always down Isolation Increased drug or alcohol use Giving their stuff away Excessive risk taking Self-harm Change s in… Behavior Personality Eating habits Sleeping habits Poor performance “I don’t care” attitude Direct verbal threats Any fascination with or expression of death or dying Music, books, poetry, fashion, artwork, writing, etc… Warning Signs

21 How many warning signs do you have to see to do something about it? 1

22 “Bad Day” Suicidal Crisis

23  You are in a state of feeling “low” or “down”, but not necessarily sad.  You feel as ill as if you have the flu, but show no symptoms.  You can’t concentrate, focus, or put your thoughts in order.  Normal social situations cause a great amount of stress or anxiety.  You feel isolated and can see no end to your condition. How Depression Feels

24 Three Types of Depression: 1)Circumstantial 2)Clinical 3)AOD Related Review Warning Signs: F: Feelings F: Feelings A: Actions A: Actions C: Changes C: Changes T: Threats T: Threats

25 1)Show You Care 2)Ask About Suicide 3)Get Adult Help How To Help

26 Why don’t teens go to adults for help? Overreact Don’t Care Get Mad Minimize Judgmental Don’t Understand Uncomfortable Get in trouble Don’t listen

27 What are the qualities of a trusted adult? Respect You Been There Involved Available Not Judgmental Knows How To Help Caring Easy to talk to Good Listener

28 YYYYour Parents OOOOther Family Members YYYYour Friends’ Parents AAAAdults at School AAAAdults in Community Trusted Adults

29 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Unite 4 Life Trusted Adults

30 Helping Hurting Students www.unite4life.com360-670-9468

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