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MFL Development Day All change at GCSE!
Objectives To provide the opportunity to compare and discuss exam papers for the new GCSE for AQA, Edexcel and OCR To share and discuss key development areas for the new GCSE for To discuss ways of tweaking practice to meet the requirements of the new GCSE courses
Key questions Which exam board suits the needs of your students best?
Subject content Assessment How can your department start to plan for the changes to GCSE?
Discussion Which exam board do you currently use?
Are you happy with them? What is good about them? What don’t you like about them?
General Principles For first teaching in Sept 2016, first exam Summer 2018 All skills equally weighted (25%) Exams all linear (end of year 11) No controlled assessment All papers marked by the exam board Foundation and Higher available but cannot mix and match for different skills Foundation – Grades 1-5 Higher Grades 4-9 No dictionaries allowed
Assessment – Ofqual guidelines
1. Listening Foundation 35 mins (incl. 5 mins reading time) Higher 45 mins (incl. 5 mins reading time) 20-30% of responses to questions set in the target language 2. Speaking Prep time mins Test time – Found 7-9 mins, Higher mins 1. A role-play 2. Stimulus Card with pics or ... Stimulus Card with text or ... Stimulus Card with pics and text 3. Conversation (2 topics, 1 chosen by student, then 1 from 2 possibles) 10% of marks must be allocated to knowledge of and accurate application of grammar and structures
Assessment – Ofqual guidelines
3. Reading 30-40% of responses to questions set in the target language Translation into English – Foundation - a minimum of 35 words, Higher - minimum of 50 words. Authentic Texts - Foundation a minimum of 90 words in length and Higher - a minimum of 150 words in length. 4. Writing 10% of marks must be allocated to knowledge of and accurate application of grammar and structures Translation into Target Language – Foundation - a minimum of 35 words, and Higher tier - minimum of 50 words.
Current Situation Draft Specimens and papers On-line
Not accredited ... AQA ... “To ensure sufficient progress from KS3 we are reviewing the level of demand of foundation tier questions”
Roughly translated as …
“Ofqual think the AQA foundation papers are too easy!” Listening and reading foundation papers generally Tasks 1 (list of 6 words) and 2 (9 simple TL questions) of the written foundation paper
How do AQA, OCR and Edexcel compare?
Subject Content - Ofqual
Identity and Culture Local, national, international and global areas of interest Local, national, Current and future study and employment
Subject Content AQA OCR Edexcel Least detailed Very detailed
Brief overview Theme 3 least detailed Lots of sub-themes Created 2 themes from theme 3 “understand and provide information and opinions about themes relating to own experiences and those of other people in TL countries” “Real life transferable language skills in range of contexts” Role-play for local area, holiday and travel on travel and tourist attractions only “All topics to be studied in the context of home and target language country”
Subject Content Discussion Any preferences?
How will your department need to change existing courses?
Future priorities – Subject content
New text book? (greater emphasis on social issues) On-line text book? New assessment materials / collate draft materials Authentic texts and activities to exploit them Translation resources
Listening AQA OCR Edexcel 35 mins (40 marks) F 45 mins (50 marks) H
Foundation English questions Choosing answers from a list Multi-choice Higher P,N or P &N Target language / English gap fills More pictures Lots of choosing from lists Eng and TL questions mixed up Lots of English questions and multi-choice TL and English questions mixed up No TL answers All instructions in English Choosing from lists Identifying likes and dislikes Multi-choice (Eng & TL) Instructions in English More English questions
Listening Comparisons
Discussion 1 Any huge differences? Any preferences? Discussion 2 How will we need to tweak our practice?
