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Summer 2009 URG MBA Program Chapters 1-3. Establishing a Venture Most start-ups fail – Why? The idea Demand? Need? Benefit provided? Management Team Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer 2009 URG MBA Program Chapters 1-3. Establishing a Venture Most start-ups fail – Why? The idea Demand? Need? Benefit provided? Management Team Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer 2009 URG MBA Program Chapters 1-3

2 Establishing a Venture Most start-ups fail – Why? The idea Demand? Need? Benefit provided? Management Team Experience Example: CEO Larry Hsu Legal and Financial Advisors

3 Business Structure Sole proprietor Limited liability Corporation Partnership LLC (Limited Liability company) Each type uses different: Documentation Regulations/Laws/Taxation SBA

4 Financial and Business Planning Business Cycle—What makes it tick Financial Statements Balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities Income Statement Income/Revenue and Expenses/Costs Cash flow Statements – Importance? EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) EBIT Examples

5 Accounting and Actual Cash Flow Timing between sales and payment receipt Cost of doing business Credit card fees Barters Based on market price Example: Web page design and maintenance/Advertising Accounting depreciation Leasing and relying on credit from suppliers

6 EBITDA Earnings before interest, depreciation and Amortization Used in companies that have a high value in equipment Disadvantage : does not include maintenance of equipment Does not affect cash flow—does affect taxes and tax reporting

7 Financial Projections Forecasting cash needs Valuation of the company Compare actual performance to forecasts Gives creditability and reliability to your forecast Issues Markets are difficult to predict Promising a % increase must be substantiated Conservative estimates or not?

8 Policies Pricing What are some strategies? R & D Cost Credit How much and to whom? Establishing your own Dividend Affects cash balances

9 Cost Structure Analysis Break-even Point Be conservative here Establishing Fixed and Variable Costs Fixed costs are easy to establish/consistent Variable costs? Energy Costs Shipping, etc. Establishing what could and/or should be outsourced Cost of establishing your business network Who will be your business partners?

10 Strategic Planning Market analysis/feasibility Start-up costs R & D costs Consider target markets Test market? Decision making Establish a process Use a decision tree

11 Strategic Alliances Anti-trust issues Go to and search for AT&T funny video Look for the one that looks like a diagram Application to today’s markets? Banking Communications Transportation Car makers

12 Business Plan Great resource – SBA – Components: General description Business goals Product description/Service description The management team Current status Summary of financial projections Financial resource requirements

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