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Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 1 George A. Goode Brookhaven National Laboratory Environmental Summit 2006 Lessons Learned from.

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Presentation on theme: "Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 1 George A. Goode Brookhaven National Laboratory Environmental Summit 2006 Lessons Learned from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 1 George A. Goode Brookhaven National Laboratory Environmental Summit 2006 Lessons Learned from a Maturing EMS

2 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 2 Lessons Learned from a Maturing EMS - Agenda n Overview of Brookhaven National Lab n Evolution of BNL’s EMS Key Decisions during Implementation n Lessons Learned What worked? What didn’t? n Keys to Success n Q & A

3 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 3 Brookhaven National Laboratory Basic and applied research in a variety of scientific fields: Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science Biology, Medicine and forefront technology Mission: Basic and applied research in a variety of scientific fields: Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science Biology, Medicine and forefront technology Facts: Operated by Brookhaven Sciences Associate (BSA) for DOE 2600 employees; 4,000 visiting scientists annually 5,000 acre site located on eastern Long Island, NY

4 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 4 BNL Facilities, Programs, Operations n BNL MACHINES Collider-Accelerators Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider Alternating Gradient Synchrotron Booster Applications Facility Linear Accelerator National Synchrotron Light Source n SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Center for Functional Nanotechnology Medical Research Operations Computational Research Center Material Science Research Bench-top Experiments Environmental Research n FACILITY OPERATIONS Physical Plant Operations –Sewage Treatment Plant –Central Steam Facility –Major Petroleum Facility Waste Management Facility Environmental Restoration n SUPPORT PROCESSES Radiation Source Material Storage Machining Operations Photography Fleet Operations Bulk Chemical Distribution Operations

5 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 5

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7 7 Historical Environmental Management Reactive Mode  Small, centralized Environmental support organization within Safety & Health Physics Division  Environmental risk overshadowed by health and safety risks  Limited jurisdiction of EPA regulation at federal facilities  Proliferation of regulations exceeded BNL response capability  Staff reactive to “urgent” environmental issues  Scientific staff shielded from regulatory requirements  External communication when and if required by law; limited “marketing” of accomplishments

8 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 8 Achieving Environmental Excellence Systematic Approach of ISO 14001 EMS  BNL embarked on a project to implement an ISO 14001 EMS in 1999 Phased approach  BNL Registered to ISO 14001 standard in 2001 First DOE National Lab  Key Elements Unwavering Sr. Mgmt Support Commitment of resources –Financial and people “Systems Thinkers” Integration with Mgmt Systems Prevention based programs

9 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 9 Planning EMS Implementation Key Decisions: Level of Implementation  Implementation at the Laboratory Level Benefits: Least documentation, consistency, one management review, consolidated list of aspects, objectives/targets, transparent to line, easier to manage and audit Drawbacks: Less line involvement and ownership, tends to be “bottled up” in Environmental Dept, fewer focused objectives/targets, little culture change  Implementation at the Directorate Level Benefits: Less documentation than division level, good ownership and line management involvement, limited number of management reviews, good focused objectives/targets, promotes teamwork and achieves culture change Drawbacks: More documentation than Lab level, more meetings, less consistent and more difficult to audit  Implementation at the Division Level Benefits: Most ownership and focus Drawbacks: Most documentation, least consistent, most difficult to manage/audit

10 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 10 Planning EMS Implementation Key Decisions: Integration  Integrate EMS Elements with existing management systems Most important and powerful strategy for success Work with Management System owners to get buy-in 1.Aspects: Work Plan & Environmental 2.Legal & Other Reqmt’s: Reqmt’s Mgmt 3.Objectives/Targets: Planning 4.Resources/Roles: Planning and HR 5.Competence/Training: Training 6.Communication: Communication/PR 7.Documentation: Quality Assurance 8.Control of Docs: Quality Assurance 9.Operational Control: Work Planning 10.Emergency Prep: Emergency Mgmt 11.Monitoring/Measuring: Quality & Assessment 12.Evaluation of Compliance: Environmental 13.Nonconformance: Quality Assurance 14.Control of Records: Quality Assurance 15.Internal Audit: Integrated Assessment 16.Management Review: Integrated Assessment

11 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 11 Lessons Learned n What worked………..what didn’t Review of some ISO 14001 elements and what we learned….

