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Energy Charting and Metrics (ECAM) Tool Introduction February 14, 2012 Bill Koran, P.E. Director of Energy Analytics NorthWrite, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Charting and Metrics (ECAM) Tool Introduction February 14, 2012 Bill Koran, P.E. Director of Energy Analytics NorthWrite, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Charting and Metrics (ECAM) Tool Introduction February 14, 2012 Bill Koran, P.E. Director of Energy Analytics NorthWrite, Inc.

2 NorthWrite is a web-based technology company focused on supporting a global network of strategic partners. Business formed in 2001 Over 2,000 meters being monitored, growing by 50% in next 2 months Management team ex-Honeywell Offices: Minneapolis, Portland OR. Software as a Service o Robust database back end o User-friendly web interface Focus: Energy Markets: Commercial; Multi-location enterprise Channel: Direct, national partner network, OEM’s Intellectual Property Data/Application Management - Building information modeling (BIM) - Application Integration Framework - Enterprise Management Platform - OEM Platform/Portal Analytics - Modeling - Prediction - Benchmarking Network Operations Center - High volume, scalable hosting infrastructure - Wireless communications/hardware - Remote system data collection - Remote building control (Demand Response) Green Systems - Automated Energy Star Rating - Lobby kiosk/portal view Reporting Utility Bill Analysis - Bill capture, dissection, aggregation Energy Program Management - Project and task tracking - Metrics and program measurement Collaboration - B2B Content Subscriptions - Partners, Providers, Customers

3 NorthWrite Energy Information Management System Architecture Data Warehouse BMS/SCADA Data Other Building Systems (Fire, Security, etc.) Weather Data Logger Data User/Activity Data Application Data Accessed via Ethernet/Web Wireless Email EIMS Server(s) TCP/IP

4 ECAM—My View Desktop Energy Information System Energy Data Organizer Energy Data Summarizer/Aggregator Energy Data Analysis Tool Now becoming an M&V Platform Over 8,000 lines of code Over 200 I/O controls

5 ECAM Background Initial building blocks and core code based on automation I developed for my personal use: – Disaggregation of Timestamps – Naming of fields – Automated chart creation and formatting Time-series charts Scatter charts Calendar charts 3d charts – Conversion of utility meter data tables to list format – A notable feature is the provision of scatter charts based on PivotTables

6 ECAM Background Formal development funded by NBI, NEEA and California (CEC, PIER, CCxC) FREE Excel based tool Currently Version 2.0 Excel 2003/2007/2010 Many more metrics, charts, and features Supports PNNL “Re-Tuning” process M&V enhancements in development, funded by NEEA.

7 ECAM Incorporates Prior Research Chart Types based on the PIER report, Web- based Energy Information Systems for Energy Management and Demand Response in Commercial Buildings (2003) Point Naming convention from A Specifications Guide for Performance Monitoring Systems monitoring/specifications/pdf/PM%20Spec%20Guide%20Version%201_2007-03-23.pdf

8 May 2002 LBNL/CEC Web-Based Energy Information Systems

9 LBNL EIS Survey June 2009 Data Visualizations

10 X-y scatter plotting was not a common or standard visualization capability in 2003, and while it has grown some it remains an under- supported feature in today’s EIS solutions. Given their power in facilitating diagnostic troubleshooting it is discouraging that only half the tools surveyed include x-y plotting.

11 ECAM Charting Features, partial list Time series X-Y (scatter charts from PivotTable!) Daily load profile 3D and Surface Calendar load profiles Box Plot Load Profiles Schedule Input Confirmation

12 ECAM Metrics Daytype and Occupancy Metrics Occupancy and Month-Year combination Daytype and Month-Year combination Frequency Distributions and Histogram Data Summaries Ratio of typical low to typical high demand Percentiles: Max, 95, 90, 75, median, 25, 10, 5, minimum Std. Deviations: Average, ±1, ±2, ±3

13 ECAM Features Automatic data pre-processing Normalization W/SF cfm/SF kW/ton gpm/ton Equipment status inferred from current or kW Easy aggregation to totals/averages Hourly Daily Monthly Annual

14 ECAM M&V, In Development Scatter charts for daily totals/averages Scatter charts for hourly totals/averages Load Profile by Weekday (like RTU calculator, but with user choice of data point) Daily scatter charts for each day of week so users can easily see which days are similar Easy ad-hoc definition of daytypes like RTU calculator ‘Hourtypes’ based on input schedule

15 ECAM M&V, In Development Linear regression. Change-Point regressions 3-parameter 4-parameter 5-parameter 6-parameter Combine hourtype/daytype models into complete model

16 ECAM M&V, In Development Uncertainty Analysis Residuals Analysis Charts Annual extrapolation using TMY3 weather data like RTU calculator

17 M&V Output Charts




21 Retuning Charts are Worksheet-Driven

22 Load Duration Curve Cumulative percentage of time at different loads. For time period and daytype selected

23 Load Frequency/Histogram Actual time at different loads For time period and daytype selected

24 ECAM Links 1.ECAM Spreadsheet: file://HQ5F01/ESB/ECAM/ECAM_v2pt0dev61.xla file://HQ5F01/ESB/ECAM/ECAM_v2pt0dev61.xla 2.ECAM Description: file://HQ5F01/ESB/ECAM/CommercialBuildings_ECAM_100311.pdf file://HQ5F01/ESB/ECAM/CommercialBuildings_ECAM_100311.pdf 3.ECAM Users Guide file://HQ5F01/ESB/ECAM/ECAM%20v2%20Users%20Guide%20draft.pdf file://HQ5F01/ESB/ECAM/ECAM%20v2%20Users%20Guide%20draft.pdf 4.PNNL Retuning web site 5.Building Retuning Training 6.California Commissioning Collaborative ECAM web site

25 ECAM Can Facilitate Powerful Analyses “Bill, These plots are very telling… I wish I had some of these figures earlier. I just completed a textbook… wherein I would have liked to have included some of these figures.” T. Agami Reddy, Ph.D., Arizona State University

26 A New Resource Applied Data Analysis and Modeling for Energy Engineers and Scientists, by T. Agami Reddy, Ph.D. Springer Science+Business Media 2011.

27 Using ECAM

28 Sample Data

29 Step 1: Define Data

30 Step 2: Map Points (Optional)

31 Step 3: Create Schedule (optional)

32 Step 4: Input Project Dates (optional)

33 Step 5: Create Metrics and Charts

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