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Gaming Standards: A Paradigm Shift In Slot Floor Operations June 10, 2004 Rocky Mountain Gaming Summit – Denver, CO.

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Presentation on theme: "Gaming Standards: A Paradigm Shift In Slot Floor Operations June 10, 2004 Rocky Mountain Gaming Summit – Denver, CO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gaming Standards: A Paradigm Shift In Slot Floor Operations June 10, 2004 Rocky Mountain Gaming Summit – Denver, CO

2 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Overview nGaming Industry Today nGaming Standards Association Overview n Technology Initiatives n Accomplishments n Interoperability and Compliance n Regulatory Advisory Committee nGaming Industry Tomorrow nQ & A

3 Gaming Industry Today

4 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Gaming Industry Today - Facts nSlots alone generated close to $30B last year nEvery day $1B is wagered by Americans alone nInformation Technology is key to drive our business nCasino IT executives top priorities n Improve security n Data mining analytical techniques n More sophisticated player data analysis to optimize player reward programs nSystems connect with all areas of the property Front deskGaming pitsSlot accounting system Count roomCagesKitchens Cashier countersRetail shopsHousekeeping POSEtc nYet all systems speak a different Language nOperator unaware of data details that slots can provide

5 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Gaming Industry – DATA nWhat n DATA - Needs to be accurate n DATA - Needs to be consistent n DATA - Needs to be available from all parts of the operation n DATA – Shared across multiple platforms and systems nWhy n DATA – Customer data is key to your operation n DATA – Used to grow the business n DATA - Assist in customer observations / prediction n DATA – Allows you to reward your customers appropriately n DATA - Allows you to grow loyalty n DATA – Allows you to influence customers decisions

6 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Gaming Industry Today – Lagging Technology nProprietary solutions affect Operators, Manufacturers and Regulators n Engineering takes longer than normal n Systems and components not interchangeable n Labs and regulators must stay current on multitude of technologies n Cannot quickly benefit from the technology talent pool and transfer value n Long time to market

7 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Gaming Industry Today - Inefficiencies nUnlinked systems do not provide ‘big picture view’ of the operations nChallenging to get ‘real-time’ view of their patrons activities nProprietary interfaces required n Very costly n Time inefficient n Change one part / change the other nNeed to access multiple systems to gain accurate information nIslands of information – customer data not known by other systems nDifferent terms to describe the same piece of data nLegacy systems remain in operations n Fair of the unknown n New pain of integration n Patchwork

8 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Gaming Industry Today – Conclusion How can you run an efficient business when you have such a complicated proprietary mess?

9 GSA Overview

10 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Overview – Some History nInitially GSA was incorporated as GAMMA in May 1998 with 6 members nOperators started to join the association in 1999 – GAMMA > GSA nClear mission: We facilitate the identification, definition, development, promotion, and implementation of open standards to enable innovation, education, and communication for the benefit of the entire industry.

11 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Overview - 2004 Board Of Directors ChairGregg SolomonMandalay Resort Group Vice ChairMark LipparelliBally Gaming and Systems SecretaryJohn BoushyHarrah’s Entertainment TreasurerThomas NugentJCM American Corporation Kent YoungAristocrat Technologies Joe BailoAtronic Americas Val LevitanCashCode Company Frank CiuffetelliIsle of Capri Steve SutherlandKonami Gaming Jon BerkleyTransAct Technologies Fred LychockR. Franco USA Lyle Bell Seminole Tribe of Florida Rob SiemaskoWMS Gaming Ex-officioBruce RoweVP Business Development

12 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Overview - Organization

13 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Overview - Platinum Members

