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SigmaPlot ® 9.0 필사이언스㈜김창현

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Presentation on theme: "SigmaPlot ® 9.0 필사이언스㈜김창현"— Presentation transcript:

1 SigmaPlot ® 9.0 필사이언스㈜김창현

2 EndNote 9.0 EndNote 9.0 ReferenceManager 11 ReferenceManager 11 ProCite 5 ProCite 5 ChemOfficeUltra 10.0 ChemOfficeUltra 10.0 ChemOfficePro 10.0 ChemOfficePro 10.0 ChemDrawUltra 10.0 ChemDrawUltra 10.0 ChemDrawPro 10.0 ChemDrawPro 10.0 ChemDrawStd 10.0 ChemDrawStd 10.0 SYSTAT 11 SigmaPlot 9.0 SigmaStat 3.1 SigmaScanPro 5.0 TableCurve2D 5.0 TableCurve3D 4.0 PeakFit 4.11 AutoSignal 1.6 SYSTAT 11 SigmaPlot 9.0 SigmaStat 3.1 SigmaScanPro 5.0 TableCurve2D 5.0 TableCurve3D 4.0 PeakFit 4.11 AutoSignal 1.6 필사이언스㈜ 필사이언스㈜는 기초 및 응용 과학 기술 발전에 필요한 전문 소프트웨어를 공급하고, 과학 기술 분야의 전문가 들에게 필요한 소프트웨어에 관한 다양한 정보를 제공 합니다. SYSTAT SOFTWARE CAMBRIDGE SOFT THOMSON REASEARCH SOFT

3 문 의 Demo CD 및 자료요청 : 가격 및 주문 : 기술지원 : tech 제품등록 : reg 사용자 교육 : training

4 Introduction Graph Type and StylesGraph Type and Styles TemplatesTemplates Graph DefaultsGraph Defaults Axis Scales, Tick Marks, Axis BreaksAxis Scales, Tick Marks, Axis Breaks Automatic legendsAutomatic legends Smooth 2D and 3D dataSmooth 2D and 3D data SigmaPlot WorksheetSigmaPlot Worksheet Microsoft ExcelMicrosoft Excel StatisticsStatistics Regression WizardRegression Wizard TransformsTransforms Drawing ToolsDrawing Tools ReportsReports Full Integration with SigmaStatFull Integration with SigmaStat New Notebook ManagerNew Notebook Manager Category Data SupportCategory Data Support ODBC supportODBC support Worksheet ImprovementWorksheet Improvement Improved SymbolsImproved Symbols PDF and HTML Export for ReportsPDF and HTML Export for Reports Equations on a Graph PageEquations on a Graph Page Security: Password Protection of NotebooksSecurity: Password Protection of Notebooks Improved HistogramsImproved Histograms Statistical Options in the Regression WizardStatistical Options in the Regression Wizard Column Titles in Quick TransformsColumn Titles in Quick Transforms Changes to the Transform languageChanges to the Transform language

5 Install SigmaPlot C:\Program Files\SigmaPlot\SPW9C:\Program Files\SigmaPlot\SPW9 – 설치 폴더 C:\Documents and Settings\[user profile]\My Document\SigmaPlot\SPW9C:\Documents and Settings\[user profile]\My Document\SigmaPlot\SPW9 – 설정 폴더 및 설정 파일 (spw.ini)

6 SigmaPlot Basics

7 Using Toolbars Standard ToolbarFormatting Toolbar Statistic Toolbar New Notebook Open SavePrint CutCopy Paste UndoRedo New WorksheetNew Graph Page View Notebook View Data View Page View Statistics Graph PropertiesGraph Wizard Graph GalleriesZoom Help IndexStop Refresh Refresh FontSizeBold Italics Underline Superscript Subscript AlignFont Color StyleIndent Outdent Insert Date Ruler AdviseRun Test Options Return Create Result Graph

