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Los Adaes 1721 to 1773 Learn about Louisiana’s Past through Archaeology.

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Presentation on theme: "Los Adaes 1721 to 1773 Learn about Louisiana’s Past through Archaeology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los Adaes 1721 to 1773 Learn about Louisiana’s Past through Archaeology

2 Los Adaes French map of the Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico, 1701 Library of Congress Catalog Number 2003623128

3 Los Adaes (A.D. 1721-1773)  Spanish fort in west Louisiana  Served as capital of the province of Texas from A.D. 1729 to 1768  Daily life on the frontier  Rare cultural exchange between Spanish, French, and Caddo  Descendants of the people from Los Adaes live in area today Spanish Colonial soldier (San Antonio Missions) French Colonial soldier (Canadian War Museum) Caddo Chief (Homer Thrall) Los Adaes

4 Map of North America, 1757 New Spain 1757, Courtesy of Library of Congress g3300 ar007601 Mexico City Los Adaes Natchitoches

5 Timeline of events from A.D. 1400 to A.D. 1803 Los Adaes A.D. 1400A.D. 1500A.D. 1600A.D. 1700A.D. 1800 LaSalle claims Louisiana for France A.D. 1682 St. Denis founds Natchitoches A.D. 1714 Los Adaes is built A.D. 1721 Columbus in the New World A.D. 1492 American Revolution begins A.D. 1775 de Soto expedition in Louisiana A.D. 1542 Ponce de Leon discovers Florida A.D. 1513 Renaissance Period begins in Italy A.D. 1400 Age of Enlightenment begins in Europe A.D. 1700 Scientific Revolution begins in Europe A.D. 1600 Pre-European Contact Period A.D. 1400-1500 Colonial Period A.D. 1500 -1803 Louisiana Purchase A.D. 1803 Treaty of Paris Revolutionary War ends A.D. 1784

6 Los Adaes ?  Historical Records  Artifacts  What do they tell us

7 Los Adaes site drawn on aerial photograph Aerial photograph by Tommy Hailey; drawing by Sergio Palleroni Los Adaes

8 Architectural plan of fort at Los Adaes Photograph by Paco Link; Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas at Austin Los Adaes

9 Officers’ Barracks Soldiers’ Barracks Gun Powder House Soldiers’ Barracks Governor’s House Chapel Guard House Crops What Los Adaes looked like while in use Drawing by Sergio Palleroni Los Adaes

10 Ground penetrating radar (GPR) at Los Adaes GPR data by Marco Giardino, John C Stennis Space Center Los Adaes Photograph by Jeff Girard

11 Excavation of a kitchen area at Los Adaes Photograph from Pete Gregory, Northwestern State University Los Adaes

12 Dry screening at tree stump (1996) Water Screening (1996) Screening for artifacts at Los Adaes Photographs by George Avery Los Adaes

13 Artifacts at Los Adaes (A.D. 1721-1773)  American Indians in area long before Europeans  Military and daily activities at Los Adaes  Cultural exchange between Spanish, French, and Caddo

14 Stone points from Los Adaes Photographs by George Avery Los Adaes Paleoindian Period Colonial Period

15 Spanish gun parts from Los Adaes Drawings by Melinda Parrie Los Adaes Vise Screw Upper Vise Jaw Lockplate Frizzen Photograph by Goerge Avery

16 French gun parts from Los Adaes Drawings by Jay Blaine and Melinda Parrie Los Adaes Photograph by George Avery

17 Drawing by Melinda Parrie Spanish coin from Los Adaes Photograph by Don Sepulvado Los Adaes

18 French coin from Los Adaes Los Adaes Photograph by George Avery Hole

19 European glass trade beads from Los Adaes Photograph by George Avery Los Adaes

20 Trade between Indians and Europeans Los Adaes 1 Musket = 30 deerskins 5 ball shot with gunpowder = 1 deerskin 6 gunflints = 1 deerskin 1 belt knife = 2 deerskins 1 axe or 1 hoe = 8 deerskins 1 hatchet = 5 deerskins 1 large bell = 6 deerskins 6 small bells = 1 deerskin 1 metal bracelet = 1 deerskin 1 trade shirt = 8 deerskins 1 1/3 yards of cloth = 20 deerskins Britannica Online for Kids

21 French ceramic (photograph by Don Sepulvado) Mexican ceramic (photograph by George Avery) Mexican (left) and French (right) ceramics from Los Adaes Los Adaes

22 Caddo pottery piece from Los Adaes Los Adaes 012345 cm Photograph by George Avery

23 Nearly complete Indian bowl from Los Adaes Los Adaes Photograph by Don Sepulvado

24 Religious medals (left) and charms from Los Adaes Photographs by Don Sepulvado Los Adaes

25 Everyday artifacts from Los Adaes: fork, thimble and scissors Photographs by Don Sepulvado Los Adaes

26 Iron nails and wrought iron hook from Los Adaes Photographs by Don Sepulvado Los Adaes

27 Los Adaes and Archaeology Los Adaes Texas Beyond History, Texas Archeological Research Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin

28 Los Adaes State Historic Site Photograph by Louisiana State Parks Los Adaes

29 Los Adaes 1721 to 1773 This presentation is one in a series of modules about Louisiana archaeology. Each module has a PowerPoint presentation and associated student activities. The series is called “Learn about Louisiana’s Past through Archaeology.” This presentation is intended for educational use. Please use image credits where provided. Please visit the Division of Archaeology website for additional teaching materials and educational resources at: (select Discover Archaeology). Presented by: Louisiana Division of Archaeology Office of Cultural Development Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism Office of the Lieutenant Governor Baton Rouge, Louisiana This project was made possible through the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as part of implementing the Louisiana Hazard Mitigation Grant Program for Hurricane Katrina recovery. © Louisiana Division of Archaeology 2015

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