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Jenna graham April,27th,2015 Global Geo 12 (B)

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1 Jenna graham April,27th,2015 Global Geo 12 (B)

2 What is Acid Rain ? Acid Rain is a form of rainfall with atmospheric pollution. Acid Rain is mainly caused by the burning of fossil fuels like coal, the waste gases such as sulfur and nitrogen oxides, mix with atmospheric waters which eventually collide and form into the rainfall we know as Acid Rain.

3 Who does this affect ? Acid Rain isn’t like your normal acid. This form will not burn your skin or through metals. However, this form of acid will damage water, forests, plants, animals and buildings that are made from limestone or marble. Acid Rain flows into streams and marshes, falling onto forests, fields, buildings an directly falls onto aquatic animal habitats.

4 Acid Rain on our waters:
A lot of our bodies of water suffer from low pH levels, which means they suffer chronic acidity. Acid Rain causes acidity to 75% of the acidic lakes and about 50% of the acidic streams. Acid rain causes effects that harm and kill fish, reduce fish population numbers and completely kill off all fish species from a water body. As acid rain flows through soils in a watershed, aluminum is released from soils into the lakes and streams located in that watershed. So, as pH in a lake or stream decreases, aluminum levels increase. Little Echo Pond, is one of the top acidic lakes reported. The pH level is recorded at 4.2.

5 Acid Rain on our forests:
Over the past few years, it has been noticed that a lot of trees and plants are dying or have died. Due to the amount of Acid Rain in the forests, it has slowed down the growth of our forests and have caused significant damage to the vegetation life. Pollution, insects, disease, drought and very cold weather, also have a huge impact on the vegetation life as well as the Acid Rain.

6 Acid Rain on our plants:
Acid Rain harms plants the same way it does to our forests. Much like the forest, pollution, insects, disease drought and cold weather also affect plants just like Acid Rain does. It is believed that the longer the leaves are exposed to the Acid Rain, the leaves are stripped of their nutrients causing plants to die faster.

7 Acid Rain on our animals:
Acid Rain more or less affects aquatic animals such as : Frogs, fish, clams and salamanders. The way Acid Rain affects the animals, is the same way as it affects our waters. The pH levels sky rocket. After a pH level of 5, fish eggs cannot hatch and if they do, they are deformed fish.

8 Acid Rain on our buildings:
Acid Rain more or less has an impact on buildings made of limestone, marble and bronze. Acid Rain ruins mostly monument, statues and tombstones. Acid Rain can impact vehicles as well. Most manufactures use acid-resistant paint at an average cost of $5 million for each new vehicle.

9 Acid Rain on human health:
Acid Rain does not affect humans like normal acid would. This form of acid will not burn you. It looks, feels and taste like normal rain. Walking or swimming in Acid Rain has more of an affect on humans than walking or swimming in clean water.


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