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Water and Solutions Is water in all living things? What is it doing there?

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Presentation on theme: "Water and Solutions Is water in all living things? What is it doing there?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water and Solutions Is water in all living things? What is it doing there?

2 Water is the building block of life! Water (H2O) Makes up seventy percent of our bodies Every cell has water in it Water is the medium though which most cellular activity takes place

3 What are the properties of water Storage of energy – why is it important? – Water helps absorb heat more slowly than other substance do... heat is energy. What does water help organisms do? – Therefore water helps us keep and use energy more efficiently

4 What are the properties of water How does water help cells maintain homeostasis? – the maintenance of a constant internal state in a changing environment – Through the absorption of heat allows people to maintain bodily temperature and homeostasis through perspiration (Sweating)

5 Cohesion How do hydrogen bonds between water molecules create cohesion? – Cohesion is an attraction between like substances – The force that holds molecules of a single material together What does cohesion help form? – Cohesion help form bond that make drops or a thin film What does surface tension do? – Surface tension prevents water from stretching and breaking easily. (remember how a drop of water can move or roll around, but remain a drop of water.)

6 Adhesion What is it? – Is an attraction between different substances What is capillary action? – Capillary action is the process through which a water molecule move upward through a narrow tube, such as a plant stem Do plants need adhesion? YES! – Adhesion and capillary action is that main way a pant gains its water and nutrition

7 Solution What is it? – A solution is a mixture in which one or more substances are evenly distributed – Because many substances dissolve in water they can be easily moved or used by living organisms like people and plants

8 Acids and Bases What is an acid? – Any compound that increase the number of hydronium ions when dissolved in water. (h+) – lemon juice, vinegar, wine and batteries are all example of things that are acidic What is the pH scale?

9 Acids and Bases What is a base? – Compounds that reduces the hydrogen ions in a solution is called bases – Milk, Antacid, Soap, Ammonia What is the pH scale? – The pH scale is based on the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. – Ranging from 0 to 14 with acidic solutions being below 0 -7 and a basic solutions a pH value above 7-14 and pure water is neutral at 7

10 Agenda Create a graphic organizer for the following words: cohesion adhesion solution acid base. – Hint: Use your text to help define the words.

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