8 2D Toolbar3D ToolbarPage Toolbar Scatter Line Ternary Line/Scatter Area Polar Vertical bar Horizontal bar Box Pie Contour 3D Scatter 3D Line 3D Mash 3D Bar Select ObjectText Draw LineDraw Arrow Draw BoxDraw Arrow Line Type Line Thickness Fill Color Fill Pattern Line Color Line End Symbol Type Axis Scale Bring to FrontBring to Back GroupUngroup AlignShow/Hide Grid

9 Viewing Toolbars

10 Setting Program Options

11 SigmaPlot Help & FAQs

12 Notebook Manager Docking or floating windowDocking or floating window Tree StructureTree Structure Setting a PasswordSetting a Password Copy & PasteCopy & Paste

13 Worksheet Containers for the dataContainers for the data Spreadsheet-likeSpreadsheet-like Right-click Edit ShortcutRight-click Edit Shortcut month/day/year hours:minutes:secondmonth/day/year hours:minutes:second

14 Freeze panes

15 Going to a Cell

16 Import Text Dialog Box

17 Descriptive Statistics for Worksheets

18 Formatting Worksheets

19 Column & Row Titles

20 Creating a graph using the graph wizard

21 Arranging data for 2D plots Single column for a pie chart Using row numbers for X or Y Category Data XY pair for a single curve XY pair for multiple curves Single X or Y vs. Many Y or X

22 Arranging data Arranging Data for Polar plotsArranging data for Bubble plots - X, Y, Bubble size column Using X, Y Values for Polar plots

23 Arranging data for 3D graph

24 The graph style gallery

25 Modifying graphs

26 Add, delete, hide show plots

27 Setting page options

28 Exporting graphs & pages

29 Printing graph pages

30 Selecting page objects Click Drag Click Shift + Click

31 Zooming in and out

32 Cut, copy and paste graphs and objects

33 Drawing objects on the page Select ObjectText Draw LineDraw Arrow Draw BoxDraw Arrow Line Type Line Thickness Fill Color Fill Pattern Line Color Line End Symbol Type Axis Scale Bring to FrontBring to Back GroupUngroup AlignShow/Hide Grid

