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Presentation on theme: "TAKING CARE OF BODY IAP VISION 2007"— Presentation transcript:



3 PERSONAL HYGIENE (What is it?)
It is a science which deals with promotion & preservation of health . It is preventing infection through cleanliness. It is maintenance of health and healthy living.

4 HYGIENIC PRACTICES (What are the components?)
Daily thorough bath & hair wash shd be taken Frequent washing of hands ,face and feet shd be done Teeth shd be cleaned daily and oral hygiene shd be maintained Clothes shd be cleaned and living area shd be tidy

Contact with bodily fluids of others such as feces, urine, vomit , saliva shd be avoided to prevent contracting diseases. Direct contact with animals before eating and sleeping shd be avoided. Mouth and nose shd be covered by tissue during coughing/sneezing.

Avoid unclean habits such as nose picking , touching hair and various parts of face etc. Avoid licking fingers before sticking stamps or envelopes or counting notes or picking up sheets of paper. Washing hands properly before and after eating. Water supply should be clean &adequate.

7 GROOMING PRACTICES This is done for healthy as well as good looking body parts such as – Hair – rich quality and neat hairstyle Skin – glowing and clean Teeth and tongue – avoid bad breath so that friends do not avoid you Eyes – sparkling with good vision Hands , feet and nails – extra attention is needed in Indian scenario

8 HAIR Hair are your crowning glory.
Hair should be dried properly before tying them as wet hair can become smelly. Massaging the scalp with warm oil increases blood circulation. Always brush and comb hair neatly . Losing hair is normal : it can be as much as hairs per day.

9 SKIN Bath/shower everyday Scrubbing improves blood circulation.
Clean your face of all make up and cosmetics before sleeping. Soap & water are essential for keeping the skin clean. The private parts need to be cleaned and dried well with a clean towel. Always wear clean cotton undergarments. If possible change twice a day.

10 TEETH & TONGUE Brush your teeth twice a day and rinse your mouth well after every meal. The tooth brush should have soft bristles . Gum surface should be massaged daily for few minutes. Cleaning of the tongue gives fresh smelling mouth.

11 HANDS & NAILS Wash hands thoroughly with soap &water ,before and after meals and after using washroom Hands should be dried with clean towel after washing . Grow nails only if you can keep them clean. Overuse of nail polish can damage the keratin of nail and can also chip of in food.


13 FEET Keeping feet clean daily is very important to avoid body odor and skin diseases. Give your feet a good scrub with sponge, pumice stone or foot scrubber at least once a week . After daily bath dry the area in between toes. Keep toenails clipped. Cotton socks should be preferred .

14 EYES Good nutrition is important for healthy eyes. Hence have plenty of fruits and vegetables. To prevent eye strain Do not read in strong or dim dazzling or flickering light . Do not read small or bad print. Do not read in stooping posture or while lying down. Do not read in moving vehicle. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.

15 EYES contd… Wash eyes with clean water when
traveling and before sleep. Check your vision if you have frequent headache. Refractory error must be corrected early.

16 EARS Daily washing with soap and water is enough to keep the outer ear clean. Do not put anything inside your ear like hairpins, safety pins or blunt edged things in your ears for cleaning wax or because there is itching. If wax has accumulated and is plugging or itching your ears ,consult your doctor.

17 Wear cotton under garments. Wash with soap & water after toilet.
Put this slide as optional and use only in female class MENSTRUAL HYGIENE Menstrual hygiene is very important to prevent infection, local itching & bad odor. Take bath daily, Wear cotton under garments. Wash with soap & water after toilet. “good personal hygiene” will keep you confident during these days .

18 Follow instructions given on packet.
Put this slide as optional and use only in female class MENSTRUAL HYGIENE contd… Cloth/sanitary napkin is personal choice, but they shd be clean and changed frequently as needed. Follow instructions given on packet. If cloth is used ,it should be washed well before reuse, and not used for more than three months. Cloth should be very soft .Rough or thick cloth can cause irritation & itching.

19 Put this slide as optional and use only in male class Hygiene for Boys
Under the foreskin of uncircumcised boys, secretions can collect called smegma. If you are uncircumcised, gently pull back the foreskin when you have a shower and clean with water.

20 Travelers Hygiene Drink only bottled water.
Use safe water to clean your mouth When you wash your hands, make sure they are totally dry with a clean towel before you touch any food. Don’t wash fruit or vegetables in unsafe water. If water is not safe , then boil it before drinking.