12 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 12 Environmental Policy  KEEP IT SIMPLE!!!  Policy writers were well versed in BNL operations, ISO language and had full management commitment  Commitments translated well into an acronym (P2C4)  Policy reflected real changes (not too lofty)  Lots of Posters, Training Aids, and reminders P2C4 Pollution Prevention Compliance Community Involvement Cleanup Continual Improvement EMS Policy evolved to include Safety, Security and Health Issues Encountered What worked  Policy awareness fades over time Frequent reinforcement needed Heightened attention prior to audits needed  Integration with safety, health, and security blurred message

13 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 13 Environment, Safety, Security, and Health Policy n Environment: We will perform our research and operations in a manner that protects the environment, conserves resources, prevents pollution. n Safety: We will plan and perform work safely. We expect personal commitment to safety and take responsibility for the safety of ourselves and coworkers. n Security: We will perform our work in a manner that protects people, property, information, and facilities. n Compliance: We will achieve and maintain compliance with applicable ESSH requirements. n Community: We will develop and maintain proactive and constructive relationships with our employees, neighbors, regulators, DOE, and our other stakeholders. We will openly communicate progress and performance. n Continual Improvement: We will continually improve ESSH performance. We will define, prioritize, and aggressively prevent, correct, and/or clean up existing environmental, safety, security, and health problems.

14 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 14 Environmental Aspects  Integrated into Work Planning Experimental Safety Reviews Routine Work Planning  Deploy Env Professionals to field  Process Mapping Approach Key for routine processes Identified aspects, operational controls, and P2 Opportunities  “Products” not initially addressed Especially “intellectual property”  Failed to consider Positive Aspects  Criteria may be too focused and may be missing obvious (everyday) aspects Skill of the craft not fully captured P2AwardWinner Issues Encountered What worked

15 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 15 Objectives, Targets and Programs  Integrate with Planning Processes Demonstrates connection to institutional priorities  ESH&Q Environmental Priorities Helps line focus on key objectives Allows ESH staff to get their agenda implemented  Divisions specific O&T’s Helps build line management ownership for continual improvement  Use of Self Assessment Plan  Feedback at Management reviews Management involvement flowed down into objectives  Flowdown not always clear Must make sure someone is responsible and hold accountable  Good measurable objectives and targets (They were often based on routine work) Needed Training Issues Encountered What worked Important: Benefits of an EMS  You get from your EMS what you put in Set easy goals…reap few benefits Challenge yourself…let people step up and succeed

16 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 16 Competence, Training and Awareness  Training tailored to ‘need to know’ All Employees: Gen Env Training (Policy, Emergency Response) All Managers: EMS Overview Briefing EMS Representatives: Overview, Obj/Targets, Audits Staff involved with significant aspects: Job Specific Training Contractors: Contractor/Vendor Orientation (Policy, Emergency Response)  Web-based CBT n Maintaining Awareness is a constant challenge Need constant vigilance (Advertising) Constant reminders by EMS Reps and Lab director n Skill of the craft may assume that they understand E issues and may be outside of training systems. Issues Encountered What worked

17 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 17 Communication  Dedicated Communication Staff  Lots of avenues to promote (Bulletin) (Monday Memo) (Interoffice Bulletins)  Proactive engagement of the community Community Advisory Council We offer information rather then wait to be asked  Policy is posted in obvious places.  Hard to communicate to all employees due to the diverse job base. Issues Encountered What worked

18 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 18 Control of Documents  Web-based documentation Reduces doc control problems - Out of date - Current revisions  Large number of documents, procedures, and forms Lots of opportunities for nonconformance  No common Lab-wide system Difficult for auditors to understand  Lack of common understanding of what documents need to be controlled Issues Encountered What worked

19 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 19 Emergency Preparedness and Response  Integration with existing Emergency Response systems  Improved awareness of staff Spill Reporting Effluent monitoring RCRA SPCC  Most existing systems meet the intent but must be sure all EMS concerns are addressed Be sure to properly address compliance (spills) issues well. Routine drills must be up to date- will be included in EMS Audits Issues Encountered What worked

20 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 20 Evaluation of Compliance  BNL ISO 14001 Plus Plus = compliance and community  Dedicated procedure requires compliance assessments Targeted Assessments based on past performance and importance Common format and scope  Self Assessment process includes compliance  Regulatory (external) assessment results well communicated  Reliance on other management systems can lead to vulnerabilities Management system owners must take responsibility for implementation effectiveness  Results of Self Assessments not rolled up effectively Issues Encountered What worked

21 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 21 Internal Audit  Rolled up to Lab Level Reduces audit burden at line level  Ensure scope involves line input Document on audit planning forms  Use industry experts and peers Fresh set of eyes Bring other implementation experience  Trained Internal Staff Certified auditors  Share Internal Auditor resources with other Labs Allows staff to see how it’s done at other sites  Started out making all departments audit themselves Too many and low quality  Awareness of ISO auditing standards ISO 19011 ANSI/ISO 14010 ANSI/ISO 14011 ANSI/ISO 14012 Issues Encountered What worked