34 Automatic legends

35 Lesson 1 Creating and modifying a bar chart

36 Create the bar chart

37 Modifying the bar chart Fill Color

38 Change line color Line Color

39 Editing text

40 Changing font globally

41 Removing axis line Press Del Key

42 Resizing the graph

43 Using the graph properties

44 Changing bar widths

45 Using graph and page templates

46 Create a graph from a gallery


48 Using page templates

49 Lesson 2 Working with 3D graphs

50 Create new notebook


52 Change the color scheme

53 Change the view

54 Lesson 3 Error bars and multiple plots

55 Importing data from Excel

56 Creating an error bar plot

57 Adding a second plot

58 Picking data for the second plot

59 Modifying the overlaid plots


61 Change bar widths and alignments

62 Adding a table

63 Adding a tables, in Excel Copy & Paste

64 Importing other figures

65 Insert & resizing clip art

66 Producing graphic files

67 Setting the graph file properties

68 Web publishing


70 View a web graph

71 Lesson 4 Curve Fitting

72 Import new Excel file

73 Simple Scatter – Error Bar

74 Running a simple curve fit

75 Saving the result to a report

76 Viewing the regression results

77 The plot equation dialog box

78 Solve for y from the b parameter

79 Plot the b coefficient

80 Add new simple scatter plot

81 Select data for new plot

82 Adding drop lines

83 Adding a reference line

84 Copy the value for the first parameter

85 Adding a reference line

86 Lesson 5 Data Transforms

87 Using worksheet functions

88 Using the Functions palette

89 Computing statistics in cells


91 User-defined transform


93 Plot Equation


95 Contour plots

96 Picking data for a contour plot

97 Set custom bar chart colors and other graph properties Insert Graphic CellsInsert Graphic Cells Enter Color CodeEnter Color Code @rgb(255,255,255) @rgb(0,0,0) @rgb(224,224,224)@rgb(192,192,192)@rgb(172,172,172)@rgb(160,160,160) @rgb(255,224,224)@rgb(255,192,192)@rgb(255,128,128)@rgb(255,64,64) @rgb(255,240,224)@rgb(255,224,192)@rgb(255,160,128)@rgb(255,128,64) @rgb(255,255,224)@rgb(255,255,196)@rgb(255,255,152)@rgb(255,255,128) @rgb(224,255,224)@rgb(196,255,196)@rgb(152,255,152)@rgb(128,255,128) @rgb(224,255,240)@rgb(192,255,224)@rgb(128,255,208)@rgb(64,255,192) @rgb(240,255,255)@rgb(192,255,255)@rgb(128,255,255)@rgb(64,255,255) @rgb(224,240,255)@rgb(192,224,255)@rgb(128,160,255)@rgb(64,128,255) @rgb(240,240,255)@rgb(192,192,255)@rgb(128,128,255)@rgb(64,64,255) @rgb(240,224,255)@rgb(224,192,255)@rgb(192,128,255)@rgb(144,64,255) @rgb(255,224,255)@rgb(255,192,255)@rgb(255,128,255)@rgb(255,64,255) @rgb(128,128,128)@rgb(96,96,96)@rgb(64,64,64)@rgb(32,32,32) @rgb(255,0,0)@rgb(192,0,0)@rgb(128,0,0)@rgb(96,0,0) @rgb(255,128,0)@rgb(192,96,0)@rgb(128,64,0)@rgb(96,32,0) @rgb(255,255,0)@rgb(192,192,0)@rgb(128,128,0)@rgb(96,96,0) @rgb(0,255,0)@rgb(0,192,0)@rgb(0,128,0)@rgb(0,96,0) @rgb(0,255,192)@rgb(0,192,144)@rgb(0,128,96)@rgb(0,64,48) @rgb(0,255,255)@rgb(0,192,192)@rgb(0,128,128)@rgb(0,96,96) @rgb(0,128,255)@rgb(0,96,192)@rgb(0,80,160)@rgb(0,64,128) @rgb(0,0,255)@rgb(0,0,192)@rgb(0,0,128)@rgb(0,0,96) @rgb(128,0,255)@rgb(96,0,192)@rgb(64,0,128)@rgb(48,0,96) @rgb(255,0,255)@rgb(192,0,192)@rgb(128,0,128)@rgb(96,0,96)

98 Examples

99 Example 1. Grouped bar chart with error bars PlotPlot –Type: Vertical Bar Chart –Style: Grouped Error Bars Symbol values: Row MeansSymbol values: Row Means Error calculation: Standard Deviation(upper, lower)Error calculation: Standard Deviation(upper, lower) –Data Format: X, Many Y Replicates –Select Data: X : 1-GroupsX : 1-Groups Start Set 1: 2-1.1Start Set 1: 2-1.1 End Set 1: 11-1.10End Set 1: 11-1.10 Start Set 2: 12-2.1Start Set 2: 12-2.1 End Set 2: 21-2.10End Set 2: 21-2.10 Graph propertiesGraph properties –Axes Axis: Y DataAxis: Y Data Settings for: BreaksSettings for: Breaks –Break range »Check Show break »Omit

100 Result 1.

101 Example 2. Bar and line chart with two y axes Plot 1Plot 1 –Type: Vertical Bar Chart –Style: Simple Bar –Data format: XY Pair –Select Data: X : 1-X DataX : 1-X Data Bar 1: 3- Data BarBar 1: 3- Data Bar Add Plot 2Add Plot 2 –Type: Line Plot –Style: Simple Straight Line –Data format: XY Pair –Select Data: X : 1-X DataX : 1-X Data Y : 2-Y Data LineY : 2-Y Data Line Graph PropertiesGraph Properties –Axis: X Data: Scaling 0 -26 –Plots: Plot 1: Widths: Thickness: 100% –Plots: Plot1: Fills: Fill color: Custom –Plots: Plot1: Pattern and edge: Color none, pattern none Graph > Add Axis > Plot2 > Y Axis > RightGraph > Add Axis > Plot2 > Y Axis > Right

