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Ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment The McKinstry Creek & Riparian Area NYSDOT Rt. 219 Mitigation Project Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment The McKinstry Creek & Riparian Area NYSDOT Rt. 219 Mitigation Project Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment The McKinstry Creek & Riparian Area NYSDOT Rt. 219 Mitigation Project Analysis University at Buffalo Engineering for Ecosystem Restoration Summer Workshop Series 2011 Workshop 2 Stream Restoration, Hydraulic Structure and Bioengineering Design June 13-17, 2011

2 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Mitigation Planning Assessment Conceptual Design Final Design Construction Mitigation Monitoring

3 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment NYSDOT Region 5 - Route 219 Extension Stream Mitigation Projects McKinstry Creek –2200-feet Channel Realignment and Riparian Restoration 2007

4 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Route 219 at Route 39 Springville, NY

5 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Route 219 - Cattaraugus Creek Bridge Crossing

6 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Candidate Stream Screening and Evaluation Report

7 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment NYSDEC Lake Erie Basin Lake Erie NYS Watershed Map (NYSDEC) Cattaraugus Creek Watershed

8 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Integrated Planning – Assessment, Design and Regulatory Compliance Research Field Assessment Data Analysis –Scoring QA/QC Conceptual Planning/Design Final Design –Review –Specification Project Planning –Contract Services –Procurement Construction –Oversight –Regulatory Compliance Monitoring Lessons Learned

9 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Stream Dynamics, Ecological Associations and Physical Energy Water –Budget –Volume –Velocity –Quality –Hydraulics Geology Agronomy Anthropogenic Stressors Vegetation –Form –Density –Complexity –Stability –Nativity

10 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Rosgen Natural Stream Classification

11 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Stream Visual Assessment Protocol Stream Type Reach Descriptions Scoring Descriptions National Water and Climate Center (NWCC) Technical Note 99–1

12 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment SVAP Application –Data Research and Review Existing, Historical, Pre-Settlement, Anecdotal –Preliminary Field Assessment –Calibrate SVAP –SVAP Field Assessment –QA/QC

13 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment SVAP Environmental Conditions Landscape Position Soils Hydrology Geology Channel Morphometry Erosion Sediment Loading Riparian Ecological Characterization –Flora and Faunal Surveys and Species Associations

14 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment SVAP Typical Results Reach A-1 SVAP Data Sheet Summary Parameter and Result Dominant Land Use Forest/Successional Shrubland Stream Length Assessed 378 feet Bankfull Width 31.5 feet Water Depth2-4 inches Maximum Bankfull Depth2 feet Flood-prone Width 40 feet Dominant Substrate cobble Pool/Riffle/Run Ratio 12:40:48 Gradient.29 Sinuosity Occasional bends Rosgen Stream Type F3

15 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Cattle Interviews re: Manure Presence

16 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Channel Instability

17 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Packard Bank Revetment/Yard Protection Vinca minor groundcover

18 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Hydraulic Modeling NYSDOT - McKinstry Creek, Mansfield Creek The Problem: –Expansion of State expressway will impact wetlands. Client required to perform mitigation projects to improve fish habitat in two creeks. The Solution: –Use the HEC-RAS hydraulics model –Predict low flow depths (fish passage); flood inundation area (100 year flood); sediment scour and sediment stability –Use the SWAT model and Bank Stability model to predict overland runoff and bank erosion sediment loads –Use the HEC-RAS SIAM module to predict sediment scour, deposition, and equilibrium

19 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment SVAP Review Protocol Stream Type Regional Classification Reach Descriptions Scoring Descriptions Assessment Parameters Channel Form and Condition Hydrologic Alteration Riparian Zone Bank Stability Invasive Species Nutrient Enrichment Barriers to Fish Movement In-Stream Fish Cover Pools Invertebrate Habitat

20 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment SVAP Findings In Channel W:D Sinuosity Structure –LWD –Energy Dissipation features Off Channel Bank Instability Access –Cattle/Equipment –PFRs Riparian Corridor –Encroachment –Floodplain Disconnect –Wetland Hydrology –Invasive Plant Species

21 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment McKinstry Watershed Slope and Drainage

22 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment McKinstry Upstream Watershed Land use and Delineation

23 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Conceptual Design

24 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment

25 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment ERR Plan View

26 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Typical Bioengineering Techniques

27 ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment Questions…..

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