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GAP- Generating Access Permissions IJAZ AHMED advised by : NESTOR CATANO

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1 GAP- Generating Access Permissions IJAZ AHMED advised by : NESTOR CATANO

2 GAP  It takes a Java program and generates the likely access permissions  It implements a modular and static analysis of Java programs.  How it Works?  It extracts the read, write and alias information from a Java source code through AST  It generates a graph for every method that shows read, write and alias information  It traverses the graph and gathers likely information  It works in two mode i.e. Read mode and Write mode  An implementation of the algorithm as an Eclipse plug-in is on way

3 General Idea

4 Notations, Terminology and Concepts  Method Node  an abstraction to represent method local environment  Context Node  an abstraction to represent external world/other references  Reference Nodes  class fields, parameters, local variables  Object Nodes  represent physical memory of objects  Edges  Read Edge  Write Edge  Pointe Edge

5 Some Rules  General Idea  To represent the read, write and alias information with edges  Check the types of edges and number of Pointe’ edges to define access Permissions  Types of Rules  Graph Construction Rules  Pre Access Permissions Rules (Graph Traversal)  Post Access Permission Rules (Graph Traversal)

6 An Example- JAVA Program public class B{ int a; } public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, Bw ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; }

7 High Level Algorithm Make the set Z = {Fields} U {Parameters} Make the set M= object of set Z Make the set U = Z U M U { method, Context} Step 1- Create nodes for all items in set U Step 2- Apply the Pointe-Rule for elements in set Z and set M Step 3-Apply the rule Context-R if you are in mode R, otherwise apply rule Context-RW if you are in mode RW. public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y

8 High Level Algorithm Make the set Z = {Fields} U {Parameters} Make the set M= object of set Z Make the set U = Z U M U { method, Context} Step 1- Create nodes for all items in set U Step 2- Apply the Pointe-Rule for elements in set Z and set M Step 3-Apply the rule Context-R if you are in mode R, otherwise apply rule Context-RW if you are in mode RW. public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y P P PP

9 High Level Algorithm Make the set Z = {Fields} U {Parameters} Make the set M= object of set Z Make the set U = Z U M U { method, Context} Step 1- Create nodes for all items in set U Step 2- Apply the Pointe-Rule for elements in set Z and set M Step 3-Apply the rule Context-R if you are in mode R, otherwise apply rule Context-RW if you are in mode RW. public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R P P PP

10 public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R P PP High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. P

11 public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R P PP High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. P

12 public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R P PP High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. P

13 public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R P PP High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. t t P P

14 public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R P PP High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. t t P P

15 public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R PP High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. t t P P

16 public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R PP High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. t t P P

17 public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R PP High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. t t P w P

18 public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R PP High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. t t P w P

19 High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R PP t t P w R P

20 public class A { B x,y,r; public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R PP t t P w R P

21 public class A { B x,y,r; full(x), full(y),full(z),Immutable(w)  public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R PP t t P w R P

22 High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. public class A { B x,y,r; full(x), full(y),full(z),Immutable(w)  public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R PP t t P w R P

23 High Level Algorithm Step 4-For every statement s in the method body, apply a graph construction rule according to the syntax of s. Step 5-Generate Pre-Permissions by applying Pre-Traversal Rules for items in set Z Step 6-Generate Post-Permissions by applying Post-Traversal Rules for items in set Z. public class A { B x,y,r; full(x), full(y),full(z),Immutable(w)  Immutable(x), Immutable(y) public Object method1(B z, B w ){ x=w; Object t=x; y=t; z.a=15; System.print.out(x.a+w.a+t.a); return y; } Analysis of method1 z z w w x_object y_object w_object z_object x x method 1 context y y R R R R PP t t P w R P

24 Conclusion  Present Status  Can generate access permission for simple program  Tested with some examples  Under development  Future Work  Parser require further iterations to parse complex program  Mapping of GAP Specifications with Plural Syntax  Planning to run GAP on the MTTS application as a bench mark  Integrate as an Eclipse plug-in with Plural  Link 

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