102 Result 2.

103 Example 3. Scatter plot with error bar Plot 1Plot 1 –Type: Scatter Plot –Style: Multiple Error Bars Symbol values: Worksheet ColumnsSymbol values: Worksheet Columns –Data Format: XY Pairs –Select Data: X 1: 1-X DataX 1: 1-X Data Y 1: 2-Y Scatter 1Y 1: 2-Y Scatter 1 Y Error 1: 3-Y 1 ErrorY Error 1: 3-Y 1 Error X 2: 1-X DataX 2: 1-X Data Y 2: 5-Y Scatter 2Y 2: 5-Y Scatter 2 Y Error 2: 6-Y 2 ErrorY Error 2: 6-Y 2 Error Add Plot 2Add Plot 2 –Type: Line Plot –Style: Multiple Spline Curves –Data Format: X Many Y –Select Data: X : 1-X DataX : 1-X Data Y 1: 4-Y Line 1Y 1: 4-Y Line 1 Y 2: 7-Y Line 2Y 2: 7-Y Line 2

104 Result 3

105 Example 4. Category plots PlotPlot –Type: Scatter Plot –Style: Multiple Scatter –Data Format: XY Category –Select Data: X : 1-HORSEX : 1-HORSE Y : 2-ACCELY : 2-ACCEL Categories: 3-CYLINDERCategories: 3-CYLINDER Graph propertiesGraph properties –Plots: Plot 1: Symbol: Fill color: Incrementing

106 Result 4.

107 Example 5. Symbols PlotPlot –Type: Line Plot –Style: Multiple Straight Lines –Data format: X Many Y –Data source: X : 1-pop densityX : 1-pop density Y 1: 2-female capturedY 1: 2-female captured Y 2: 3-male capturedY 2: 3-male captured Graph propertiesGraph properties –Plots: Plot 1: Symbols: Symbols type: 4-symbol, Fill color: 5-fill color

108 Result 5.

109 Example 6. Mesh & Contour plots Contour plotContour plot –Type: Contour Plot –Style: Filled Contour Plot –Data format: XY Many Z –Select Data: X : Column 1X : Column 1 Y : Column 2Y : Column 2 First Z: Column 3First Z: Column 3 Last Z: Column 195Last Z: Column 195 Graph propertiesGraph properties –Plots: Plot1: Contours: Fill: 196-Colors Mesh plotMesh plot –Type: 3D Mesh Plot –Data format: XY Many Z –Select Data: X : Column 1X : Column 1 Y : Column 2Y : Column 2 First Z: Column 3First Z: Column 3 Last Z: Column 195Last Z: Column 195 Format > Arrange Graphs > 2 upFormat > Arrange Graphs > 2 up Graph propertiesGraph properties –Plots: Plot 1: Mesh: Fill color: 196-colors, lines color: none

110 Result 6-1. Contour plot

111 Result 6-2. Mesh plot

112 Example 7. Quartile plot Plot 1Plot 1 –Type: Scatter Plot –Style: Multiple Error Bars Symbol values: Column medianSymbol values: Column median Error calculation: Maximun, minimumError calculation: Maximun, minimum –Data format: X Many Y –Select Data: X : Column 1X : Column 1 Y 1: Column 2Y 1: Column 2 Y 2: Column 3Y 2: Column 3.............. Y 20: Column 21Y 20: Column 21 Plot 2Plot 2 –Type: Scatter Plot –Style: Multiple Error Bars Symbol values: Column MedianSymbol values: Column Median Error calculation: 75 th Percentile, 25 th PercentileError calculation: 75 th Percentile, 25 th Percentile –Data format: X Many Y –Select Data: X : Column 1X : Column 1 Y 1: Column 2Y 1: Column 2 Y 2: Column 3Y 2: Column 3.............. Y 20: Column 21Y 20: Column 21

113 Graph propertiesGraph properties –Plots: Plot 1: Error Bars: Cap width: 0.0mm –Plots: Plot 2: Error Bars: Line Color: White –Plots: Plot 1: Symbols: Fill color: none, Edge color: none –Plots: Plot 2: Symbols: Fill color: Dk.Red, Edge color: Dk.Red

114 Result 7.

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