14 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Overview - Other Members Gold: 3M Touch Systems, Atronic Americas, LLC, CashCode Company, Inc., Foxwoods Resort Casino, GameTech International, GTECH Corporation, Intralot S.A., JCM American Corporation, Mars Electronics International, Money Controls, R. Franco USA, Scientific Games, Transact Technologies Silver: Alliance Gaming Services, AstroSys International LTD, Atronic Systems, Cadillac Jack, Caesar's Entertainment, Casino Technology AD, Coin Mechanisms, Inc., ELO Touchsystems, Flint & K, Inc., Giesecke & Devrient America, Inc., Global Payment Technologies, Inc., Glory USA, Inc., Gold Club, Himecs Co., Ltd., Hyatt Gaming, International Currency Technology, Kare Technology, Loto- Quebec, MBDA, Mikohn Gaming Corporation, NRT Technologies, Revive Partners, LLC, SGC-Link Corporation, Spielo, Unidesa Gaming, Universal Distributing of Nevada, VGT Affiliates: Australian Gaming Machine Manufacturers Association (AGMMA), Casino Management Association (CMA), European Gaming Organisation (EGO), Friedberg & Associates, Multi-State Lottery Association (MUSL), University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) Advisory: BMM North America Inc,, Gaming Consultants International, GGS-US LTD, GLI, Molex Incorporated, Nick Farley & Associates, Renaissance Casino Solutions

15 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Overview – Membership Composition

16 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Overview – Global Membership

17 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Overview - Membership Growth

18 Technology Initiatives

19 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Technology Initiatives nBOB – Best of Breed n Developing communication standard between gaming devices and gaming nS2S – Systems to System n Developing casino systems interface standard nGDS – Gaming Device Standards n Developing internal communication standard between the processing units of an electronic gaming device and its peripheral equipment

20 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 What is BOB? nBOB = Best Of Breed nCommunications between EGMs and back-end servers nDesigned to replace existing protocols nBased on current, proven technology standards: XML, TCP/IP, HTTP, etc nSupports high-speed communications by multiple back-end servers nConsists of three components: n BOB Message Standard – version 1 complete n BOB Transport Standard – HTTPS/SOAP complete n BOB Configuration Standard – in process nCurrent workgroup focus: n Toolkits n VLT extensions n Class 2 extensions

21 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 What is S2S? nS2S = System To System nCommunications between back-end servers nBased on current, proven technology standards: XML, TCP/IP, HTTP, etc nSupports high-speed communications amongst back-end servers nDesigned to complement and support BOB nS2S and BOB use common message handling methodologies nConsists of two components: n S2S Message Standard – version 1 complete n S2S Transport Standard – in process

22 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 What Is BOB? What Is S2S? EGM Progressive Accounting Player Tracking Tickets BOB Kiosk Coin/Bill Counters S2S

23 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 What is GDS? nGDS = Gaming Device Standards nInternal communication between EGM and its peripherals nBased on proven technology: USB nComponents n Functional Requirements Specification – finished n Design specifications – in process åNote Acceptor åCoin Acceptor åHopper åPrinter åTouch Screen

24 AccomplishmentsAccomplishments

25 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Accomplishments - Technology nStandards n GSA BOB – Best Of Breed Message Protocol V1.00 n GSA BOB - Transport and Security over SOAP/HTTPS V1.00 n GSA S2S - System to System Message Protocol V1.00 n GSA GDS – Gaming Device Standard Functional Specification under review n GSA SAS™ 6.01 Specification adopted nToolkits n GSA SAS™ 6.01 Toolkit and Test Scripts released n BOB / S2S and GDS under development

26 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Accomplishments - Operations nAttracted the resources needed to support the organization n Michelle Olesiejuk - Executive Director n Mark Pace – RAC Chairman n Bruce Rowe – VP of Business development (ex-officio BOD member) n Marty Wegner – BOB Consultant (contracted) n Tony Antonucci – BOB consultant (contracted) n Russ Ristine – BOB consultant (contracted) n Jeana Hines – Technical Writer (contracted) nInteroperability Center operating in Las Vegas nEstablished GSA SAS 6.01 compliance program