Development areas in each skill
Listening Understanding and answering target language questions (gap fill / multi choice) Practising unfamiliar English comprehension tasks (summary tables) Learning vocabulary (esp. in new topic areas) Using transcription more in KS3 Listening to authentic materials (real life scenarios)
Speaking AQA OCR Edexcel 12 minutes prep (F & H) F 7-9 mins (60 marks)
H–10–12 mins (60 mrks) 10-12 mins prep F mins (40 marks) H–10-12 mins (40 marks) 10-12 mins prep (max 1 side of notes) F mins (60 marks) H – mins (72) Role-Play – (15 ) 4 English bullet points + 1 surprise question Conversation with a friend (F & H) Role-Play – (10) 4 bullet points, 1 surprise question F – Conversation with a friend, H- with adult Role-Play (10) F – situation with friend H – situation with adult Photo Card (15 ) 2 minutes, 3 target language questions + 2 surprise questions Photo Card – (10 ) 5 questions no questions on candidate sheet – will students get confused? Photo Card – 2-3 mins (20 marks) 4 English bullet points Teacher fills in the time with extra questions of their choice
Speaking AQA OCR Edexcel C. Conversation (30) F - 3-5 minutes
H – 5-7 mins 2 topics (1 chosen topic, then 1 from 2) No cue card allowed Conversation (20) F - 4 mins H – 6 mins Cue card allowed (3 short headings, no sentences, max 20 words) Conversation F mins (30 marks) H – 6 mins (36 marks) Candidates return notes before conversation
Mark scheme - AQA Foundation Higher Role-Play – (15 marks)
Communication and Language 3 marks per bullet point 3 = clear message and pronunciation, 1-2 minor errors OK Same as foundation B. Photo Card (15 marks) Communication and use of language 13-15 replies to all questions Develops most answers Gives and explains an opinion Repair strategies OK C. Conversation (30 marks) Communication (10) Range and Accuracy (10) Pronunciation & Intonation (5) Spontaneity and Fluency (5) Descriptors more rigorous Very confident and fluent speaker Wide variety of linguistic structures Reacts naturally, has an air of spontaneity
Mark Scheme - OCR Foundation Higher Role-Play (10 marks)
2 marks per bullet point (Clarity and accuracy of message) Role play (10 marks) As foundation Photo Card (10 marks) Communication (5 ) – range of ideas and opinions, simple justification Language (5) – accuracy, variety of vocab/structures, 3 tenses Photo Card - 3 mins (10 marks) As foundation but more rigorous … “fully justified / effective” “wide range of …” Conversation (20 marks) Communication (10) – clear and sustained? Range of justified opinions/thoughts, participation and exchange in conversation Language (10 marks) Accuracy, variety of vocab/structures, 3 tenses, rephrase/repair strategies, pronunciation and intonation Conversation – (20 marks) “entirely clear/ fully coherent” “complex justification throughout…” “initiates and develops conversation” “very wide range of …” “pronunciation and intonation enhance communication”
Edexcel - Mark Scheme Higher Foundation Role-Play – (10 marks)
3 grade bands (1-3, 4-7, 8-10) Communication, developed responses, dealing with unexpected questions, frequency of errors A. Role-play (12 marks) Extra grade band (10-12) Frequent, full extended responses, no slips, natural hesitation B. Photo Card (20 marks) Communication and content (7) Interaction and spontaneity (7) Linguistic Knowledge and Accuracy (6) Communication and content (8) Interaction and spontaneity (8) Linguistic Knowledge and Accuracy (8) C. Conversation (30 marks) Communication and Content (10) Pronunciation and intonation part of communication Interaction and spontaneity(10) Manipulating language, expands on some responses, needs some prompting, sometimes interacts naturally Linguistic Knowledge and Accuracy (10) Uses familiar and predictable vocab/structures, fairly accurate, 3 tenses with some success Communication and Content (12) Comprehensive communication, consistent development of opinions, consistently accurate pronunciation and intonation Interaction and spontaneity(12) Consistently manipulates lang, responds spontaneously, takes the initiative, extended sentences, deals well with surprise questions Linguistic Knowledge and Accuracy (12) Wide range of complex vocab/structures, very accurate, 3 tenses with consistent success
Speaking Comparisons Discussion 1 Any huge differences?
Any preferences? Discussion 2 How will we need to tweak our practice?
