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STD’s Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Anytime you see this picture, there is a very graphic slide with CDC photos coming up on the next slide!

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Presentation on theme: "STD’s Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Anytime you see this picture, there is a very graphic slide with CDC photos coming up on the next slide!"— Presentation transcript:

1 STD’s Sexually Transmitted Diseases

2 Anytime you see this picture, there is a very graphic slide with CDC photos coming up on the next slide!

3 You can still have the STD and spread it even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

4 You can still have the STD and spread it even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

5 Healthy Cervix In order to know what an unhealthy cervix looks like, it is important to know what a healthy cervix looks like.

6 (Healthy Cervix)

7 Chlamydia in Women Not all cases of CHLAMYDIA will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

8 (Cervix) Chlamydia

9 Chlamydia in Men Not all cases of CHLAMYDIA will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

10 (Penis) Chlamydia

11 Gonorrhea in Women Not all cases of GONORRHEA will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

12 (Cervix) Gonorrhea

13 Gonorrhea in Men Not all cases of GONORRHEA will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

14 (Penis) Gonorrhea

15 You can still have the STD and spread it even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

16 Trichomonas in Women Not all cases of TRICHOMONAS will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

17 (Cervix) Trichomonas

18 Not all cases of TRICHOMONAS will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

19 (Back of Mouth) Trichomonas

20 You can still have the STD and spread it even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

21 Not all cases of SYPHILIS will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR! Syphilis Rashes and Sores

22 Syphilis Sores Syphilis Rash

23 Syphilis in Men Not all cases of SYPHILIS will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

24 Syphilis (Penis)(Outside of the Vagina)

25 You can still have the STD and spread it even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

26 HIV / AIDS As HIV progresses, some victims have sores called lesions. These lesions can appear anywhere on the body. You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!


28 You can still have the STD and spread it even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

29 Not all cases of HERPES will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR! Oral Herpes

30 Herpes Simplex 1 (Oral)

31 Genital Herpes Not all cases of HERPES will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

32 Herpes Simplex 2 (Genital) (Penis) (Outside of the Vagina)

33 You can still have the STD and spread it even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

34 HPV Warts in Men Not all cases of HPV will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

35 HPV (Penis) HPV

36 HPV Warts in Women Not all cases of HPV will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

37 (Outside of Vagina) HPV

38 ANAL WARTS Not all cases of HPV will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

39 (Anal Warts)

40 Cervical Cancer Not all cases of Cervical Cancer will look like this! You can still have the STD even if NO SYMPTOMS APPEAR!

41 Not all types of HPV cause Cervical Cancer!



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