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The Research Process: An Overview

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1 The Research Process: An Overview
Chapter 4 The Research Process: An Overview

2 Learning Objectives Understand …
That research is decision- and dilemma-centered. That the clarified research question is the result of careful exploration and analysis and sets the direction for the research project.

3 Learning Objectives Understand . . .
How value assessments and budgeting influence the process for proposing research, and ultimately, research design. What is included in research design, data collection, and data analysis. Research process problems to avoid.

4 Research Thought Leaders
“Listening is the front end of decision making. It’s the surest, most efficient route to informing the judgments we need to make.” Bernard Ferrari, consultant, Ferrari Consultancy, LLC, and former director at McKinsey & Company

5 The Research Process Stage 1: Clarifying the Research question
Stage 2: Proposing Research Stage 3: Designing the Research Stage 4: Data Collection & Preparation Stage 5: Data Analysis & Interpretation Stage 6: Reporting the Results

6 Stage 1: Clarifying the Research Question
Management-research question hierarchy process begins by identifying the management dilemma

7 Stage 1: Clarifying the Research Question
Step 1: Discover the Management Dilemma

8 Stage 1: Clarifying the Research Question
Step 2: Define the Management Question

9 Stage 1: Clarifying the Research Question
Step 3: Define the Research Question

10 Evaluating the Value of Research
Option Analysis Decision Theory Prior or Interim Evaluation Ex Post Facto Evaluation

11 Stage 2: Proposing Research
Budget Types Rule-of-thumb Departmental Task

12 The Research Proposal Written proposals establish Purpose Methods
Extent Legally-binding contract Timing Written proposals establish Obligations Delivery Budgets

13 Stage 3: Designing the Research

14 Stage 3: Designing the Research
Project Sampling Design Pilot Testing

15 Stage 4: Data Collection

16 Data Characteristics Abstractness Verifiability Elusiveness Closeness

17 Collecting Sensitive Data Demands Safeguards
Scotts used a healthcare management company to collect sensitive wellness data during annual health assessments to preserve participant confidentiality.

18 Data Types Primary Secondary

19 Stage 5: Data Analysis &Interpretation

20 Steps in Data Analysis and Interpretation
Reduce data to manageable size Develop summaries Look for patterns Data analysis usually involves these four actions. Researchers then interpret their findings in light of the research questions and hypotheses. The raw data alone cannot provide the insights necessary to improve decision-making. Motorola and Rock the Vote teamed up during the 2004 presidential election to use cell phone surveys to track young voters’ changing perceptions during the campaign. The PicProfile on this research is on p. 88.   Apply statistical techniques

21 Stage 6: Reporting the Results

22 Parts of the Research Report
Executive Summary Research Overview Research Report Technical Appendix Implementation Strategies

23 The Research Report Overview
Problem’s background Summary of exploratory findings Research design and procedures Conclusions

24 Research Process Problems to Avoid
Ill-defined management problem Unresearchable questions Politically-motivated research

25 Research Process Problems to Avoid
Company Database Strip-mining Favored Techniques Syndrome

26 Key Terms Census Management question Data
Primary data Secondary data Data analysis Decision rule exploration Investigative questions Management dilemma Management question Management-research question hierarchy Pilot test Research design Research process Research questions Sample Target population

27 Additional Discussion opportunities
Chapter 4 Additional Discussion opportunities

28 Snapshot: The Container Store

29 PicProfile: Emerging Research

30 Snapshot: Moms Video Insights

31 Research Thought Leaders
“Learning to ask empowering questions—especially in moments of crisis—is a critical skill that will ultimately shape the meanings you create.” Anthony Robbins founder Robbins Research International, Inc.

32 PulsePoint: Research Revelations
49 The percent of hiring managers who discovered a lie on a résumé .

33 The Research Process: An Overview
Chapter 4 The Research Process: An Overview

34 Photo Attributions Slide Source 18 James Woodson/Getty Images 20
©Pamela S. Schindler 23 Desugb Oucs/Kristy -Anne Glubish 28 Courtesy of The Container Store 29 Courtesy of Greenbook, 2012 Greenbook Research Trends Report 30 Marcus Thomas LLC; A©Brand X Pictures/Jupiterimages

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