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Are you ready? Don’t forget plates also!

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Presentation on theme: "Are you ready? Don’t forget plates also!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you ready? Don’t forget plates also!
Integument Review Are you ready? Don’t forget plates also!

2 Apocrine VS Eccrine 1. Eccrine duct to pore on surface 2. Apocrine
Ducts empty into hair follicles Associated with pheromones in underarm & pubic areas

3 Cause of a suntan Melanocytes make melanin in response to UV exposure

4 Characteristics of papillary layer
Top part of dermis Projections called dermal papillae Pain receptors Touch receptors Blood vessels

5 Complications of 3rd degree burn
Associated dangers - Dehydration - Electrolyte imbalance - Circulatory shock

6 Function of sebum Oil made by sebaceous glands
- Lubricant for skin - Kills bacteria Most with ducts that empty into hair follicles

7 Functions of skin Protects deeper tissues prevents desiccation
helps in heat regulation Makes vit D Excretion of waste

8 How are fingernails made?
Scale-like modifications of epidermis Heavily keratinized Stratum basale under nail bed - Responsible for growth

9 How does body cool off

10 Layers of hair & how produced
Cuticle – outside; transparent; heavily keratinized; scaly; gives elasticity & resiliency Cortex – middle; rope-like proteins; if exposed – moisture loss, unravel, split ends Medulla – inside; support structure

11 Male pattern baldness results from what body chemicals?
Scientific name for baldness – Alopecia

12 Order of epidermis strata layers

13 Parts of a fingernail Free edge Body Root of nail
Eponychium – proximal nail fold that projects onto the nail body

14 Rules of Nines Way to determine the extent of burns
Body is divided into 11 areas for quick estimate Each area represents ~ 9%

15 Medical terms: bedsores, cancer, bruise, redness
Decubitus ulcer Melanoma Hematoma Erythema

16 Skin problems caused by
Virus Fungus Bacteria Allergies Inflammation of sebaceous glands Inflammation of hair follicle Cold sores Athlete’s foot Boil or Impetigo Contact Dermatitis Acne Boil

17 4 types of membranes & examples
Cutaneous membrane - skin Mucous membrane – inside mouth Serous membrane – covering organs Synovial membrane – certain joints

18 3 pigments of skin color Melanin Yellow, brown or black Carotene
Orange-yellow from vegetables Hemoglobin Red from blood cells in dermis Oxygen content determines redness

19 Tissue type of external skin layer
Epidermis – outer layer Stratified squamous epithelium Often keratinized

20 Visceral vs parietal Words to describe each layer of serous membranes
V – on organs P – lining outer wall

21 Pleura, pericardium, vs. peritoneum
Peritoneum - Abdominal cavity Pleura - Around the lungs Pericardium - Around the heart

22 What are dermal papillae?
Projections called dermal papillae in Papillary layer of dermis Fingerprints

23 Melanoma mole looks like
A = Asymmetry Two sides of pigmented mole do not match B = Border irregularity Borders of mole are not smooth C = Color Different colors in pigmented area D = Diameter Spot is larger then 6 mm in diameter

24 What is composition of sweat
Mostly water Some metabolic waste Fatty acids and proteins (apocrine only)

25 What’s happening in each stratum?
1. Stratum basale Cells undergoing mitosis Lies next to dermis 2. Stratum spinosum connections to adjacent cells 3. Stratum granulosum granules of keratin 4. Stratum lucidum Occurs only in thick skin 5. Stratum corneum  Shingle-like dead cells

26 What is keratin, where is it found
Waterproof protein Added by Stratum granulosum Found in hair, nails, skin

27 What is melanin, where is it found
Pigment made by melanocytes in stratum basale Found in skin and hair Protects nucleus from UV

28 Mucous membrane location
Body cavities that open to the outside

29 Where are the three kinds of dermal receptors found?
Free nerve endings In dermal papillae Meissner’s corpuscles In dermal papillae. Pacinian corpuscles In reticular layer

30 Which kind of membrane is all connective tissue
Synovial Membrane

31 Which layer(s) has no blood supply

32 Which layer(s) insulate(s)

33 Which receptors are for pain (temp), touch, pressure?
Free nerve endings pain Meissner’s corpuscles touch Pacinian corpuscles pressure

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