22 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 22 Management Review  Lab Level Mgmt Review Reviews major trends and issues with Sr. Mgmt  Department level Mgmt Review Specifically reviews performance Creates very good ownership  Good opportunity to show Value  Lots of metrics  Tool to document Senior Management input and continual improvement.  Hard to maintain focus when things are going well Competing with the issue of the day  Multi-level management reviews sometimes considered redundant  Slow to get effective input from management Significant improvement as Managers realized the value Issues Encountered What worked

23 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 23 Keys to Success Getting the most from your EMS n Summary of Lessons Learned that ensure the value of the EMS is realized

24 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 24  Senior Management Commitment and Visible Involvement Formal Project Management Plan with Project Charter signed by Sr. Exec Visible support, attendance at key meetings, accountability for Sr. Staff  Tap expertise when designing EMS Project manager was ISO 14001 expert Used top consultant to get Sr. Management on board Tap Systems Thinkers for implementation team  Set Meaningful Objectives and Targets Think Big and Long-Term Hold competitions to engage the imagination and competitive spirit of employees Allow line to set objectives that are meaningful to them Remember: What gets measured gets managed Keys to Success Getting the most from your EMS

25 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 25 Keys to Success Getting the most from your EMS  Use Web-based systems Procedure and documentation delivery  Patience…maturation of system takes time Anticipate “Requisite floundering” stage Expect resistance to organizational change  Self-Examine, Self-Identify & Self-Correct Test programs & provide feedback Minimize external audit costs by minimizing findings - be prepared Set & prioritize your own improvement agenda  Base your EMS on a Strong Pollution Prevention Program Clearest examples of value to management

26 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 26 Achieving Environmental Excellence BNL Pollution Prevention Program n Scope is multimedia Emissions, effluents, wastes (air, water, land) n Priority focus on: Radioactive, Hazardous, Mixed waste n Multi-program: Classical P2: Source Reduction, Reuse Recycling Program Resource Conservation: Water, Energy “Buy Recycled” procurement policy

27 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 27 Return on Investment Program Funded P2 Proposals

28 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 28 Results: BNL Photographic Waste Generation n Reduced by 85% n High Tech Solution Conversion to digital n Low Tech Solutions Segregate fixer from developer Silver recovery

29 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 29 Results: Metal Cleaning Waste Generation n Completely eliminated TCA waste from degreasing operations n High Tech Solutions Replaced acid/solvent cleaning system with ultrasonic systems using biodegradable detergents n Low Tech Solutions Automobile service part washing provided by Safety Kleen (non- hazardous) Changed to petroleum (kerosene) cleaning in non critical operations Use non-chlorinated solvents

30 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 30 Life Sciences FY02 Funded P2 Proposal: Silver Waste Reduction Cost: $1670 Annual Savings: $30k + Benefits: Reduce hazardous waste Decrease safety hazards Reduce materials cost Status: Completed!

31 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 31 FUNDED FY03: Elimination of mixed waste Kinetic Phosphorescence Analyzer (KPA) system Cost: $20,000 Annual Savings: $22,560k + Benefits: Eliminates 75 lit Mixed Waste Reduces rad handling 90% Reduce materials cost Status: Completed! n Environmental Sci Dept Total elimination of mixed waste (Uranium) Lower detection limit Increased productivity from autosampler

32 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 32 BNL Performance Track Goals: (3 year commitment)  Land conservation/restoration Goal: Restore 10 acres/year of previously disturbed land by replanting with native vegetation Results: Restored or recovered 26 acres  Mercury use reductions Goal: Reduce mercury inventory by 80% pounds by end of 2006 Results: Reduced “non-essential” mercury inventory by 38%, including over 450 thermometers  Ozone-depleting-substances (ODS) reductions Goal: Reduce ODS in refrigeration and fire suppression systems by 30 tons by end of 2006 Results: Reduced ODS by 32.5 tons  Radioactive air emissions reduction Goal:Reduce emissions from the BLIP by 30% Results: Reduced emission by 32%, and made process more efficient Performance Track Member, Since 2005

33 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 33 Today at BNL  All BNL facilities, experiments & operations certified to ISO 14001  Unprecedented knowledge of environmental aspects & comprehensive system to control/minimize impact  EPA Performance Track member  Improving compliance status  Pollution prevention projects saving millions  Survey shows managers believe environmental stewardship important  Openly communicating on issues & progress; highlighting science  Regaining reputation & receiving independent recognition Recent Awards: L.I. Pine Barrens Society Env Stewardship award, EPA Environmental Quality award, White House ‘Closing the Circle’ award, DOE Office of Science ‘Best in Class’ Pollution Prevention award and Stony Brook Univ WRMI Env. Stewardship award

34 Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy 34 Resources Web Resources P2 Web Page, EMS Web Page, People Resources George Goode:, 631-344-4549 John Selva (EMS):, 631-344-8611 Bob Lee (Performance Track):, 631- 344-3148

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