21 Few Common ailments due to unhealthy habits.
Head lice and dandruffs Bad breath & Body odor Urinary tract infection Burping and flatulence Cuts and sores Hazards of smoking Computer injuries

22 HEAD LICE & DANDRUFF Lice is an insect thriving in unclean hairs.
Dandruff are the white tiny flakes that come off the scalp due to dead skin. To prevent this wash your hair twice or thrice a week . Comb & brushes should be cleaned regularly and never shared even with friends and family. Hairs must be brushed regularly,massage scalp regularly ,this improves circulation.

23 URINARY INFECTION Girls are more prone to it due to various reasons.
Do not wear tight fitting synthetic under garments which cause excessive sweating leading to itching scratching and infection . Drink plenty of water for good amount of urine. If you hold back when want to urinate, it causes stasis in the bladder and promotes infection .

24 BAD BREATH & BODY ODOUR Poor oral hygiene & infection of gums results in bad odour from mouth . Proper brushing of teeth & oral care can prevent bad breath. Fresh perspiration, usually when allowed to evaporate does not cause body odor. Hence it is important to have daily bath and change clothes.

25 HAZARDS OF SMOKING Smoking cigarettes while cooking and serving food is unhygienic. People touch their lips while smoking and may contaminate food. Smoking encourages coughing and infection. Passive smoking is injurious to the health of all persons who are around a smoker.

26 CUTS & WOUNDS Cuts and sores can provide an ideal place for infection.
Wounds must be completely covered by waterproof dressings. Water-proof dressings will also help prevent from going septic.

27 COMPUTER INJURIES put this in simple language with symptoms
Due to poor sitting postures & improper workplace. Typical injuries are: - Carpel tunnel syndrome - Posterior cervical dorsal syndrome (Computer back) - Lumbar stress & strain

28 Factors compounding problems
Prolonged hours of use without respite in between Obesity Lack of physical exercise Poorly designed chairs Oddly angled tables Inattention to ergonomic properties of computer. Disregard to already existing health problems


30 Prevention of computer injuries
1] Adopt proper sitting postures. 2] Support easily compromised areas of the body. 3] Don’t sit too long at your desk. 4] Recognize the psychological stress of your work could be altering your posture. 5] Improve your overall fitness level to make your muscle strong & flexible. 6[ Stretch & relax your tight muscle & strengthen & tone up your back muscles.

31 NATURAL WORK POSTURE Back supported by chair,back>90degree and well supported. Chair seat should not compress behind knees. Feet firmly on the surface for support. Head balance on neck. Poplitial angle>90 degree. Upper arm close to body & relaxed. Elbow angle> 90 degree. Wrist natural <15 degree.


33 KEY MESSEGE “Keeping your body clean is important for health & for your self esteem.” “Personal hygiene is very important because no one likes to be close to a person who stinks and is dirty. so whoever you are & wherever you go remember: Wash your hands before you eat & your feet before you sleep”


35 Immunization in child hood
All of you have been given shots when you were small babies and children How many of you remember these shots ?!! Ask your parents to give you the details of what shots you were given. This is important because if some of you have missed these vaccines then you need to take them NOW .

36 Vaccines that are missed in child hood
These vaccines can be taken in adolescent age if missed in childhood after consulting your doctor Tetanus MMR Typhoid Hepatitis B Chickenpox Hepatitis A

37 Immunization in the adolescent age group
There are some vaccines that were given to you in your child hood which need what is known as BOOSTER DOSES to continue the protection in your teenage years and adult age These vaccines are for Tetanus, Diphtheria, Typhoid , Mumps,Measles and Rubella ( German measles ) Ask your parents to talk to your doctor regarding booster doses

38 REFERENCES add ref for the computer and posture and immunisation
1] Adolescence & Family life education M.K.C. Nair pg 11,29-36 2] Adolescent care 2000 &Beyond M.K.C. Nair & Ranjan Kumar Pejaver Adolescent girl &gynecological problems Pg 56 –61 3] Adolescent Pediatrics PGD-AP Part I university of keralapg140 4] hygiene :

39 Continued……… 5]Kids health 6] Personal hygiene 7] Personal hygiene 8] Personal hygiene

40 Continued……… 9] Personal hygiene
10] Personal Hygiene 11] Personal Hygiene


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