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Seeds and Crayfish Audio Reading 6/StructuresofLife/index.html.

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Presentation on theme: "Seeds and Crayfish Audio Reading 6/StructuresofLife/index.html."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seeds and Crayfish Audio Reading 6/StructuresofLife/index.html

2  Use a hand lenses to observe the magnolia pod.  View Private Life of Planet Section:  With your table group, you will do a round robin.  Your job is to list things that have seeds in 2 minutes. Round Robin  Your group has one sheet of paper.  Each person has a different color of marker on map pencil.  Each person will write on thing- then pass to the next person in a clockwise motion.  Every person writes one thing as they pass the paper as many times as you can in two minutes.  You want your group to get as many things on the list as possible.

3  You will answer the questions in your journal with a partner.  Find the walnut shell among the pictures an page 1. Explain how the shell protects the seed.  Where are the seeds on the outside of a strawberry? Is this normal? Why or Why not?  Find the pea pod and the name other seeds that come in pods. Music Mix Pair Share  When the music plays- you move around the room  When the music stops, you find a partner close to you.  If you do not have a partner- raise your hand so another single can find you.  If there is not another single, make a triad.  1 rule: You may not pair with the same person more than once.

4  Look at the diagram on page 2. What are the 3 parts of a seed. Record in your journal and label.  Which seeds are monocots? Which ones are dicots? What word parts help you figure it out what those words mean?  When seeds grow, what order do the plant parts appear?  What kinds of seed do people eat?  What are two ways that seeds travel?  What are the life cycles of plants?  How do life cycles among plants vary?  Are there situations where altering the life cycle of a plant could change or affect the environment? Music Mix Pair Share  When the music plays- you move around the room  When the music stops, you find a partner close to you.  If you do not have a partner- raise your hand so another single can find you.  If there is not another single, make a triad.  1 rule: You may not pair with the same person more than once.

5  Who wants to take a trip to Disney Word?  How about Epcot Center at Disney?  Let’s take a virtual tour of a really cool garden. They even make the fruit look like Mickey Mouse! Video: 2008/07/18/video-hydroponic-gardening-at- disneys-epcot-center/ 2008/07/18/video-hydroponic-gardening-at- disneys-epcot-center/  What makes this garden special?  What makes it different from most gardens?  How do they do that?  What is a nutrient?  Why are they important?  How could this help the world?

6  What do you notice about the pictures on page 11?  How long ago did scientist find out that they could grow plants without soil?  Where are hydroponic gardens used today?  What evidence do we have that some seeds that are over 10,000 years old can still grow?  What is a new wondering? Music Mix Pair Share  When the music plays- you move around the room  When the music stops, you find a partner close to you.  If you do not have a partner- raise your hand so another single can find you.  If there is not another single, make a triad.  1 rule: You may not pair with the same person more than once.

7  With your table group, you will do a round robin.  Your job is to list things any questions you have about crayfish in 2 minutes. Round Robin  Your group has one sheet of paper.  Each person has a different color of marker on map pencil.  Each person will write on thing- then pass to the next person in a clockwise motion.  Every person writes one thing as they pass the paper as many times as you can in two minutes.  You want your group to get as many things on the list as possible.

8  After reading the article- pretend that you are a writer at Brain Pop. Using what you know about Crayfish write a quick script to perform for the class.  One of you will need to be Moby and the other person Tim. You have 10 minutes to show time!  Bonus- create a logo for Tim’s shirt for your performance

9 Round Robin  Your group has one sheet of paper.  Each person has a different color of marker on map pencil.  Each person will write on thing- then pass to the next person in a clockwise motion.  Every person writes one thing as they pass the paper as many times as you can in two minutes.  List as many things that have life cycles in 2 minutes.

10  After Reading:  What is unique about the life cycles of the crayfish?  How do life cycles among animals vary? – Compare the life cycle of a crayfish to another animal. You may do this in words, pictures, or a Venn diagram.  Is there a situations where altering the life cycle of a animal could change or affect the environment?

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