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Joseph Dudley 12 October 2044 West London Competition Westminster Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Joseph Dudley 12 October 2044 West London Competition Westminster Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joseph Dudley 12 October 2044 West London Competition Westminster Academy

2 Housekeeping Fire procedure Toilets Eating First Aid Signing In and Out Computers & WiFi

3 The Competition The winners of this heat proceed to the UK finals in March 2015. The runners up will be considered by the UKSDC committee alongside video entries for additional places at the final. The runners up will be notified in February 2015 of the committee’s decision.

4 Schedule (Regional)

5 Schedule (Micro)

6 Your Task You will be given a Request for Proposal outlining our requirements for a settlement in space. To win the game, you need to fulfill as many points on the Request for Proposal as possible. Presentations must be handed in by 18:45/15:15 You will present your design to the representatives of the Foundation Society.

7 What to do: READ THE RFP Identify tasks Allocate responsibility Communicate Do a run through Eat Repeat WHAT needs to be done? WHEN does it need to be done by?


9 Structures Operations AutomationsHuman Factor Business & Marketing Executive

10 Available information Useful information Amount you can handle

11 Structural Overall structure Layout Safety Construction Materials Calculations Operational Infrastructure Food Electricity Communications Transportation Climate control Waste and water

12 Human Factors Atmosphere Living spaces Life Support Gravity House designs Psychological factors Automation Computer network Terminals Robots Integration Backup systems

13 Schedule Construction Occupation Operation Milestones Processes Costs Materials Staffing Equipment Transportation Construction Annual costs

14 Points to Consider Suitability Feasibility Practicalness Maintainability Scalability Cost effectiveness

15 Predicting the Future Extrapolate from the present – Terminal 5 – $4bn, 19 years – ISS – $150bn, 15 years Solar panels currently 21% efficient Roombas vacuum your floor

16 The Presentation Explain your design in detail HOW does your design fulfil the requirements? Justify decisions Justify new technologies

17 The Presentation Max. 50 slides 20 minutes Pictures – hand drawn is okay! Consistent level of detail If it’s not on a slide, it doesn’t exist Needs to be readable Page numbers References

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