27 Interoperability Testing and Compliance

28 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Interoperability and Compliance Testing nThe primary purpose: n Impartial testing facility for integration testing of GSA standards n GSA compliance – independent testing by 3 rd party against GSA pre-defined test scripts n Compliance is a performance benchmark NOT a Regulatory Approval nStandards to be tested: n Best of Breed (BOB) n Gaming Device Standards (GDS) n System to System (S2S) n Future GSA technology standards n GSA SAS™ nThree-phase rollout: n Phase I – GSA will work with single interoperability testing agency to get a solid toolkit and test script product n Phase II - GSA will open the field to other testing agencies n Phase III – GSA will periodically evaluate the performance of licensed testing agencies

29 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Benefits of GSA Compliance Peripheral Manufacturer BV1BV2CV1CV2TP1 AristocratTest1 AtronicTest2 BallyTest3 KonamiTest4 WMSTest5 Peripheral Manufacturer BV1BV2CV1CV2TP1 AristocratTest1Test2Test3Test4Test5 AtronicTest11Test12Test13Test14Test15 BallyTest21Test22Test23Test24Test25 KonamiTest31Test32Test33Test34Test35 WMSTest41Test42Test43Test44Test45 Today With GSA Standards

30 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Benefits of GSA Compliance nFor GSA Members and the Gaming Industry n Decreased time to market due to improved regulatory process n Plug and Play åMore efficient casino floor installations åReduced follow up service calls n For Regulators n Standardized protocols reduce the quantity and variety of required testing n Enables better forensic analysis to resolve disputes n Who will make it work? n The operators by requesting GSA compliance when making purchasing decisions

31 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 SAS 6.01 Compliance n Current SAS implementations are all different n Interoperability Requirements Specification (Operators Checklist) Section 1: Minimum Required Accounting and Security Section 2: Advanced Accounting Section 3: Ticketing Section 4: Real Time Events Section 5: Progressives Section 6: System Bonussing Section 7: Cashless Section 8: Tournament Section 9: Authentication Section 10: Miscellaneous and Legacy Support

32 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Achieving Interoperability GSA SAS TOOLKIT COMPONENTS GSA SAS CERTIFICATION PROCESS Interoperability Requirements Specification (Operators Checklist) Protocol Specification EGM Requirements Specification EGM Test Script Document Host Simulator Independent Test Lab Report GSA Certification Successful Interoperability on Casino Floor

33 Regulatory Advisory Committee

34 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 RAC Committee nMechanism for open dialogue between Regulators and GSA n Regulators are unwilling to formally participate in GSA due to impartiality concerns n Regulators are eager to learn about what GSA is working on and to provide input n RAC chair has been positioned as the Regulator’s point of contact within GSA n Routine one-on-one calls to each Regulatory body has been effective in identifying their concerns, creating demand for detailed information on BOB, and making headway in having regulators seek the Association’s input.

35 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 RAC Committee Protocol Comparison Document

36 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 RAC Committee Sample Page from US Technical Requirements Document

37 Gaming Industry Tomorrow

38 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Gaming Industry Tomorrow - Facts nSystems are an integral part of the operations nConvergence of Technology in gaming markets (Class 2, 3 and VLT) n System Supported n System Based n Downloadable games n Dynamic floor configuration n Cashless nOperators will have the ability to seamless compile transactional data and use decision science methodologies to model and forecast business decisions and hence retain and grow customer loyalty nIncreased operational efficiency and revenue

39 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Gaming Industry Tomorrow - Efficiencies nFreedom of choice nNo more barrier to Exit nMore knowledge of slot floor capabilities and floor control nIncreased service, support, response time nIncreased reliability nLower operational costs nLower unit cost nManufacturers simplified market access (Class 2, Class 3, VLT) nFaster product introduction into new markets

40 Rocky Mounting Gaming Summit - June 10, 2004 Gaming Industry Tomorrow - Conclusion nInvest In Independent Technology Standards nStandards Will Drive Innovation nGSA Offers Synergistic Collaboration

41 Q & A

42 Looking Forward To Meeting You All At G2E

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