Development areas in each skill
Speaking – the theory Role-play Transactional language (e.g. I would like etc.) Using the correct register Asking questions Responding to surprise questions (1, 2 or 3 parts!) Knowing vocab items across a larger no. of topic areas
Speaking-the practice
Future priorities Speaking-the practice Developing student use of questions Question words displayed Trialling activities using questions (what’s the question, question clocks) Using role-plays / picture cards to predict surprise questions Training students in repair strategies
Development areas in each skill
Speaking – the theory Photo Card Responding spontaneously to a photo stimulus Using tenses without support Giving and justify opinions without support Using high level structures accurately Narrating events
Speaking – the practice
Future priorities Speaking – the practice Using pictures to develop speaking Busy pictures Spot the difference Pictures from specimen papers Speaking frames to model high level structures, use of tenses and extending ideas
Development areas in each skill
Speaking Conversation – the theory Using tenses accurately without support Extending responses without too much prompting Giving and justify opinions without support Using high level structures accurately Narrating events Intonation, fluency and confidence
Speaking – the practice
Future priorities Speaking – the practice Training students for general conversation Insisting on full sentences in class Re-visiting key structures (more A* language) Providing lists of idioms Using colour coding for tenses (green-present, blue-past, orange-future) Build in mock exams across years 10 & 11 Re-visit topic areas in class Train students to transfer skills across topics
Reading AQA OCR Edexcel F - 45 mins (60 marks) H – 60 mins (60 marks)
4o mins (30 marks) 60 minutes (50 Marks) Foundation English gap fills Matching to lists English questions TL answers Section B completely in the target language Translation – 3 tenses Higher Choose true statements More TL answers Text gap fill More tenses / traps English and TL questions mixed up More pictures! Lots of ticking items in a list TL multi-choice Choosing from lists Lots of traps! No TL answers Translation 2-3 tenses All instructions in English Choose the correct statements / words from a list TL gap fill Choose the correct statements (TL and Eng) Translation – 2 tenses (conditional)
Reading Comparisons Discussion 1 Any huge differences?
Any preferences? Discussion 2 How will we need to tweak our practice?
Development areas in each skill
Reading Translation from target language to English (accuracy, tenses, vocabulary) Understanding authentic / literary texts Practising unfamiliar comprehension tasks Skills for decoding texts (e.g. cognates, using context, using prior knowledge etc.) Working with longer texts (upper ability)
Writing - Foundation AQA OCR Edexcel 1 hour (50 Marks) 1 hr (37 Marks)
List task (6 ) Q & A (18 marks) 9 TL questions, 60 words 3. Translation (10) Eng-TL, 5 short sentences 4. Structured writing task (16 marks) 5 English bullet points, 90 words, choice of 1 from 2, 3 tenses Task 1 1 sentence for 2 pics (4) 3 sentences about … (6) Write some information about … 40 words, (7) Task 2 Extended writing task -4 bullet points, words, (12) Task 3 Translation into target lang (5 short sentences, 3 tenses, 8 marks) Task 1 (8) List of 4 words(4 ) 2 sentences about … (4) 2 Photo writing task (8) Short description, full sentences, (8), No guidelines 3. Extended writing task (12) 4 bullet points, 4 Extended writing task 2 (20) (1 from 2, short text stimulus in target language, 4 English bullet points, 20 marks Task 5 (12) Translation (5 sentences, 2 tenses)
Writing - Higher AQA OCR Edexcel 1 hour 15 (60 marks)
1 hr 15 (50 marks) 1 hr 15 higher (60 marks) Higher Structured task (16) 5 English bullet points, 90 words, 1 from 2, 3 tenses 2. Open ended task (32) 4 bullet points, approx. 150 words, 1 from 2 3. Translation (10 marks) Eng-TL 50 words, 3 tenses 1. Extended writing task 1 5 bullet points, words, 16 marks 2. Extended Writing Task 2 1 from 2, 3 bullet points, words, 24 Marks 3. Translation Translation into target lang (5 short sentences, 3 tenses, 10 marks) Extended writing task 1 (1 from 2, short text stimulus in target language, 4 English bullet points, 20 marks 1 from 2, short task description in English, 28 marks) Very open ended 3. Translation Translation into target lang (short paragraph, approx 60 words, at least 2 tenses, 12 marks)
AQA- Mark Scheme Foundation Higher List task (6 nouns) 6 marks
Communication only assessed, minor spelling errors tolerated Structured writing task Same descriptors as foundation 2. Q & A (18 marks) Communication and language 2 marks per sentence (9 sents) 2 = clear communication using a verb, minor errors tolerated 2. Open ended writing task Content (15) Excellent response, developed tasks, opinions expressed and justified Range of Language (12) Variety of vocab and structures, complex sentences, fluent piece of writing Accuracy (5) A few errors tolerated, secure verbs and tenses 3. Translation Paragraph split into 10 parts No errors allowed (except accents, punctuation, and missing capital letters) Paragraph split into 12 parts 4. Structured writing task Content (10) all tasks developed, clear communication and opinions Quality of Language (6) 3 time frames, complex structures, mostly minor errors
OCR Mark Scheme Foundation Higher Task 1 2 marks x 2 (for accuracy) 3 sentences 2 marks per sentence (for accuracy) Write some information about … (40 words, 7 marks) Content (4) – is task achieved / info relevant? Language (3) – accuracy and communication Extended writing task 1 (16 marks) Content 8 (relevance, development, structure, style and elegance) Language 8 (accuracy, complexity of lang, variety of vocab and structures) Task 2 Extended writing task (12 marks) Content 6 (development, relevance, structure and style) Language 6 (accuracy, variety of vocab, 3 tenses) Extended Writing Task 2 (24 Marks) Content 12 (task achieved, all points developed, some sophistication, structure, style and register) Language 12 (accuracy, variety of vocab/complex structures, complex tenses, fluency, creativity and manipulation of language) Task 3 Translation (2x1, 3x2 Marks = 8 Marks) Clarity of message and accuracy (broken down for each sentence) Translation (5 x 2 Marks) Clarity of message and accuracy (broken down for each sentence)
Edexcel - Mark Scheme Foundation Higher Task 1
A. List task (4 nouns) 4 marks Minor spelling errors tolerated B. 2 sentences about … (2 x 2 marks) 2 marks – relevant, accurate and appropriate response Task 1 – Extended writing (20 marks) Communication and Content (10) Linguistic Knowledge and Accuracy (10) Same descriptors as foundation task 4 Task 2 – Photo writing task (8 marks) Communication and Content (4) Fully relevant, present facts and describe, coherent Linguistic Knowledge and Accuracy (4) Familiar/predictable vocab and structures Very accurate (isolated errors tolerated) Task 2 – Extended writing 2 (28 marks) Communication and Content (14) Clear ability to justify opinions and interest, inform or convince Linguistic knowledge and accuracy (14) Wide range of vocab / structures, 3 tenses, longer, fluent sentences, very accurate Task 3 - Extended writing (12 marks) Communication and Content (6) Relevant, can present facts, opinions, logical, minor errors Linguistic Knowledge and Accuracy (6) Range of familiar/predictable vocab and structures, past and present tenses, some language manipulation Task 3 – Translation (12 marks) 10-12 – meaning fully communicated, accurate linguistic structures, only isolated errors, 1 or 2 words omitted Performance level mark scheme (more subjective?) Task 4 – Extended Writing Task 2 (20 marks) Task 5 – Translation (12 marks) 2/3 marks per question Meaning fully communicated, minor errors tolerated
Writing Comparisons Discussion 1 Any huge differences?
Any preferences? Discussion 2 How will we need to tweak our practice?
Development areas in each skill
Writing – the theory Translation into target language (acccuracy, tenses, vocab) Writing at length without knowing the question beforehand Using tenses accurately without support Giving and justify opinions without support Transferring and manipulating what they know across topics Using a variety of high level structures accurately Narrating events
Development areas in each skill
Writing – the practice Building in more opportunities for creative writing Writing frames to support creative writing Training students to use what they can do Modeling ways of using 3 tenses Using simple writing grids Providing key words / structures to include in writing Refining key structure lists
Final Comparisons What did you like about each board?
What did you dislike? Which board do you like most?
What have we done so far …
Looked at specifications and specimen papers Started collating speaking and writing assessment tasks for each topic area from spec materials Delivered speaking and writing workshops Discussed speaking and writing priorities for next year T & L observations on unscripted spoken responses / manipulating spoken language
Development time Look at draft specs and exam papers
Talk to colleagues about how you may do things differently Share resources!
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